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Lost odyssey demo next month!
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 02:50
Do you just download things and then delete them? I keep a lot of my videos though... Probably region encoded where we get the demo level a few " years" afterwards, ie. as a compilation with the rest of the game... We' ll probably get a flashy looking trailer with more in-game than your brain cares to handle..
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 02:53
ORIGINAL: Tiz Do you just download things and then delete them? I keep a lot of my videos though... Probably region encoded where we get the demo level a few " years" afterwards, ie. as a compilation with the rest of the game... We' ll probably get a flashy looking trailer with more in-game than your brain cares to handle.. Yea I delete a lot of the demos after playing them and trailers. iv' e only got a couple stored. I don' t mind if I don' t get to pay the demo just yet and get stuck with a new trailer with gameplay i' m just so surprised it' s coming 2007 considering I knew hardly anything about it before (and still do to a degree). Plus I wana see how if it can shape up to the other big names like FFX.III
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 13 Sep 06 18:55:50 >
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 02:59
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Yea I delete a lot of the demos after playing them and trailers. iv' e only got a couple stored. I don' t care if i don' t get to pay the demo just yet i' m just so surprised it' s coming 2007 considering I knew hardly anything about it before (and still do to a degree). Plus I wana see how if it can shape up to the other big names like FFX.III FFXIII will have such nice graphics, but again have another cross dresser as a main character... As the Final Fantasies go on, I must say I lose touch with each installment, as the character design is just bleugh. At least with Lost Odyssey, I can finally see a change in direction where the main characters gender persuasion is fully distinguishable... I think Lost Odyssey will have a richer storyline than FFXIII, because it' s something new, and has to survive on its own merits and kudos. Where as FFXIII, they could make the game as boring as hell in terms of story but because of that curse/blessing (however you want to see it) of a title, they can get away with blue murder.
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 04:52
This could be the best title in entire 360 ' s life cycle.I just can' t wait to hear your opinions on this demo - I love turn based RPG fights by the way :)
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 04:57
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ This could be the best title in entire 360 ' s life cycle.I just can' t wait to hear your opinions on this demo - I love turn based RPG fights by the way :) We wont tell you how great it is anyway you meanie.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 05:27
you bastard! I' m not mean - I' m just extremely unfriendly at times :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 13 Sep 06 21:27:51 >
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 05:37
I think Lost Odyssey will have a richer storyline than FFXIII, because it' s something new, and has to survive on its own merits and kudos. Yeah, but isn' t every Final Fantasy game different anyway?! Lost Odyssey looks awesome. It' s has a similar tone to Final Fantasy 7, even though we haven' t seen the industial parts yet. It' s got a dirty look to it, almost cold whereas the more recent Final Fantasy games, and that includes 13 look a lot warmer with vibrant colours. Although i' m really looking forward to FF13 and i like the changes and additions they are making to it, Lost Odyssey is a title i' ve never doubted. Exactly how the gameplay will work or how big the game will be is still relatively unclear, but looking at that screenshot and then taking intom account the information Dash posted about the final game looking better than the demo, playing differently and having more depth, it' s obvious this game could very easily be a stand out title for 360. I' m really looking forward to seeing the game at TGS and i REALLY hope to hear something about Cry On! Mistwalker could end up becoming as big as Square Enix, i mean, Square wouldn' t have been the company it is today without Sakaguchi.
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 05:50
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 05:52
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 05:55
 Sorry ' bout that.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 06:57
ORIGINAL: Darren Sorry ' bout that. Yea you bastard stealing my thunder  . and gangsta you' re gonna be sooooo jealous when lost odyssey comes out on my ' ' buggy 360' ' i' ll pm you evertime I advance a level in the game and describe every level in detail including characters and scenery...and i' ll do it when buuuru dragon comes out...kane and lynch...(maybe gears if i' m not zombified).
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:03
YAY! I know, I' m slow.
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:06
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:28
and gangsta you' re gonna be sooooo jealous when lost odyssey comes out on my ' ' buggy 360' ' ...pay attention. ...his argument is about Japanese developers owning western developers, not hardware...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:31
ORIGINAL: Bishonen and gangsta you' re gonna be sooooo jealous when lost odyssey comes out on my ' ' buggy 360' ' ...pay attention. ...his argument is about Japanese developers owning western developers, not hardware... I know that ...he knows what i' m getting at.
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:38
Me like dasher,even though he is white but with a tan.
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:51
I know that ...he knows what i' m getting at. ...my bad then... .. ...what were you getting at?...
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 07:58
ORIGINAL: Bishonen I know that ...he knows what i' m getting at. ...my bad then... .. ...what were you getting at?... His sometimes overly-stimulating attention to detail which at times obscures interest in a game be it minor or not being on a microsoft supported platfrom and since he likes the above games mentioned I jokingly suggested posting a detailed run down of the goings on in the games as I follow them through... do that answer you question? (by the way i' m not being sarky).
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 08:02
Well,i really don' t care what Gangsta gonna think about LO or BD. Im getting them Sakaguch iftw!!!
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RE: Lost odyssey demo next month!
Sep 14, 2006 08:26
His sometimes overly-stimulating attention to detail which at times obscures interest in a game be it minor or not being on a microsoft supported platfrom and since he likes the above games mentioned I jokingly suggested posting a detailed run down of the goings on in the games as I follow them through... do that answer you question? (by the way i' m not being sarky). ...right, got ya... ...looks like i have missed a few arguments...  ...
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