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 Cheap model PS3 a better value.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:09
Gangsta,i have around 10-15 irl friends ,not including anyone here then ofc.

But Majik is still one of my friends,its nothing wrong with having online friends.

Majik and me kick ass over XBL beside kicking ass at kikizo.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:10
It' s really stupid to say you' d kick someone' s ass with ease , when you know it won' t happen - that' s why both of you seem silly.

I' d never guess what?! The person, or the fact?!

The fact of someone laughing at your posts is not hard to guess

Quez - didn' t you block me? It just occured to me that you actually see what I write.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 25 Sep 06 1:13:18 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:11
Everybody Shut Up!

I' ll go down the friggin list if I have to, PM-ing every one of you personally just to tell you to stop acting like you' re all four. Christ! We' re already split in two here, people having fits whenever possible. So I' ll make it very simple for all of you who feel the need to rebuttle every stupid comment made by someone else.

STEP ONE: If you don' t like somebody, block them, and forget about them.
STEP TWO: Talk about games in the game section.
STEP THREE: Keep your testosterone laden agenda' s off the forums.
STEP FOUR: See step one.

Grow up alright? It' s bull like this that are makes the forums less and less fun for people like me. If I want tasteless verbal abuse, I' ll take a jaunt to the forums at Gamespot.

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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:13

ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated

Everybody Shut Up!

I' ll go down the friggin list if I have to, PM-ing every one of you personally just to tell you to stop acting like you' re all four. Christ! We' re already split in two here, people having fits whenever possible. So I' ll make it very simple for all of you who feel the need to rebuttle every stupid comment made by someone else.

STEP ONE: If you don' t like somebody, block them, and forget about them.
STEP TWO: Talk about games in the game section.
STEP THREE: Keep your testosterone laden agenda' s off the forums.
STEP FOUR: See step one.

Grow up alright? It' s bull like this that are makes the forums less and less fun for people like me. If I want tasteless verbal abuse, I' ll take a jaunt to the forums at Gamespot.

As much as I understand you Eddie, I wouldn' t waste your energy.

The only thing that really stops a downward spiral of a thread like this is for it
to be locked.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:14
I tried to get back on topic on page 8, then Gangsta decided to continue the argument.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:14
WTF is this thread about anyway?
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:16
Still that makes me wonder how could you know Tiz? :)

As pointless as it is - this just keeps happening and Team Kikizo is always there to support their hopeless leader.

Oh I guess some part of Team Kikizo has balls , cause Tiz isn' t blindly following Majik and his pointless attacks on less known users like Mikayd and others.

I tried to get back on topic on page 8, then Gangsta decided to continue the argument.

You wanted to stop it or you wished for it to stop after you said who' s stupid , who' s an idiot and who has no credibility?

I' d love to see how you tried to stop this.

like I said - get a life
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 25 Sep 06 1:18:32 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:17


Still that makes me wonder how could you know Tiz? :)

As pointless as it is - this just keeps happening and Team Kikizo is always there to support their hopeless leader.

Oh I guess some part of Team Kikizo has balls , cause Tiz isn' t blindly following Majik and his pointless attacks on less known users like Mikayd and others.

And he' s still going.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:19
Majikdra6on it is good to see Someone Shut you up. And he seems to be ass Smrt as you are. But he hasent insulted you not even one time. ( Well in this thread anyway ) Wheres that shit talking Majikdra6on you know the crap you say After I post lol

Today is an good day lets have some cake and Ice Cream

You wanted to stop it or you wished for it to stop after you said who' s stupid , who' s an idiot and who has no credibility?

I' d love to see how you tried to stop this.

He' s got ya there
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 25 Sep 06 1:20:05 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:19
Gangsta you have been attacking me since i got a 360,don' t blame majik for stuff that you do.

It wasn' t you who sended me a PM asking me to take it easy and talk it over withou using bad workds and profanity,it was majik.

Even today i still have my grudge with you,for acting like a shithead when i joined.

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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:20
I guess it worked at some point cause your posting is much better (english) - you bother to check some words now.

What a shame you forgot that majik attacked you when you got here and I was the one to tell him that it' s an international forum and he shouldn' t flame you for mistakes :)

Gangsta you have been attacking me since i got a 360

Is that what you think or what Majik wanted you to write?

I said it' s stupid to get a TV that won' t work with 360 out of the box.It' s hard to deny that.

You' ve been posting a lot of crappy comments on a serious fanboy level - just like this thing with BLACK ASS - now that I think of it maybe you didn' t realise how fanboy your opinions sounded.But when you post something it' s there and it shows who you are.

Why would I hate you for getting a 360?

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 25 Sep 06 1:24:38 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:20

As much as I understand you Eddie, I wouldn' t waste your energy.

The only thing that really stops a downward spiral of a thread like this is for it
to be locked.
Thanks for the support, but if no one else does it, we get tons of free-for-all threads like this one turned into.

I tried to get back on topic on page 8, then Gangsta decided to continue the argument.

Just don' t reply then. Why waste energy over something that gets you nowhere y' know? I respect you, I really do, but sometimes you (and everyone here) just need to take a few steps back, and move on.

WTF is this thread about anyway?

Sony adding HDMI and making their 20 gig model better.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 25 Sep 06 1:21:44 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:20
Mikayd2 STFU,you' re probably the worse sony fanboy here,or atleast was,i remember your retarded post' s about 360 being crap and ps3 gonna kick some ass,and there is no good 360 itle.s

People like you really suck.

Keep your close minded xbox360 hate to yourself in the future.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 25 Sep 06 1:21:37 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:22
maji Also sent me an pm A long while ago I' ll post it for you

Its all good to me man I am Happy

No worries buddy. I guess because i am in a relatively fortunate position in the industry i take things a little too seriously. If i snap at people it' s generally meant in a sarcastic way and it' s not like i' d even take anything somebody said on a fourm to heart anyway.

Kikizo really needs more users, but the more we get the more idiots come and start stupid threads like Sabrewolf has done. Nobody keeps the balance and we don' t have mods here so for the most part when an argument breaks out everybody chips in and the thread keeps getting bumped.

Like i said, no worries. You should post more often though!

Majik sent me that 16 May 06 19:38:02

Back then I thought we were cool

I Love Sony and that is an fact
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 25 Sep 06 1:23:42 >
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:24
Okay thanks Majik, now it' s your turn...

Quez/Mikayd, I' ll try being polite, you' re not acting mature, and neither of you are getting anywhere. Just leave each other alone. If you' re gonna rumble, meet up and kick eachother sensless in Power Stones, but do you have to do it here? Some of us are more interested in gaming.

I sound like some freakin televangelist here, but this is my theory. Start over, screw all the dumb stuff you' ve said to each other, and try to act civil for a change.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 25 Sep 06 1:26:06 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:25
I talked with you over XBL?


We was cool then,we was gonna play some games etc.

ANd you was happy with yur 360,then the next day you come in and basically trash the 360 like hell,and ovberhyping ps3 again.

The problem with people like you is that you can' t hold some things to yourself.

Instead of saying,wow this game look crap!

Say that your a not pleased with the graphic and explain why.

And also,dont trash a whole console just because you dont fancy 1 -3 games that uou have.
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:28

No worries buddy. I guess because i am in a relatively fortunate position in the industry(...)

Majik - that shit is hilarious :)

Good night people :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 25 Sep 06 1:30:27 >
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:33


WTF is this thread about anyway?

Someone tried to make a thread about the PS3 SKU being better value than
the 360 SKU, from the word " Start" this thread has been about provocation.

There was never anything that made sense..

- Why start a thread about something that doesn' t even apply to the country
you live in
, but automatically makes the version you are going to buy all the
more appealing?

- Everyone knows the said thread starter, is the symbol for unnecessary
provocation so as to remind everyone of his general purpose and the fact he
must stay true to his user name.

- You can' t talk sense to deaf ears. Has anyone ever tried communicating with a
deaf person that can' t lip read? It also really doesn' t work if the main benefactor
also has a terrible knack for prising people from their mute holes.

- Arguing for someone' s entertainment, can' t be all that pleasing.

The thread was started late on Saturday and we have (so far at the time of typing):

234 replies and 1454 Hits

That' s more than anything video game related that has been posted at around
the same time. I thought this was the gaming section?

I' m not even going to be biased about this situation, but it' s the people that have
the most to say who are the cause of this.

It really isn' t that hard to spew nonsense from your mouth, but it is a lot more
taxing to make sense, and the brain works a lot harder in that respect.

I liken the silly arguments in this thread to those of drunk people; they are the
most excited but come off the worse for wear.

With TGS and everything, I thought we would be able to discuss games, but clearly
people would rather take more interest in trying to rip apart people they don' t even see..... EVER!

As the saying goes " Empty vessels make the most noise" and those of you
that had everything to say proved how empty-headed and noisy you really are.

This applies to everyone that was in the fray of this.

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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:35
I' m also going to sleep,tomorrow i don' t want someone continue this brawl/fight.

Let leave this thread to what it was supposed to be.

and fukk...G...Gan ....Gang...
Ah nvm i wont say it today. gn people
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RE: Cheap model PS3 a better value. - Sep 25, 2006 09:47



WTF is this thread about anyway?

Someone tried to make a thread about the PS3 SKU being better value than
the 360 SKU, from the word " Start" this thread has been about provocation.

There was never anything that made sense..

- Why start a thread about something that doesn' t even apply to the country
you live in
, but automatically makes the version you are going to buy all the
more appealing?

- Everyone knows the said thread starter, is the symbol for unnecessary
provocation so as to remind everyone of his general purpose and the fact he
must stay true to his user name.

- You can' t talk sense to deaf ears. Has anyone ever tried communicating with a
deaf person that can' t lip read? It also really doesn' t work if the main benefactor
also has a terrible knack for prising people from their mute holes.

- Arguing for someone' s entertainment, can' t be all that pleasing.

The thread was started late on Saturday and we have (so far at the time of typing):

234 replies and 1454 Hits

That' s more than anything video game related that has been posted at around
the same time. I thought this was the gaming section?

I' m not even going to be biased about this situation, but it' s the people that have
the most to say who are the cause of this.

It really isn' t that hard to spew nonsense from your mouth, but it is a lot more
taxing to make sense, and the brain works a lot harder in that respect.

I liken the silly arguments in this thread to those of drunk people; they are the
most excited but come off the worse for wear.

With TGS and everything, I thought we would be able to discuss games, but clearly
people would rather take more interest in trying to rip apart people they don' t even see..... EVER!

As the saying goes " Empty vessels make the most noise" and those of you
that had everything to say proved how empty-headed and noisy you really are.

This applies to everyone that was in the fray of this.

And it took you this long to say that?!

You want to talk TGS and games?! There are 2 threads dedicated to TGS, one for Microsoft and one for Sony. Go discuss it in there.
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