Er-herm.... Is this thing on?? Ok..
Let me just say that.... this game has exceeded my expectations for it!
Firstly, I get home at quarter to 3, download the demo, which gets done a lot
quicker than usual...
Then I fire up the N3 demo... 2 things I am loving right now.. The art direction
and the music. Also, for a hack n' slash, the story seems very deep.
After getting a nice taste of what to expect in the full version, I get to the title
screen, I stop and close my eyes, listening to the music, and doing that stupid
motion that musicians do with their hand when they can feel the music.
I press start.
Cut scene!! Woohoo!!! (One of the single reasons I actually like MGS, the only
reason to be exact!)
Using the in-game engine to render, I wasn' t expecting a " Squeenix" budget
CGI, but it was enough to definitely help the story along.. First thing I notice
is the bad lip syncing..
The game loads quite quickly, (blu-ray pfft

) and I finally get to play my first
REAL japanese moving around game (I say moving around because DOA was the
first jap 360 game I I spend five minutes getting used to the controls,
it handles nicely so I start moving around; my first batch of goblins didn' t stand
a chance.
Now me being me, I decide to button mash randomnly (but strategically) to see
what combos I can pull out, and I also tested what everyone has been saying
about the game - a hack n' slash with substance. I find that I can pull off a fair
amount of nice combos, but I would really like to know what I am doing.. So
I pause and check the command list, there' s a nice melton mix of combos, but
too many button presses to actually remember, so I remember 3 and then I
realise how much I want to play as Inphyy

Now I am ready to roll, but first my kryptonite kicked in:
default camera controls. Now, if you' re one of those people where FPS are helicopters to you (?), then
you' ll find that inverted suits your hands better and shock horror, the bast@rd
demo doesn' t have the option to change camera controls!!!
So I press on, now came about the time when I realised that you can actually
dash with the
" R" trigger (In case you were wondering, yes, I am one of
those people that does not read the loading screen when it tells you the controls).
This nifty feature helps to navigate the battlefield with more guile. At this point I
wanted to just do one of those big screen clearer moves, and after conversating
and familiarising myself with the power/health gauges at the bottom-left of the
screen, I began to realise that I am WAY away from doing my BIG kahuna move.
Difficulty: Here is when my brother asked me
" What would you give this game so far?" I replied
" About a 7 out of 10, it' s kinda repetitive" how quickly that changed
when I had my first real encounter with hostile A.I. Now I didn' t really expect the
A.I in this to do my taxes, and pay my bills, but it was decent enough in the
sense that, if the right moves aren' t pulled off at the right time, you WILL find
yourself on the ground mostly!
ARCHERS are a b!tch...
I was feeling a bit brave, so I told my men to hold position. No come back!!!
Yes, I needed them. I was thinking back to Otogi days, where the protagonist
could just jump in and clear a room as if he announced he was carrying a bomb
in his trousers. But Lord! I find that the characters powers are superior but
not cosmic! So I jump straight in the heat of my first
" horde after horde" battle. I was in one of those moments where my health was low and I could' ve
sworn I uttered the words...
" Is this really the end?" .....and Hell no it wasn' t!
This game has a levelling up system, and just when one courageous goblin thought
he had laid me to waste... I levelled up!!! And what' s this? A new move?? Why
thank you.... and oh? My health replenished fully????
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! The level up could not have come at a better time!!!
Now, the big hitter and the main reason I played this demo finally came!
When it did... OMG!!!
The enemies flew into the sky!!! SO high! So High!!! Then came down..
I had to do it again!
Overall, the demo is seriously amazing, most of the time the framerate is pretty
solid. Asphaar has enough moves to satisfy an honest pirate, it caught me off
guard this one. The more I watched people playing the more I was like..
That will get soooo repetitive.... Then I realised they were crap and were only using one combo... Who the
f$ck does that????!!!!
There are enough combos to kepp you playing, and rewards for levelling up.
I haven' t completed the demo yet because I am tired and can' t concentrate.
As soon as this comes out in the UK, I will be soOooOo happy to hand over money
for it. Then play it!
Yes, as good as the demo is, I do have a few
niggles about it...
- The strangling camera: The camera needs to pan out much farther in order
to be able to see a lot of the action, it feels too strangled.
- Voice acting: Whilst being as about generic as an apple trying to stand out
in a fruit section, I hope they include an option for japanese voices.
- Save points: I died after playing the demo for about 20 mins, and
shot straight to the beginning of the level... WHAT?

There need to be
frequent save points..
- Archers: There needs to be a move that can physically
burn them from the game.
Otherwise that is it! If you haven' t downloaded the demo.... DO IT!!!
Last note: On thing I loved about the demo was when Inphyy ran ahead to kill
and I could see her red blade flashing up everywhere amongs a sea of smelly
goblins.. I just watched as they were all thrown helplessly into the air, and I swear
I heard one of them say " Goddamn!!!"
Done!! For those of you that read this... COngratulations, you' re crazy..