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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 22:31
No but I am Bishonen`s friend!!! Oh dear god, that thing has friends?! I' ve lost all hope.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 23:38
BISHONEN,then dl ghe new 720 p videos at Xboxyde. And check out the game yourself. Looks much much better then FF12.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 3 Aug 06 15:41:29 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:03
I' ll put the recent screens of the 720p in-game versions of Enchant Arm tonight, finally got the blasted PowerDVD thingy to work..
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:36
Oh dear god, that thing has friends?! I' ve lost all hope. ...iiiehhh?? ...saaaay whaaaaat????...    BISHONEN,then dl ghe new 720 p videos at Xboxyde. And check out the game yourself. Looks much much better then FF12. ...you' ll need to post a link as i couldn' t locate that vid... ...i did d/l IGN' s latest vid and it seems to look better than it does in static screen shots (because of HD?).... ...actually i' m beginning to feel that i don' t know as much about this game as i should (maybe)... ...do you have any links to recent full reviews of this game?..... ...mind you majik did TRASH his version of the game.... ..but surely a game can' t be that bad can it?.... edit: ...what did it score in famitsu?....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 3 Aug 06 17:57:56 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:41
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:44
Majik also runs around the house naked when we get creamed at G.R.A.W. A little too much info methinks.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:50
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Majik also runs around the house naked when we get creamed at G.R.A.W. A little too much info methinks. On the contrary, we NEVER get creamed at G.R.A.W.. Hehe.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 01:52
Lol phew thats a very good thing then.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 03:33
ORIGINAL: Tiz ORIGINAL: dasher232 Majik also runs around the house naked when we get creamed at G.R.A.W. A little too much info methinks. On the contrary, we NEVER get creamed at G.R.A.W.. Hehe.    ... ...mind you majik did TRASH his version of the game.... Shiny visuals do NOT make a good game. Enchanted Arms (or whatever it' s being called for it' s western release) is about as good as Perfect Dark Zero. Granted i didn' t have a clue what was going on and the story is a large element in any RPG, but everything from the cutscenes, the animation to the character models and general design was sub-par. I will NOT be buying the localized version. The reason many (not just Tiz and Quez but loads of 360 owners) are talking about this game is because it' s summer and there are no games being released. Dead Rising releases soon (next week in the US and between the 25th and the 1st in Europe) and in the weeks that follw there will be a steady stream of awesome looking 2nd generation titles right up to November and Microsoft' s big efforts to make a dent in Sony' s sales. Since March when we got Oblivion, DoA4, GRAW, Battlefield 2 etc there' s been very little released that' s been worth looking at. Chrome Hounds looked awesome but turned out to be a niche game, Battle For Middle Earth 2 isn' t for everybody, Table Tennis and Prey however kick ass. That' s why GRAW Chapter 2 was such a relief!!! Anyhoo, FF12 looks awesome and definatley looks better than both 9 and 10 (including the spin off). I guess it' s just a shame it has to be played on Sony' s tired old console.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 07:00
. I guess it' s just a shame it has to be played on Sony' s tired old console. ...not really... ...for those gamers out there who won' t be going next-gen for a while, it' s something of a god send....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 3 Aug 06 23:00:55 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 07:06
ORIGINAL: Bishonen . I guess it' s just a shame it has to be played on Sony' s tired old console. ...not really... ...for those gamers out there who won' t be going next-gen for a while, it' s something of a god send.... Granted. I' ll probably still buy it but the kind of attention it would require is putting me off. I have Dead Rising, then Double Agent and Rainbow Six, then Gears of War, then DoAX2, then whatever else on 360, ...THEN Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, Red Steel etc... It' s going to be an expensive holiday! I just need to see what PS3 will have at launch before i can finalise my decision not to buy on day one. If something like DMC4 majikally appears at TGS and is a launch title then i' m going to take out another loan and get the big numb machine.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 07:28
People dont forget that Matsuno,is the one sakaguchi wanted to take over the FF serie,he is one of the old school FF guys,and yes he did FF12,however he isn' t gonna do FF13. And he never worked on FF8 or FF10,as kitase done and now doing FF13. DOWN WITH KITASE!!!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 08:45
The English version will have the option to choose Japanese voice overs! Hurrah! Now those of you that want to slate me for buying this... Slate me. Hey Quez... It has Japanese voice overs!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 08:52
The EU version?
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 04, 2006 11:52
Er.... Yes?
Jessica Spencer
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- Joined: Jul 24, 2006
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 07, 2006 23:15
Imagine if it had Japanese talking people on one level and then when your brought to the next level you have to replay the level you just did in an English version... Then your like " cool" I`ve never seen anything like this until you relise you`ve all ready done this level. Gas............
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 07, 2006 23:21
But what would be the point?
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 08, 2006 00:15
amazing posts as always Jessica keep up the good work!! :) Granted. I' ll probably still buy it but the kind of attention it would require is putting me off. FF6, FF7 , FF8 and FF9 did not require attention - these games were grabbing/stealing your time/attention and you never wished you' d spend it on another title. I hope FF12 is just as good. With it' s art direction, I don' t care what next gen holds - this game next to Okami will be easily on par if not much better than all the new HD titles when fun is considered.That or I' m totally fuckin wrong (about FF12 - cause Okami is a certain winner) :) Sony is doing one thing nicely - their systems last and last.Xbox has been rendered useless a long time ago,GCN is without new games and waiting for Zelda on it is strange at least.At the very same time Sony with their PS2 have FF12 , Okami, Yakuza (shenmue-like game? yes please) and then some. Just like PSX - FF9 came out in the end of it' s lifecycle. The coolest thing is that buying PS3 allows you to play those games in HD - so it' s not like PS3 owners will be bored with motorsport only.Still I couldn' t care less for the PS3 at that time :)
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 08, 2006 07:22
Sony is doing one thing nicely - their systems last and last.Xbox has been rendered useless a long time ago, ...tell me about it  ... ...that' s why i went and got a slim PS2... ...' cause ex-box has been TOTALLY abandoned... ....i also didn' t like how MS were forcing me to go High Def either... ...okay you can play 360 on a SD tv, but ure not really getting the best out of the $300 you paid for it are you?.... ...besides my wallet is in no good shape to be able to handle HD for a while anyway  ..... With it' s art direction, I don' t care what next gen holds - this game next to Okami will be easily on par if not much better than all the new HD titles when fun is considered.That or I' m totally fuckin wrong (about FF12 - cause Okami is a certain winner) :) ...yeah, i have a sneaking suspicion that it could steal the " Game of the Year" crown from under GOW' s nose.... ...especially so if shooters are not your bag... ....i' m still annoyed that we' re being made to wait so long for it though.... ...anyhow, here' s a nice large video preview that 1up did when the english language demo came out to download.... ....and their gameplay only vid they did also... ...just hold your controller up to your computer and pretend it' s the full game  ... ...check out the awesome music too!.... 
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