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Cheap model PS3 a better value.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 22:23
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 22:35
Wasn' t that established at the beginning of this thread? I remember someone quoting a Sony official who said the price drop was never going to happen outside Japan.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 23:01
ORIGINAL: UnluckyOne Wasn' t that established at the beginning of this thread? I remember someone quoting a Sony official who said the price drop was never going to happen outside Japan. Yeah, it was me. I' m posting it again because some people failed to register it earlier in the thread.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 23:04
I don' t know if you' ve discussed this earlier in the thread but why a price cut only in Japan?
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 23:25
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I don' t know if you' ve discussed this earlier in the thread but why a price cut only in Japan? Because they' re a tight bunch and Sony will be worried about Wii, especially considering Nintendo' s success with DS.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 23:35
I' m no PS3 fanboy, but I think it' s hilarious how everyone was harping on the PS3 for costing so much. Then when the price does actually lower and the features increase, websites like the one linked to above say it' s a sign of weakness.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 26 Sep 06 0:36:11 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 25, 2006 23:40
The PS3 IS expensive and the lower price IS weak. The initial price was too much even though the technology inside is worth much more. Most people aren' t ready to pay that much just to play videogames. But lowering the price in areas where they think they will meet tough competition shows that Sony has little faith in their product. Btw, has it come to the point where people have to start their post with I' m no PS3 fanboy, but
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 25 Sep 06 15:46:25 >
Mass X
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 00:32
Fuck man 14 pages and this thread started only 2 days ago? I aint even gonna bother trying to catch up... I have a feeling tho that those 14 pages can be easily summed up...
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 01:28
I hope the ' core' PS3 model comes to uk, maybe now it is launching in march they will have some units of both model to go around. I always wanted the core over premium except the lack of HDMI, and sony' s lack of comment about it in UK.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 02:24
Joe,i agree and dissagree. If you gonna skip european launch,you could atleast give us something as a compensation. Now you may think we dont have a right to it,but this is SONY,foucs on games for the jkapanese market,give them price cut and take that money back from europe where its ovepriced up to 900$ It pisses off alot of people. They favor Jpn market way over USA,and EU they could care less about,even though the winner in EU wins the console war.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 25 Sep 06 18:25:46 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 02:30
ORIGINAL: Mass X I have a feeling tho that those 14 pages can be easily summed up... Erm, bleh! That' s probably a good account.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 03:12
um... the silence is amazing, I swear I could hear you guys shouting while I was sleeping this morning.  Glad the kinks in the thread are worked out. Yeah Mass, you really don' t need to read pages 2 through 13, it' s just not worth the brain damage. I think the 20 gig is a better value, but I think it would have been more financially sound for them to drop the price in UK or US. In Japan, for the time being, we can pretty much rule out the 360 in our figures. In JP, the main competition is likely to be the Wii, a console set at $250 us. (I don' t know exact japaneese figures) and the core ps3 was set at roughly $500 us. (again, exact japaneese figures I can' t remember) do they really think a comparitavely tiny price drop is going to make people think that the PS3 is a bargain? in the US however, the average (read: dumb) consumer sees two consoles in that 400 dollar bracket, and thinks the ps3 is new, & a little bit more expensive, so it must be a better deal right? I' m just trying to think like the average consumer.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 25 Sep 06 19:14:10 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 07:57
...OMG... ..... Terry & Rampage99, you guys SERIOUSLY need to get Adam to show you how to lock threads...  ...
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 08:30
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated in the US however, the average (read: dumb) consumer sees two consoles in that 400 dollar bracket, and thinks the ps3 is new, & a little bit more expensive, so it must be a better deal right? I' m just trying to think like the average consumer. I agree with that and in a way... a weird way, a consumer may think yeah my machine is more expensive so it must be better and go bragging about buying (and being able to afford) a expensive console (meant not in vale but cost comparatively for a gaming console). I knew some people who loved to show off what they could afford
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 10:58
I agree with that and in a way... a weird way, a consumer may think yeah my machine is more expensive so it must be better and go bragging about buying (and being able to afford) a expensive console (meant not in vale but cost comparatively for a gaming console). I knew some people who loved to show off what they could afford Yeah, well, I never said the average consumer was all that bright. I saw a guy trying to convince a timid sales associate that the EDTV he was looking at was true HD, something with the fact that it was LCD, and that it had " pixels" . I couldn' t resist going over and explaining to him. He looked a little stunned that someone was actually correcting him, and was as confident as he was.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 12:11
When I see someone who likes x360 over PS3, I don' t call them a fanboy, I just feel pity for them. They simply have no understanding of what' s good and not and if they cant make the right decision (PS3) on simple things such as videogames, then you can imagine how pathetic their real lives are. But that is besides the point, PS3 will dominate wether you like it or not. Get used to it.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 26 Sep 06 4:16:50 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 13:38
ps3 isn' t even out, I feel sorry for anyone who made up their mind between the two.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 14:50
I have to admit that out of all the games that are out right now, Xbox360 definitely has a far better library than the PS3. Next year.... we' ll see what' s out then. Neither system can compete with the Wii, though. Why not? The Wii has the Weather Channel. And that' s what gaming is all about.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 26 Sep 06 6:50:30 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 17:56
fukk the wii.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 26, 2006 17:58
Neither system can compete with the Wii, though. Why not? The Wii has the Weather Channel. And that' s what gaming is all about. Fuck yeah! And the ability to buy old games that same most likely already paid for once
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