ORIGINAL: dasher232
Yea I delete a lot of the demos after playing them and trailers. iv' e only got a couple stored. I don' t care if i don' t get to pay the demo just yet i' m just so surprised it' s coming 2007 considering I knew hardly anything about it before (and still do to a degree).
Plus I wana see how if it can shape up to the other big names like FFX.III
FFXIII will have such nice graphics, but again have another cross dresser as a
main character... As the Final Fantasies go on, I must say I lose touch with each
installment, as the character design is just bleugh. At least with Lost Odyssey,
I can finally see a change in direction where the main characters gender
persuasion is fully distinguishable...
I think Lost Odyssey will have a richer storyline than FFXIII, because it' s
something new, and has to survive on its own merits and kudos. Where as
FFXIII, they could make the game as boring as hell in terms of story but because
of that curse/blessing (however you want to see it) of a title, they can get away
with blue murder.