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Cheap model PS3 a better value.
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Evil Man
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Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 02:30
" Ken Kutaragi announced that the 20GB version of PlayStation 3 will come with one HDMI port, and the 60GB version will have two HDMI ports for super letterbox display on side-by-side HDTVs. The 20GB version will be sold for 49980 yen in Japan on November 11, 2006." 49980 yen = $428 = Bluray Player, Brand new Console, 20GB Hard Drive, HDMI. If that PS3 comes out in the US for $400-450 Xbox360 is dead.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 23 Sep 06 18:34:02 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 02:43
Too bad its $500. Odd that someone who enjoys raining on everyones parade is so optimistic though...
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 02:44
We' ve always gotten console prices cheaper in the US than Japan, if its costing $428 there it' s pretty safe to say it will be $400 here. $400 or $500 it' s still better than the competition. Xbox360 + HD DVD Drive = $600, no HDMI, lol.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 23 Sep 06 18:56:59 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 03:12
We' ve always gotten console prices cheaper in the US than Japan, if its costing $428 there it' s pretty safe to say it will be $400 here. $400 or $500 it' s still better than the competition. Xbox360 + HD DVD Drive = $600, no HDMI, lol. So ture if the japs get an price break than I am sure we will see on two Well I hope Any way. But if the ps3 comes with an nice 400 450 price tag than hell 360 is in trouble better bring out halo 3 fast
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 03:21
If both USA+JPN get price cut they can fuck themself forever sony. No ps3 at all for me then.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 03:36
Evil nub fails to think before he posts. Well, maybe he does think and is just that stupid. It is a bit tempting to get a PS3 just for the hell of it though. But it would spoil our room by looking like someone dropped a load next to our 2 monster DLP tv' s. too bad it doesn' t support dual 1080P output like sony once claimed. It isn' t going to be worth the wait in line or extra price on ebay and by the time it is easy to get one the novelty factor will have worn off and it will just be what it is. A pile o' pooh.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 03:45
I wouldn' t say this makes the PS3 better than the 360 but now it' s not as stupid as it was before. This makes the battle much more even. The PS3 does have Blu-ray and HDMI but the 360 has way more good games out when the PS3 launches. Being on the market first is a great advantage and the 360 is getting some real killer-aps soon. And even though it is because it lacks HD-DVD the 360 is still cheaper. With two different HD formats being introduced on the market today I think it' s great that Microsoft offer this kind of choice. But whatever, it' s not like the PS3 would' ve sold bad with the older package/price.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 04:53
Loco you' re 13, you couldn' t get one anyway, and you can' t drive a car to go wait in line anywhere either, don' t act like its an option for you. ORIGINAL: ginjirou And even though it is because it lacks HD-DVD the 360 is still cheaper. For what you get x360 is more expensive actually, pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 04:55
Its not. 360 prem in Europe 470 USD. Ps3 prem in Europe 800-900 USD.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 05:04
Europe is a non-factor.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 23 Sep 06 21:04:54 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 05:13
Europe is a non-factor. Yup, I agree, Screw Europe... Everyone there are cavemen anyways... They don' t play videogames over there... Yup... Pretty much... Y' know, for a second, I thought you' d actually gotten past that whole superiority complex thing. Xbox360 + HD DVD Drive = $600, no HDMI, lol PS3 + $70 games + no rumble + late release, lol
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 23 Sep 06 21:25:02 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 05:24
Why everyone keeps saying that it won' t affect Europe? It' s a great value for money 430$ for PS3 with HDMI 1.3 and 20 GB HDD (with actual 20GB of space!!!) is much better than component equiped 360 with 13GB HDD and DVD.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 05:27
PS3 + $70 games + no rumble + late release, lol What proof do you have of $70 games? Oh, you don' t have any, you pulled that out of your ass. LOL @ this fanatic MS fanboy fantacizing about high priced games to belittle PS3' s obvious superiority in features and in price. It' s game over for 360, get over it.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 23 Sep 06 21:31:08 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 05:53
Yup, right out my cornhole. And if me and Kaz turn out to be wrong, which has happened before, then you' re not contesting the fact that it has been delayed for almost a year, had rumble and dual 1080 cut, had totally pre-rendered game video' s that were slated as gameplay, won' t have anywhere near their stated launch quantities, and a price that has been called " expensive" and " cheap" by the same group of people. Yeah, PS3 is gunna ownzxor ur b0xx0rz dood! Cuzi ts g07 @ bu1lt 1n r0flc0pter!
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 23 Sep 06 22:11:38 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 06:13
ORIGINAL: Evil Man ORIGINAL: ginjirou And even though it is because it lacks HD-DVD the 360 is still cheaper. For what you get x360 is more expensive actually, pretty ridiculous if you ask me. My mistake. The 360 isn' t cheaper, I meant it costs less. Many people don' t think about what they get for the money, they just think about the price. Blu-ray isn' t on most peoples minds right now so I think it' ll be a tough challenge to get mainstream customers to buy a costly PS3 just for the sake of Blu-ray. Especially when you see the huge amount of amazing titles on the 360 shelves and the PS3 shelves barely have any games worth buying. Buying a PS3 at launch is stupid. Wait until there' s some good games out, that' s when the PS3 is getting some REAL value.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Sep 06 23:36:55 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 08:30
U guys are sodamn dumb, the PlayStation 3 has huge value, notjust will be abe to play on-lie whitout fee, or play all your ald PS/PS2 games, or play 1080p movies out of the box, u wil also be able to healp figth the cancer and all that shit. As harware the PS3 s FAR better tha the xbox360, i would be damned not to po ick that brand new hardware day one.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 08:41
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Yup, right out my cornhole. And if me and Kaz turn out to be wrong, which has happened before, then you' re not contesting the fact that it has been delayed for almost a year, had rumble and dual 1080 cut, had totally pre-rendered game video' s that were slated as gameplay, won' t have anywhere near their stated launch quantities, and a price that has been called " expensive" and " cheap" by the same group of people. Yeah, PS3 is gunna ownzxor ur b0xx0rz dood! Cuzi ts g07 @ bu1lt 1n r0flc0pter! That article doesn' t say they are $70. Until someone actually comes out and says " PS3 games are $70" you can STFU. Thanks.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 24 Sep 06 0:44:43 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 08:45
Didn' t Riiide raceeer say that ps3 game can cost 60-100?
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 08:48
Buying a PS3 at launch is stupid. Wait until there' s some good games out, that' s when the PS3 is getting some REAL value. I' m still waiting for xbox360 to get some good games. According to your logic xbox360 has no " Real" value either.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 08:56
Pgr3 was a good racing game ffs. Kamoe was a good plattform game also.
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