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 Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware.
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Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 05:26
I don' t know if you' ve noticed this , but most Wii games look terrible.I would expect them to look at least as good as the best current gen games , instead , they look worse.

The reason for this is simple - Nintendo said it' s not about visuals - it' s all about gameplay.Those stupid fuckers (3rd party developers) didn' t really understand what that was suppoused to mean.

I want to see games that look as good as Doom 3 on Xbox - this should be fuckin easy.

I will be terribly disappointed if most Wii games share mediocre graphics.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 05:29
Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, Mario Galaxy and Red Steel look great but some are definately lacking in the expected visual polish.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 05:35
wouldn' t you agree that Red Steel is far from unachievable on Xbox?

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 05:43


wouldn' t you agree that Red Steel is far from unachievable on Xbox?

Possibly. I' d say that most of it could be replicated on Xbox but their would be aliasing and the textures wouldn' t be as sharp. I' m not sure about the character models, Xbox could definately handle them as far as their polycount but the textures are unlike anything seen on Xbox and i' d be surprised if they could be done perfectly.

Red Steel is certainly acceptible for a launch title.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 05:50
I guess launch title is a good axcuse , but still the only thing that looks " new" in Wii visuals is draw distance/large locations in many titles.MArio Galaxy looks great, I agree.

Chaos theory had incredibly sharp textures for a current gen game.Have you seen the newest gameplay trailer (RED STEEL) from GC?
Not all textures look sharp and it lacks " enviromental detail" .

I don' t know about this one...

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 06:33
Just checked joystiq and lo and behold...

Go Nintendo points to French gaming blog ActuJV which claims to have information from an " inside source" concerning Nintendo and its attempt to hide the real graphical power of the Wii. Perhaps to capture even more attention as we approach a final launch date, rumor has it Nintendo will take the gaming world by storm by revealing the real goods behind their system. According to ActuJV' s source, this is what has been goin' down:

Nintendo has been playing us the fool all along. They have been showing us trailers for games that have deliberately downgraded graphics compared to what the Wii can actually do. This is to create an element of surprise for the press during Nintendo' s next media event.

That next media event in discussion could be the Sept. 14 affair which Nintendo has set up in NYC. Rest assured, Joystiq will be there all day to get the goods of that event as perhaps the real Wii and games will be showcased.


So what do you think? given the quality of visuals shown, it could be believable... But is this a case of the Wii, where people thought it was to get attention, or it' d get changed back... Nice if it were true, but like this link, i doubt it' s true...
< Message edited by uumai -- 27 Aug 06 22:35:14 >

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 06:44
It would be extremely smart - first they make people familiar with GCN visuals and expectations are low , while Wiimote still get' s the love.Then they totally kick ass.

This article could be true , cause specs of the Wii hardware show much more performance power than shown games.

I hope it' s true , but it could be BS.Even this guy says it' s most likely false...

Yeah, I' m sure now - it' s bullshit :)

Anyway uumai you found it and I give you credit for that - it' s a great rumor :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Aug 06 22:47:05 >

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 07:02


It would be extremely smart - first they make people familiar with GCN visuals and expectations are low , while Wiimote still get' s the love.Then they totally kick ass.

This article could be true , cause specs of the Wii hardware show much more performance power than shown games.

I hope it' s true , but it could be BS.Even this guy says it' s most likely false...

Yeah, I' m sure now - it' s bullshit :)

Anyway uumai you found it and I give you credit for that - it' s a great rumor :)

Gangsta, you' ve been sounding ill lately. Where' s your confidence in the Big N?

I still think everyone will be pleasantly surprised with what Wii has instore for us..

The more I play my DS, the more I realise..

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 09:19
Well i won' t be expecting visuals similar to that on 360 or ps3, but i do expect that the would be noticably better then anything the previous generation is capable of. I am still hoping that the Zelda pics posted by Majik were from the GC version and we have not seen any ' real' Wii games, but i could be wrong.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 09:58
Launch games NEVER show what a console is truly capable of so why such a big deal is made of them i' ll never know.

Wii is clearly capable of more than what we' ve seen but i don' t expect any major graphical upgrades to the titles we' ve seen, it' s simply not viable.

What i DO expect is a (seemingly) left field announcement at TGS, probably hardware related.

As for the visual quality of the games, i want to see what Capcom can do with the available power. I want to see more realistic visuals and less " good ol' Nintendo" , bright as hell cartoony graphics. I want gritty games with plenty of blood. I want either an exclusive RE or another Killer 7-esque title, or even better, something new!

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 10:00
The Wii is basically a GC overclocked. It' s graphics are going to be basically on par with current gen. the Wii gmes you have sen are Wii games. They look the same as the GC except with bloom lighting on everything.
Joe Redifer

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 11:59
The PS2 can do 1080i. The Wii cannot. The PS2 anal rapes the Wii. Yes, the freakin' PS2!

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 14:05
Ive seen alot of Wii games in action VIA high res or normal Res ingame videos. So long as i can play my Wii games in progressive 480p i wouldnt be worried.

I used to play all my Xbox games in 480p via VGA.

Out of the High res 480p Trailers ive seen:
Mario Galaxy, Sonic, Excite Truck, SSB, Red Steel (The lastest Video From IGN). I can say they look clearly better than any of the Best Xbox games out there.. AND these Wii game Run at 60fps to boot.

Aslo we (me and freinds) have not long just watched the Latest 480p Wii Sonic game just After a PS3/360 720p Sonic gameplay Trailer.. And the Wii version Graphically still looked Bleedin Gorgeous in its own right.

Im not worried atall..

Infact im more confident in the Wii, as i know Nintendo have strict Policies about Game Framerates.. 60fps as standard and i feel a Supersmooth Framerate is much, much more important than Fine details..


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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 14:57
Whats the maximum resolution nearly all ps2 games run at? 640x480
And you want to display this on a 1080i HD TV? OK, what ever does it for you.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 17:13

Out of the High res 480p Trailers ive seen:
Mario Galaxy, Sonic, Excite Truck, SSB, Red Steel (The lastest Video From IGN). I can say they look clearly better than any of the Best Xbox games out there.. AND these Wii game Run at 60fps to boot.

I' ve seen those movies man -Mario loocks cool , smash bros too and Excite Trucks looks great and has very long draw distance.Other than that those games (Especially RED STEEL) couls be made on Xbox - and what' s more , the best loking Xbox games look much, much better

I don' t doubt N - I know Wii' s gonna rock, but I don' t like that devs aren' t pushing visuals above current gen (they have twice as much RAM memory and better specs)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 28 Aug 06 9:14:06 >

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 18:32
I still believe in what ATI said. That what we saw at E3 was just the tip of the iceberg. Visuals haven' t gotten much better since E3 so I expect better looking graphics than what we' ve seen. Not by much though.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 19:08
Please... no mention of Sonic and the Secret of Rings..

I love Sonic to bits, but that Sonic game? Nuh-uh.. I want full control of my
speedy hedgehog, I don' t wanna just tilt to the left and tilt to the right and jolt
when I want to jump.

That' s really the only Wii game I have a problem with..

Out of the High res 480p Trailers ive seen:
Mario Galaxy, Sonic, Excite Truck, SSB, Red Steel (The lastest Video From IGN). I can say they look clearly better than any of the Best Xbox games out there.. AND these Wii game Run at 60fps to boot.

Hmm... I' m not too sure about that. Mario Galaxy is the best looking out of all of

Sonic - No.
Excite Truck - No.
SSB - No.
Red Steel - No.

They all however (except Sonic) look like they could be loads and loads of fun.

But that statement is a bit out there saying that they look better than the best
X-box game. I think we will need to wait until launch to find that out..

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 19:15
I to agree with the lack of visual, and since Wii is supported by ATi the developer should take full advantage of the hardware and whats it capable of. So far only Nintendo are making it useful for their own, 3rd party developer are going no where, in terms of graphics and visual, the only thing that is being use is to sell those software even if the game looks crappy. I see a bad future for Wii and by sure it will turn out like Gamecube, Nintendo can only rely on Japanese consumer for their hardware and software sale.
btw I' m not bad-mouthing on Nintendo it' s just that they dosen' t hear out what us consumer want' s, it' s what they want.

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 20:15


they dosen' t hear out what us consumer want' s, it' s what they want.

On the contrary! Nintendo has seen a steady decline in gaming population and has realized that it is because
1. Previous gamers has lost interest since games no longer feel fresh
2. New gamers are intimidated by the advanced setup of buttons on traditional controllers.
On top of that the Wii will have a consumer friendly price. And the Wii will have online features because Nintendo has listened to consumers. The design has been adapted to the modern home and is appealing to everyone weither your home is big or small, or you' re young or old.
With all that in consideration, I' d say the Wii was made specifically with consumers in mind.
The PS3 however acts as a PC wannabe and is a vessel for the Blu-ray which no one asked for. The price is very intimidating too and the huge machine is not fun to place in your home. So I think your description of the Wii better fits the PS3.
Also, even though the visuals of Wii games won' t be able to compete with the PS3 or the 360, I feel that the price the Wii will sell for and the great fun you' ll have with the controller is making it worth buying one. And I think the Wii will have pretty nice visuals. We haven' t seen all its power yet and great art direction will make up for the lack of power. Advanced physics and that stuff can of course not be possible on the Wii but the Wii-mote will make up for it.
I can' t possibly see the Wii going the same way as the Gamecube. The DS was a success. And if you check surveys and polls and expectations you' ll see that people are really looking forward to the Wii.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Aug 06 12:18:12 >

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RE: Wii games will have crappy visuals and it has nothing to do with it' s hardware. - Aug 28, 2006 20:46
My friend played Red Steel in Leipzing and says it looks terrible (he said it' s a high end PS2 game) , aiming is really crappy , but he loved the sword fights.

HE also said that Wii sports tennis is awesome and incredibly addictive - he said that Wii' s as exciting as playing games for the very first time.It just needs some more work.

Visuals should improve with time , but for launch - it' s bad.The only FPS game I was looking forward to seems to be problematic in more than few areas.
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