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RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 18:54
BTW.. I think NO game is worth $50 / £49.. NONE.. complete ripp-off IMO.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 19:00
I' ll pay anything for Shenmue 3. ANYTHING, YOU HEAR THAT SEGA?!?!?!?! SEGA Playing = Shenmue ...what?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Aug 06 11:01:32 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 19:06
I had a dream I was playing shenmue 3....I really need to stop that obsession...
Chee Saw
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RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 19:22
ORIGINAL: dasher232 I had a dream I was playing shenmue 3....I really need to stop that obsession... How was it? You now have more insider information than most fanboys claim to!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 19:24
Lol thats probably true...funnily enough I remember it being really long but exciting still...am I crazy now
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 05, 2006 21:48
BTW.. I think NO game is worth $50 / £49.. NONE.. complete ripp-off IMO. Get yourself another, hobby! Thats simply the stupidest thing i ever heard! You pay 10$ to go to the movies! Thats to hours of entertainment! You pay 50$ for a game, most are beyond 10 hours of entertainment, including multiplayer and unlocking secrets! You simply dont understand how the buisness work! Games have to cost that amount of money in order for it to be worth the effort to developers!
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 05:15
Well i have my doubts about GoW, the game looks nice allrigth, but im afraid the game is being rushed to meet the PS3 launch date, no prerelease demo, maybe 8 players online aint that bad but it could be better, alot better, i mean it seems like MS is using GoW, why not realising the game until 2007 whit 20 players online matches, or more veicles, or more weapons THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE GAME OF THE YEAR FOR HEAVENSSKAKES, but hell no, that game is gonna be out Nov. 12 either its done or not, and they are gonna patch the rest of the game later and charge us for that, I REALLY HOPE THATS NOT THE CASE BUT THATS WHAT I FEEL ITS GONNA HAPPEND about the low Cell yields thats just to be espected, yet ist under control, thats just the way it is whit brand new tec. and they are talking about REAL CELL CHIPS u know thoese whit 8 funcional SPE´s clocked at 4.2GHz. the cell the PS3 uses have only 7 funcional SPU´s clocked at 3.2GHz. and thoese yields are way better and improving everyday. 3 months ago i was so hyped about Dead Rising, N3 and GoW, but then i play the N3 demo and i really didnt like it, so i said, ok, its cool, not a prob. but then DR gets a bad score, (i mean 7.5 its not quite a bad score but im not paying 60 dlls for it) and now i get the feeling that GoW is being rushed, please no¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ YET THERE IS STILL HOPE, i wanna play Splinter Cell: DA now¡¡¡¡ that game looks so sweet, the online mode, OMG¡¡¡¡¡¡ cant whait for that one and Mass Efect the rest of the 360 games are either on PC or out of my plans.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 5 Aug 06 21:19:32 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 05:41
3 months ago i was so hyped about Dead Rising, N3 and GoW, but then i play the N3 demo and i really didnt like it, so i said, ok, its cool, not a prob. but then DR gets a bad score, (i mean 7.5 its not quite a bad score but im not paying 60 dlls for it) and now i get the feeling that GoW is being rushed, please no¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ YET THERE IS STILL HOPE, i wanna play Splinter Cell: DA now¡¡¡¡ that game looks so sweet, the online mode, OMG¡¡¡¡¡¡ cant whait for that one and Mass Efect the rest of the 360 games are either on PC or out of my plans. Why on earth do you think GoW is being rushed, MS even said no game would sháke the PS3 launch, that games looks stable, as far as i know there are no vehicles to be driven! And 8 player multiplayer aint that bad if its meant to be squad based tactics and not DM. But anyway each to his own, you choose to be dissapointed instead of looking at the bright sides. You can always find something bad about a game if you want to!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 05:43
I' m fairly confident that it' s had as much time as it would ever need to do what needed to be done and thats it wasn' t rushed.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 05:47
hey mikayd2 wasup AND looks like WE are gonna have to join forces again
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 06:12
ORIGINAL: fernandino Well i have my doubts about GoW, the game looks nice allrigth, but im afraid the game is being rushed to meet the PS3 launch date, no prerelease demo, maybe 8 players online aint that bad but it could be better, alot better, i mean it seems like MS is using GoW, why not realising the game until 2007 whit 20 players online matches, or more veicles, or more weapons THIS GAME IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE GAME OF THE YEAR FOR HEAVENSSKAKES, but hell no, that game is gonna be out Nov. 12 either its done or not, and they are gonna patch the rest of the game later and charge us for that, I REALLY HOPE THATS NOT THE CASE BUT THATS WHAT I FEEL ITS GONNA HAPPEND about the low Cell yields thats just to be espected, yet ist under control, thats just the way it is whit brand new tec. and they are talking about REAL CELL CHIPS u know thoese whit 8 funcional SPE´s clocked at 4.2GHz. the cell the PS3 uses have only 7 funcional SPU´s clocked at 3.2GHz. and thoese yields are way better and improving everyday. 3 months ago i was so hyped about Dead Rising, N3 and GoW, but then i play the N3 demo and i really didnt like it, so i said, ok, its cool, not a prob. but then DR gets a bad score, (i mean 7.5 its not quite a bad score but im not paying 60 dlls for it) and now i get the feeling that GoW is being rushed, please no¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ YET THERE IS STILL HOPE, i wanna play Splinter Cell: DA now¡¡¡¡ that game looks so sweet, the online mode, OMG¡¡¡¡¡¡ cant whait for that one and Mass Efect the rest of the 360 games are either on PC or out of my plans. Wow...
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5 Aug 06 22:13:04 >
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RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 06:18
Wow as in, " Fantastic post?" Or Wow as in " What utter BS?" He' s japanese by the way, but his name is Portoguese..  What he says about the 360 is what every other japanese person has on their mind..
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 06:22
ORIGINAL: Tiz Wow as in, " Fantastic post?" Or Wow as in " What utter BS?" Not to put words in rampage' s mouth or anything ...but I think he might mean ' ' bs' ' ..
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 06:29
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 06:54
hey mikayd2 wasup AND looks like WE are gonna have to join forces again You know im With you Lets bring this Sony army together Are there any Voulenters Lets try to recruit Majikdra6on He seems to be the Strongest Amoung them lol
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 07:38
IVE tried no GO unless u flash a bit of leg or sumthing then MAYBE just MAYBE Tiz is one of us i think..........
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 07:40
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Tiz is one of us i think.......... Is he?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 07:44
yup ONLY a matter of time dasher itz not to late for you either i mean as soon as SHENMUE 3 is Announced for the PS3 then tiz all BECOME whole again. come ON dasher u know u want to.............
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 07:50
Actually for shenmue3 I......*slaps himself* no comment...
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Gears of War Vs PS3
Aug 06, 2006 07:54
STAY NEUTRAL MAN ITS THE ONLY WAY TO BE! Sony fanism is the lowest form! It' s time has come and gone over the latter half of its gaming lifespan. Now they are mearly a kool-ade drinking cult readying up for the next Waco!
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