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Enchanted Arm
Jul 17, 2006 19:37
is anyboy here excited about this japanese RPG for 360? I have seen many trailers since 360 launched but i don´t remember anyone mentioning this game here. It´s supposed to be released outside japan this summer.
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RE: Enchanted
Jul 17, 2006 20:06
It' s turn-based.... I' m not particularly a fan of turn-based but the story interests me. Although, after having witnessed the first 10 mins of enchant arms, it looks like a typical japanese anime kind of game. The main character is always tired, and loves to eat and sleep (Goku and naruto?) His " best friend" is great at everything (Sasuke) and tends to call the main character an idiot if he gets in the way of a fight. He also jumps to the main characters help at the cost of his own well being. The main character (Atsuma, I think) is always scratching his head and laughing. It caught my eye, the first time I saw it, and has definitely seen improvements since they began developing it. I' m buying so that my brother can complete it and I can see the cut-scenes and story. EDIT: I also don' t know why they didn' t just leave it as Enchant Arm... That sounds more appealing and believe it or not, from what I have seen, makes more sense.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 17 Jul 06 12:15:00 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 17, 2006 22:51
...average Final Fantasy wanna-be.... ...certainly not worth 50 - 60 new earth credits.... ...if you like JRPG' s, you' d be a fool not to wait until november and get FFXII for around half the price..... ....visually, it looks pretty suspect too.... ....you' d think that FFXII was on 360 and Enchantment arm was on PS2....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 20 Jul 06 19:42:57 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 18, 2006 12:14
The main character (Atsuma, I think) is always scratching his head and laughing. That guy' s gay XD Seriously, he is. He hangs around that ' Sasuke' guy, literally. Uses a sexaphone to attack too. I think the South-east Asia release is the best. It' s Japanese dialouge with English subtitles. I don' t mind dubs, but I don' t really have a high expectation of this game as it is, and the dub would prolly be worse =/ Buuut...until Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey, it' s the best we can do
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 18, 2006 17:31
is anyboy here excited about this japanese RPG for 360? Yes, I am. I just hope its a good first offering of an RPG for the 360, but it does look pretty nice, I' m glad its getting a release in the all too often ignored Europe too!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 18, 2006 20:25
ORIGINAL: Byakko The main character (Atsuma, I think) is always scratching his head and laughing. That guy' s gay XD Seriously, he is. He hangs around that ' Sasuke' guy, literally. Uses a sexaphone to attack too. I think the South-east Asia release is the best. It' s Japanese dialouge with English subtitles. I don' t mind dubs, but I don' t really have a high expectation of this game as it is, and the dub would prolly be worse =/ Buuut...until Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey, it' s the best we can do I think the other character uses a saxophone, Atsuma has a crazy arm and seems to be the ' Demon Fox' of the story.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 00:55
...if you like JRPG' s, you' d be a fool not to wait until november and get FFXII for around half the price..... ...duh!.. October..
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 20 Jul 06 19:43:24 >
Chee Saw
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 08:15
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...average Final Fantasy wanna-be.... ...certainly not worth 50 - 60 new earth credits.... ...if you like JRPG' s, you' d be a fool not to wait until november and get FFXII for around half the price..... ....visually, it looks pretty suspect too.... ....you' d think that FFXII was on 360 and Enchantment arm was on PS2.... Okay, first of all, the in-game scenes from Enchanted Arms look WAY better than those of FFXII (which are only slightly improved from FFX). I' ll be the first to admit that the CG scenes from FF look AMAZING, but Square/Enix has a HUGE budget for cutscenes as this is the core of their games. The cut-scenes from EnArm look pretty amazing too (though not as good). Second, why should somebody " wait" for FFXII? Can' t they get both? Enchanted Arms looks to bring something fresh to the table, and you shoot it down? Why? If someone has a 360, why shouldn' t they pick it up? Third, why should FFXII cost " half the price" ? Is it releasing for $25 or $30? Fourth, Leeann Tweeden is HOTNESS, and since I mentioned her name my observations are more valid than yours!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 09:39
quote: ORIGINAL: Byakko quote: The main character (Atsuma, I think) is always scratching his head and laughing. That guy' s gay XD Seriously, he is. He hangs around that ' Sasuke' guy, literally. Uses a sexaphone to attack too. I think the South-east Asia release is the best. It' s Japanese dialouge with English subtitles. I don' t mind dubs, but I don' t really have a high expectation of this game as it is, and the dub would prolly be worse =/ Buuut...until Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey, it' s the best we can do I think the other character uses a saxophone, Atsuma has a crazy arm and seems to be the ' Demon Fox' of the story. Whoops, sorry! I thought you were going through all 3 ' main' characs Yeah, Atsuma is the one with the demon arm. The other guy with the yellow hair is the gay one XD Okay, first of all, the in-game scenes from Enchanted Arms look WAY better than those of FFXII (which are only slightly improved from FFX). I' ll be the first to admit that the CG scenes from FF look AMAZING, but Square/Enix has a HUGE budget for cutscenes as this is the core of their games. The cut-scenes from EnArm look pretty amazing too (though not as good). Although the FFXII ones are jaggy, but they ARE better than the mega-chunky ones of Enchanted Arm. From the trailer, besides the facial expressions, the rest of the character models are worse than Jade Empire' s (even the fingers are bigger!).
Chee Saw
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 11:08
ORIGINAL: Byakko Although the FFXII ones are jaggy, but they ARE better than the mega-chunky ones of Enchanted Arm. From the trailer, besides the facial expressions, the rest of the character models are worse than Jade Empire' s (even the fingers are bigger!). Now that I' ve rewatched it, you may be right, but my point is that the difference is negligible, and that eNaRM looks SWEET! It' s an RPG for God' s sake! Graphics are one of the least important aspects of an RPG. What I' m saying is that eNaRM looks like a good game. The story looks cool, and the battle system has some innovation in it that looks worth while. If you HAD to choose between that and FFXII, maybe the FF game would be a better choice, considering their pedigree and budget for that title, but who here HAS to choose one or the other?
Game Junkie
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 12:11
I don' t touch anything that' s turn based and japanese. Even if it' s a good game, there' s always better for my dollar. Its all in the gameplay for me, if I wanted to watch impressive cinematics I' d watch FF: spirits within... o.k. bad example.
Chee Saw
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- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 19, 2006 15:14
ORIGINAL: Game Junkie ...if I wanted to watch impressive cinematics I' d watch FF: spirits within... o.k. bad example.  Advent Children would DEFINITELY be a better choice!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 20, 2006 17:27
What I really can' t stand is how the Battle System is though. It' s not that I don' t like grid-maps. That' s great in TACTICAL games like FFTactics or possibly Disgaia (sp) BUT, having the random encounters of FF AND a grid map that you have to set-up each and everyone time, is REALLY pushing it. I' m talking sloooooow and repetitive progression there. At least with the usual progression you just get repetitive.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:07
I' m getting Enchanted Arms,why? cause i really want a JPRG.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:19
Is it out before n3? cos if it is I might get that to ease my wait.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:20
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:22
This could be my next Skies of ArcADIA... but I am not too sure.. I don' t think anything in my eyes could beat it. C' mon.... Cutlass Fury? Pirates Wrath? Prophecy? Ramirez???? The game was just beautiful.. Speaking of which.. because of the lack of JRPG' s on the 360 I have started playing old ones... No, not Final Fancrappy... but Skies of Arcadia!!! What other game lets you battle in a giant ship? Any JRPG' s that AREN' T turn based on the horizon?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 21 Jul 06 17:22:40 >
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:30
Yes,ROuge galaxy,it look fucking amazing,but only coming to PS2. And ofc it work on a ps3...  son of a b...
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:38
I wrote an email to msoft about their abuse of fps on the 360 and they wrote back saying.. Hello, Thank you for your e-mail. Âs Your input is greatly appreciated, and I will make a note to have your ideas put into the proper channels. Âs At this time I cannot guarantee anything, but I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for bringing this possible game deterrent to our attention. Thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Care I also said something about how great it would be to see shenmue 3 lol.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 22, 2006 01:40
Hehe.. dasher, don' t be surprised when funny things start happening to your live account... I think you may have hit a nerve in M$. So I suppose I won' t see you online for ages....lol
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