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Cheap model PS3 a better value.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:07
You talk with Bengt Theodors Gustafssons grandson you retard. My reletvies has been mayors over stockholm for over decads. I can buy wtf i want biatch. If i ask my mom nicely but enough about that. I get what i want,ps3 is delayed because they don' t give a fukk abotu us here and take it for granted., So them can fuck themself,and they have showed nothing that makes you must have a ps3. Also its already been announced by Starbreeze studios that " the darkness" will have better textures since 360 GPU has 512mb video memory and ps3 256m. So that multiplattform games has adv with the 360.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:07
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL ps! it' s also fun how you seem to think " Tony hawk" is gonna be a great game,good taste you have " SKATERBOY" . You seem to think Enchanted Arms is a great game, is that because you can identify with the homosexual character because you' re gay too? Ok, Fag boy
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 24 Sep 06 2:08:04 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:08
Wait,didn' t you buy EM also? So you' re a skating fag now? Wow... omg [:' (]
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:09
I think the game is garbage - You actually like it. That' s the difference, faggot.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:10
It has a AVG ratio of 7/10. But you' re the idiot who buy a heavly influcened japanese RPG. and then realise it didn' t suit you. Wow,waste your money even more plz.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:11
360 and everything on it *is* a waste of money, you' re right I have been wasting my money on that shit thats why Im moving on to Ps3.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:13
Good,stay there plz. Can' t wait to play some rainbowsix and gears of war with my pals Majik and ...wtf was his name again who started on " T" ? anyway him and majik. And all my AWESOME rpg' s IS COMING to 360. And Evil man don' t act likejust by owning the 360 you are " objective" . I could get a ps3 anytime i want when march comes i just have to work on the garden with my mom.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 24 Sep 06 2:13:46 >
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:14
I' m sure you can you fucking little mommy' s boy faggot.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:15
I kick ass with the girls,quez knows how to get them in bed.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:17
So you' re saying you fuck your mom now? I didn' t need to know that. I can imagine Quez: Mom I want a ps3!!! Quez' s Mom: Only if you fuck me in the ass real good. Quez: .... ok.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:20
Girls= my mom? Are you retarded? Yes you' re. But enough about that,i have to go now, its 03:12 here.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:24
Girls= my mom? Is she a man? Quez has 2 dads? LOL
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 24 Sep 06 2:24:31 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 10:27
ORIGINAL: Evil Man ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on PS3 is more powerfull than x360. The multiplatform games will be superior on PS3. It' s that simple. Erm, no. You need to stop there. Actually, yes. You need to stop fantacizing. Actually no, Sony have taken you in with theoretical bullshit. CELL is capable of more than Xenon, but since Xenon comprises of 3 general purpose cores and CELL only 1, supported by 8 SPE' s (six accessible, 1 for redundancy and 1 for OS security), making use of available processing power is easier in the case of Microsoft' s machine, even if CELL is both faster and capable of performing more calculations. RSX is a fucking joke. It' s an off the shelf G70 that' s been slightly overclocked. Xenos is a generation ahead and pisses all over the NVIDIA card. PS3' s main memory is bottlenecked in that 256MB is available to the processor and 256MB is available to the GPU. CELL can render the whole 512MB but that' s also not a possibility for game use and so can be dis-regarded. 360' s main memory is unified, so the GPU and CPU can render as much of the available 512MB as they require giving developers much more freedom. On top of the 512MB main memory, 360 also has 10MB of etremely fast eDRAM, specifically for anti-aliasing and texture buffering. 360 has far more available bandwidth, and the scaler chip handles the machines video output so unlike PS3 there' s no strain on the processor. PS3 comes out ahead on papare as far as floating point math is concerned, integer and vector math are more important for game code. As it is CELL' s SPE' s have no cache, no direct access to the main memeory, no branch predictor and a very different set of instructions to the general purpose core. Simply put, CELL is not ideal for game programming, and that' s where Sony' s machine ultimately falls down. CELL is ideal for an environment where 12.5% of the work is general-purpose computing and 87.5% of the work is DSP calculations. That sort of mix makes sense for video playback and networked waveform analysis, but not for games. Ths is something multiple developers have noted. Then there' s 360' s DX10 features that have yet to be used. In reality 360 > PS3
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 11:20
In reality 360 > PS3 Correct, also * > Evil Nub
The Mega Cartridge
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 11:32
Being a fan of a corporation is like rooting for your favorite fungus. I can understand being passionate about your favorite developers and designers, but the console manufacturers would just as soon sell us blank discs if they thought we' d buy them.
Evil Man
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 13:33
I' m not " passionate" about sony - it' s just that Xbox360 sucks ass, I know because I have one. And I have no interest in last-gen consoles (Wii) so my only option is PS3. Loco you are just desperate for attention aren' t you. Kill yourself.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 14:01
Whats with all the hostility? You' re all acting like you guys actually have stock in one of the Corporations that build the fucking things. You want me to tell you who will win the " console wars" this gen? ALL OF THEM! Because Sony,Nintendo and MS are all very good at taking our money, they' re all going to make a hefty profit. The corporate execs for these three platforms must have big fucking grins on their faces when they manage to get millions of dip shit fanboys arguing over who should take our money. Theres no such thing as a superior platform. Its purely a matter of preference. Even if we argue, piss and moan ' till we' re blue in the face... When did it become about the hardware instead of the games? It seems that that' s all anyone is talking about. I can understand a lot of us are a little stressed being back in school and all but shit man, if I wanted an immature argument I would talk with my brother.
Ninja Dog
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 14:18
I' m not " passionate" about sony - it' s just that Xbox360 sucks ass, I know because I have one. And I have no interest in last-gen consoles (Wii) so my only option is PS3. Loco you are just desperate for attention aren' t you. Kill yourself. Okay, that' s it, that' s FUCKING IT! I' ve stayed back and watched for the last 4 pages and more to your goddamn noob ranting and zealous trash talk, but this is fucking it! ' Desperate for attention' ?! You use Laurence Fishburne as an avatar! You rant and piss over the 360 when the thread is about MGS/Blue Dragon/Lost Odyssey/Bioshock/Wii and nobody is even THINKING about you! When people argue with you with specs, you ignore it because you know you can' t argue on it and just disregard it with ' PS3 rules! 360 FUCKING SUCKS!' You little over-zealous, juvenile, incessantly prattling piece of shit. Shut up, get the fuck out of this BOARD, this SITE, and never darken this webpage again until you grow some BALLS and can debate like a man instead of some doped-up fanboy with a hard-on in his goddamn HEAD. You think you' re bitching?! Well, I' m the only goddamn real BITCH in this whole board so you' re taking it up with ME now boy!
< Message edited by Byakko -- 24 Sep 06 6:29:30 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 14:25
The Mega Cartridge
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value.
Sep 24, 2006 14:27
That' s actually Laurence Fishburne, not Sam Jackson.
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