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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 27, 2006 21:17


Majik i went down and bought BMFE2.
Meet a lot of english people in the store,wtf?

And they was looking for xbox360 games,and i recommend Oblivion and its greatness explained my withness,they laughed like crazy.

Then i realised is that good or not

They were probably launching at your haircut...

I dunno, English people suck ass, Israelis KICK ass and Quez ownz ass.

What game did they actually get?!

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 27, 2006 22:37

Do you have a 360 yet?!

Nope, I' m afraid not. This and Dead Rising will be some of the first games I will get for it, though(even if my brother does get one and some other games).

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 27, 2006 22:57


Anywhooo, now I' m confused...

One person says get all three, another says get all but the first, then I am told to just ignore the second.

Just pray, and the answer will come. Go to confession and ask God:

" God, I want to buy a game that involves.... assassination, do I buy all three or the
latest installment? The latest installment gives me a choice to be good or bad, but
both sides still involve killing.. But if I get all three, it will help me realise what is
wrong with the world... so...

Do I buy all 3 and be 3 times the assassin, or just by the fourth and be an
assassin with a conscience that still kills???"

F*ck.... now I am confused...

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 28, 2006 11:02
Ok, so after purchasing (for both myself and Quez) ' GRAW Chapter 2' and spending some serious time with it both offline and on i' ve decided to air my opinion of this particular DLC but i' m only going to detail the 4 new Co=op Campaign maps and the new weapons.

I' m going to break it up into a couple of posts so as to minimise the risk of me screwing something up and having to do it all again.

I' ll start by explaining that ' GRAW Chapter 1' is included in the retail release of Advanced Warfighter and is separate from the main campaign. Consisting of 4 Co-op Campaign maps where you are given missions to complete. These maps are much bigger than the multi-player levels and can themselves be played online (up to 16 players) or offline in (4 player) coop.

' GRAW Chapter 2' is the first downloadable content for the game and adds more non-solo campaign content. There' s 2 new game modes, 4 new Co-op Campaign maps complete with aternative re-lit versions, re-lit versions of the original 4 Co-op Campaign maps, 5 new weapons, 2 new camouflage patterns and a couple of new character faces.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Jul 06 13:51:57 >

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 28, 2006 11:30
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Jul 06 13:50:24 >

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 28, 2006 11:57

Chapter 2 costs 1200 Microsoft Points and contains:

-4 New Co-op Campaign Maps
-8 Re-lit Maps
-2 New Game Types
-2 New Camouflage Patterns
-3 New Character Customization Faces
-5 New Weapons

I' ll detail only the 4 new Co-op Campaign maps and the 5 new weapons. I captured all screenshots used and each corresponds to the map being detailed.

2 New Game Modes (Team Blind Siege & Team Battle)


One of the things that makes GRAW such a tactical game is the ability to maintain contstant voice contact via the headset that comes with the console. Teams that don' t communicate with each other generally get their asses handed to them and that' s what makes Team Blind Siege so interesting.

One team is given the role of mounting an offensive against the opposing team which is tasked with defending a position. Things are mixed up by taking away voice communication away from the defenders but also by making the position of the waypoint that has to be defended and the team that will BE defending the position unknown until you actually get spawn into the map.

The mode hasn' t really kept me interested and is a little chaotic for my liking but it' s definately a nice addition and handy for when you just want to kill some time or mess around.


I like Team Battle an awful lot. It' s an objective based team mode where teams are required to capture and hold multiple waypoints for points. The best part of this mode is that on top of the maximum 16 human players the online game supports each team can be supported by up to 25 AI controlled soldiers. On top of the 66 " players" the game allows for, the team that controls the most waypoints is also supported by an AI controlled attack helecopter.

This mode is super-badass and is great for when the servers are both quiet and busy. Everything is alterable too meaning you can disable the helecopter or change the number of AI controlled soldiers to whatever you like.

4 New Co-op Campaign Maps


In the Co-op Campaign this is a relatively simple assassination mission where your target is an arms smuggling kingpin.

Coffee Plantation itself is very green and has lots of nicely animated grass which wouldn' t be such a big deal but the developers have added new AI attack/cover routines where enemies will lie down in the grass and won' t necessarily open fire imediately and will often take you by suprise.

Also available is a re-lit alternative set at night which makes moving accross open ground much safer and makes identifying enemies easier by using the night vision goggles.


Available in both night and sunset variations it' s the stunningly lit sunset version that makes this one of the nicest looking maps in the entire game. The lighting is similar to that seen in the main campaign as is the colour palette and locale and the sheer number of open areas means that smoke grenades are needed to complete your snatch and grab Co-op Campaign mission.

The night version feels like a dry version of dry dock and is tough as hell to complete on mission mode even when there are a large number of people playing. It' s a cool map for Team Deathmatch but is probably a little big and the number of scalable cranes and buildings make it a snipers haven.


Blind corners in the mine caverns, a multi level wooden mine complex and tons of sniping points amke this probably the best new map for multiplayer combat.

The campaign mission has you securing a rebel camp, destroying a weapons cache and then assassinating the enemy ringleader who' s holed up in the fortified wooden mine.

There' s a good combination of open areas and woodland too with the mine talking placed directly in the centre. Because of the awesome lighting in the game this level is filled with both really brightly lit areas and quiet dimly lit spots to snipe from or simply hide in when things get too hectic.


This is a very big map and is idea for large scale gun battles in almost any mode. The Co-op Campaign has you securing a warehouse facility and destroying shipments of illegal weapons but the immense number of trees make it very hard to see the enemy before you get spotted yourself meaning that you have to observe areas before you move into them, and that' s a slow process.

Any character class can excell on this map but each requires different tactics to get the job done. Online this is a hard map for snipers because even though staying concealed isn' t a problem it' s hard to see and hit enemies as they weave through the trees.

[5] New Weapons

SR-25 SD (Marksman): An SR-25 rifle fitted with a suppressor. 20 rounds per magazine, 10 magazines (increased for marksmen), Single Shot, 8x and 16x Zoom.

It makes already annoying snipers even more annoying as you can' t see the muzzle flask nor can you tell which direction the shot came from. Annoying if your hit and killed with the first round but simply frustrating if it misses and your pinned down without knowing the position of the sniper.

M468 (Rifleman): An updated version of the standard U.S. carbine uses a larger round to provide greater lethality against both armored and unarmored targets. 28 rounds per magazine, 10 magazines (increased for riflemen), Single Shot and Full Auto, 3x Zoom.

Far more accurate on semi-automatic than on full. It has good range and stopping power but isn' t a superior substitute to the suppressed M4.

M468/M320 (Grenadier): A standard M468 with attached M320 grenade launcher. 28 rounds per magazine, 10 magazines (increased for grenadiers), Single Shot and Full Auto, 3x Zoom.

Pretty much save as the above in that the suppressed M4/M320 combo is a much better weapon.

AK-47 LMG (Gunner): A modified classic AK-47 that has a 75 round drum magazine. 75 rounds per magazine, 6 magazines (increased for gunners). Fully Auto Only, no Zoom.

Because it shares most of it' s characteristics with the AK-47 this guns is almost useless at mid to long range. This is probably the worst gun available.

SCAR-H SV (Rifleman): A SCAR-H rifle with an extended barrel and improved optics, making it better for long-range shooting. 20 rounds per magazine, 10 magazines (increased for riflemen), Single Shot, 2x and 4x Zoom.

Terrible when used fully automatic but deadly at long range when used on semi-automatic. It' s a nice addition if you already like the SCAR-H.

The rest of the content is awesome too, especilly the 4 re-lit original Co-op Campaign maps and the 2 new camouflage patterns. The new face skins and face paint are rubbish and not really worth bothering with.

I bought 2100 points for myself and 2100 for Quezcatol which has cost me £35 ($65) alltogether specifically for GRAW Chapter 2 which costs 1200 and i' m definately not disappointed. The new maps (including re-lit maps) are worth the asking price alone and the rest is just a bonus. The content takes up 750Mb but i have tons of free space anyway so that' s not a concern.

What IS a little annoying is that lack of achievement points for the content. Chapter 1 had points for clearing the missions so it' s a bit of a let down that Chapter 2 doesn' t.

Overall i' m happy with the content and will almost certainly purchase Chapter 3 when it rolls around. I really hope that both Splinter Cell and Rainbow Six follow suit as having new content for a game you' ve been playing for 4 months straight is refreshing and obviously adds to the replay value of the title.

< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Jul 06 14:38:25 >
Mass X

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 30, 2006 07:18
Heres some new Splinter Cell screens plus info on the the very very sad confirmation that spy vs spy is and xbox exclusive not for 360....but the other modes sound interesting.

< Message edited by Mass X -- 29 Jul 06 23:18:52 >

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 30, 2006 09:08
Nice post Magik,

Now can we go back to talking about the awesomeness of Hitman?

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 30, 2006 22:59

ORIGINAL: Silentbomber

Nice post Magik,

Now can we go back to talking about the awesomeness of Hitman?


What' s your take on Vin Diesel playing 47 in the upcoming Hitman movie?
Vx Chemical

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 05:42

What' s your take on Vin Diesel playing 47 in the upcoming Hitman movie?

Bad very bad, not that i dont like Vin Diesel, he has a nice attitude for some kinds of movies, í really like pitch black, and Chroniccles of Riddick! But somehow i dont think Vin Diesel can be icy like 47, he is simply to cocky to do it!

Some slimmer unknown bald guy would be better!

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 08:29

What' s your take on Vin Diesel playing 47 in the upcoming Hitman movie?

Why the Gods themsleves could have not picked a more suitable actor to play Hitman.

Sure, not many actors are bald, they didnt have much choice. it was either Vin Diesel or Danny Devito.
Mass X

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 10:28
My choices would be Jason Stathem (but my only worry is he' d be compared to his role in The Transporter) or some unknown. My other idea would to get te animation crew from The Boondocks and Afro Samurai and fuck the live action altogether.

And if it were live action the director would need to be someone with a very unique style such as Michael Mann (for extremely gritty realism) or Tony Scott (for the washed out visuals with the acid trip pacing).

ANYWAYS...I was thinking since it seems Ubisoft Montreal and Shanghai seem to be trading the series around that the reason Sony iopted to not have this one is because they want the Montreal team working on the next splinter cell coming to their console.

And to be honest I just threw that statement out so as to connect this post with the thread topic.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 31 Jul 06 2:33:14 >

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 11:09
But DA looks fucking awesome, ...why would Sony pass it up?!

Personally i suspect that due to how well CT performed on Xbox, that Microsoft flat out paid for next gen console rights.

It could have something to to with Assassins Creed though. Perhaps a period of exclusivity for the two titles on the two machines with 360 getting DA 6 months before PS3 and 360 getting Assassins Creed 6 months after PS3...

I want to know whether GRAW is still coming to Sonys machine.

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 19:46
The August editon of Gamepro apparantly confirms with Ubisoft that a PS3 version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent is in development and will release next year.

The 360 version has been delayed by a month from September to October so should still hit a month before PS3. Both games will use the same engine and shader models meaning that they' ll look virtually identical. That means the PS3 version should look just ike the 360 version...


SOOOOOOOOOO, with Splinter Cell and Vegas confirmed it' ll be interesting to see if GRAW is still hitting the console. If so then i' ll be looking to rip into anybody who sleted the 360 version but praises the port.


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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 20:14
I just hope the SP is big,if they gonna end the serie here,dont rush it.

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 20:19
I don' t really see where they could take splinter cell to after this game but I hope they don' t rush it even if it isn' t the last one.

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 20:23

ORIGINAL: dasher232

I don' t really see where they could take splinter cell to after this game but I hope they don' t rush it even if it isn' t the last one.

I know, ...i was thinking the same thing. Hopefully the series will continue with a new operator once Sam has " retired" .

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Jul 31, 2006 22:08
Well,we all know it wouldn' t be the first company who say this is the last bla bla,and then make everyone buy it,and then say,oh but the fans demanded another sequal...

However if its indeed the last one,i mean...well just look at assassin creed,its basiccaly sam fisher but in medival time.
Mass X

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Aug 01, 2006 02:09

However if its indeed the last one,i mean...well just look at assassin creed,its basiccaly sam fisher but in medival time.

Supposadly midevil times....
< Message edited by Mass X -- 31 Jul 06 18:11:39 >

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RE: Sam Fisher: Silent, Deadly and Bald - Aug 01, 2006 02:13
Assassins creed' s setting seems to be really interesting ... Time travel anyone ???
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