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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:13
on a slightly different note..does anyone know who imeredithi is I forgot... Hehe. A slight dig? But if you are being serious.... That is me. If not then...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:19
Hehe sorry I really didn' t know who it was.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:20
I am very curious as to WHY you would ask that out of the blue?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:22
Because I was on live and everytime i' m on there you were there 2 hours before.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:26
what' s your name on Live?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:31
Nolan242 (I think) or 243.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:36
No, it' s 242. Oh that' s you.. Then, have you checked out... Our Base Post here, as we are trying to make an effective resistance..
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 20:38
I know how Nazi' s react to coloured people, trust me, I have seen Neo-Nazis, and I have been to Germany, what I am saying is not a speck of dust on how the germans reacted to my presence in their country.. ..ok, my bad... Raven is cool! Finally, a black character we can all look up to. He is blonde though... ...true... ....but then if Japanese guys can dye their hair blonde, why not black?...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 00:30
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...true... ....but then if Japanese guys can dye their hair blonde, why not black?... Why do japanese guys have to dye their hair blonde? Do they love white people that much?
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 00:59
Why do japanese guys have to dye their hair blonde? Do they love white people that much? Do they love Eminem that much? (Bleach blonde)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 01:01
They do that cause 99.9% of them has black hair,people want to stick out,and they like anime. It' s like asking why some people goes gothic...to stand out of the crowd ofc.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 01:05
Bah! There are so many asians with blonde hair. They don' t stand out. Grey hair like Sephiroth would be über cool though. I have a confession to make... My hair is turning grey  . I have one single hair that is completely grey. Will the rest of my beautiful hair turn grey too? I' m scared.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 01:05
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL They do that cause 99.9% of them has black hair,people want to stick out,and they like anime. It' s like asking why some people goes gothic...to stand out of the crowd ofc. So that means that at least 70% of japs want to stand out? That leaves the other 30% with black hair?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 03:27
Maybe I should dye my hair so it doesn' t show that it' s turning grey... ?
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 08:15
Maybe I should dye my hair so it doesn' t show that it' s turning grey... ? no...that´s nature´s way to say that you are becoming as cool and strong as sephiroth So that means that at least 70% of japs want to stand out? That leaves the other 30% with black hair? when i was there i noticed that maybe 30 to 40% of japanese people color their hair with brown color...black is still the main color for many also....only about 15 to 20% use strong colors as pink, blue, white, etc.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 09:04
when i was there i noticed that maybe 30 to 40% of japanese people color their hair with brown color...black is still the main color for many also....only about 15 to 20% use strong colors as pink, blue, white, etc. How much does it cost to start a hair dye business out there? And can someone design a logo for me that is just off a playstation logo.. Do you have ANY IDEA how rich I would be? Of course all my staff will be japanese people I find in the Uk, and I will have a sexy @$$ translator/ intepretor.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 02, 2006 09:25
Of course all my staff will be japanese people I find in the Uk, and I will have a sexy @$$ translator/ intepretor. lol  i want a sexy japanese tranlator too
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 03, 2006 00:39
ORIGINAL: Hidemoto ....only about 15 to 20% use strong colors as pink, blue, white, etc. Um.. yeah.. only... I don' t know how many people dye their hair in weird colors in your country but to me 20% is quite a lot. Actually, to me, it' s unbelievable that so many people dye their hair.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 2 Jul 06 16:39:59 >
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2006
- Location: The Netherlands
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 03, 2006 04:52
Yeah, I Think CJ (Carl Johnson) from GTA:SA is the only real black main character  , Yes it would be cool if more games would have a black character or an option to pick a race or something
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 03, 2006 06:09
Um.. yeah.. only... I don' t know how many people dye their hair in weird colors in your country but to me 20% is quite a lot. Actually, to me, it' s unbelievable that so many people dye their hair. lol....i didn´t noticed that...my bad but i meant to say that for a country that has such a strong culture about standing out with strong hair colors ( i mean in the latest 15 years because many are still conservative about looks). examples of that culture is anime, J-rock and j-pop, games, cosplay.
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