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Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
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Evil Man
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 21:50
If you do look at your finger up close, the background is even more blurry than the N3 demo! If you can' t see that, then you my friend are genetically enhanced and a threat to society, and rest assured George Bush knows all about you. No it' s not. There is nothing blurry about the background when you do that, it is simply out of focus. How fucking retarded can you be to not know the difference between blur and focus? Jesus Christ.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 21:52
How fucking retarded can you be to not know the difference between blur and focus? Jesus Christ. What, like in the spelling?!
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 21:55
GO GO EVIL man SILENCE majik he called me a homo
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:06
Could the ' blur' /Out of focus effect on the background simply be a ' Depth of Field' effect?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:13
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK GO GO EVIL man SILENCE majik he called me a homo Don' t spur him on. He' s getting offensive and is talking rubbish, ...you spuring him on will only make you look bad too. P.S. You are a homo! Could the ' blur' /Out of focus effect on the background simply be a ' Depth of Field' effect? Yup. What' s your take on the demo thought Terry? Oh, and where were you last night when we were sending you invites?
Evil Man
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:21
Since you guys are mentally challenged I' ll show you a picture: This is a game that doesnt blur shit 50 feet away from you: GOT IT? TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT IT. OK NOW LOOK AT NINETY NINE NIGHTS: DO YOU GET IT NOW YOU DUMB FUCKS? Besides the horrible blur, as you can see N3 looks like trash anyway, even if it didnt have ps2 draw distance blur it would still look like shit.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 14:26:18 >
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:46
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:56
I downloaded the demo but haven' t checked it out yet.. I' m about to along with the Table Tennis demo, but in the meantime, check out these Depth of Field examples and see whether the " N3" demo utilizes something like it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth_of_field Yup. What' s your take on the demo thought Terry? Oh, and where were you last night when we were sending you invites? lol, I logged on, started the download process for the Table Tennis and N3 demos and then switched back to regular TV while they were downloading. I didn' t check LIVE until this morning and noticed a message from Mass (I THINK!).
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 22:59
I' m failing to see the rubbish visuals.
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 29, 2006 23:47
ORIGINAL: Evil Man OK NOW LOOK AT NINETY NINE NIGHTS: DO YOU GET IT NOW YOU DUMB FUCKS? Besides the horrible blur, as you can see N3 looks like trash anyway, even if it didnt have ps2 draw distance blur it would still look like shit. Wow, you ARE privileged, and here the rest of us were referring to the LATEST N3 demo, with Aspharr. How do you unlock Inphyy in the demo Evil? I actually would like to play as her.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 00:47
FUCKIN FANBOY .... Hey majik y r u goin easy on this guy ?? .. Generally by this time , the noob in question is totally f#%$%ked up ...
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 01:14
Oh, and Tiz, I noticed you complaining about the camera. Forgive me if you' ve tried already, but if you click the Right Thumbstick the camera pans out a little. I found that to be my camera view of choice! Forgive me if you' ve already tried it. It doesn' t pan out enough.. I think the main problem is the fact I like my controls inverted, that' s why moving the camera was a task...
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 01:34
I liked the camera system. I guess it would be easier for me though since I play a lot of FPS games where you use the right joystick to contantly look around. Anyone here not think evilman is a complete idiot?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 04:18
FUCKIN FANBOY .... Hey majik y r u goin easy on this guy ?? .. Generally by this time , the noob in question is totally f#%$%ked up ... I know but i get so much critism for being agressive that i' ve altered my approach. Plus, everybody else is telling the guys he' s an idiot anyway so i don' t really need to do it. It' s nice to see you back anyway. Make sure you stay and post more now! I liked the camera system. I guess it would be easier for me though since I play a lot of FPS games where you use the right joystick to contantly look around. I would have liked to be able to zoom in closer and marvel at the cool character/armour design, but the camera is totally functional. An invert option would be nice though but since you can' t access the options menu you can' t see if there is one. On a side note loco since i' m using a similar set up to you, how would YOU go about recording 720p footage from the 360?! I was thinking about buying a dvd recorder that can records in HD and it has a ton of inputs but doesn' t have VGA. I could connect the 360 to the recorder via the component cables but how then would i connect my monitor?!
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 05:05
That' s why I don' t record. There isn' t much equipment available for High Definition recording and it is all ridiculously expensive. The only one' s I' ve really seen are HDTV capture cards for your PC and USB 2.0 HDTV capture devices for your PC. Then you could somehow record and play at the same time using your monitor through your PC. Not sure how well it would work though. You would need a good video card too. I' m sure there are ultra expensive VGA recorders you could buy somewhere. My friend uses a DVD recorder to record when he plays halo. It looks really nice for standard definition but its nothing like HD.
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 05:37
Did famitsu really score this game 37/40?? Huh? Am I dead?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 05:55
I could connect the 360 to the recorder via the component cables and the thing records up to 1080i but the problem is connecting my monitor. It would work perfectly if i had a HDTV but there' s no VGA socket and if i connect in standard definition via rgb or *shudders* scart the surely i wouldn' t be able to set the console to a HD resolution, or would i?! If the DVD recorder can record in 720p or whatever resolution up to 1080i, and my console is connected to the recorder and i connect an SDTV to the recorder, will my console know and disallow HD resolutions?! I can' t connect to my PC as trying to play HD footage pretty much kills it (it struggles to play 720p formatted video back smoothly) and the only other option is to buy a cheap component-usb/firewire adapter and get some software to capture the video on my PC. But that' s probably still kill it.
Tim Strickland
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 07:22
Ok Tiz, I figured you had given it a try. Hopefully you can invert controls in the retail version!! And, even though I' m late, has Evil Man figured out that Oblivion and N3 are two different games, and to stop comparing them graphically? I personally view the depth of field as an ARTISTIC decision, and think it adds to the fantasy setting of the game - granted, Oblivion is a fantasy game as well, but then again, this might come down to Japanese vs. American Dev  . Does this mean Gangsta can join in the discussion now?
Mass X
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 07:47
To tell you the truth I think Oblivion wouldve benefitted just a bit with some blurring to its low res backgrounds dont ya think? Shit actually I think the blur should be put into Oblivion. At the very least in the outside areas.
Evil Man
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RE: Nighty Night Night Demo on Marketplace
Jul 30, 2006 08:22
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on That game can get away with it because what you see directly infront of you doesn' t look like garbage. N3 can' t, it looks like shit up close, it looks like shit from far away. And that blur is much better, the N3 one look like backgrounds of a PS2 game.
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