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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 03:29
Also, there' s two black characters in Perfect Dark: Zero, Both females. The one that Jo talks to on the Radio (or whatever it is) In the first level. And then that other one.. cant remember her name, but she' s evil (You fight her in some stupid simulator or whatever it is). Ones Russian, and the other one is chinese.... WHERE' S THE BLACK IN THAT? Have you played it properly? I know they are very, very VERY tanned, but they are definitely not black I can assure.. However, Jo Dark IS!!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 30 Jun 06 19:31:04 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 03:31
Well, it seems there are some black main characters after all. And some of them are even women. That' s nice. Very few of the games were good though which is kind of sad but whatever. I' ve barely played any of the mentioned games though but some of them are worth trying I guess. I like the Swat games where you can choose different characters because the black guys there are normal guys. I' m looking forward to the day when we get a black main character in Final Fantasy  . One of my favourite black characters is Axel in the Twisted Metal series. Sadly he follows the stereotype of a black male but he' s a classic that' s been around for a while. I love the ending in Twisted Metal Head-On: SPOILER WARNING *Axel in pain* Axel: " I... wish... for... peac... (tries to say " peace" ) *Proffessor pushes button that gives Axel more pain* Axel (screams out in pain): " zaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Calypso: " Pizza. Pizza? Your wish for pizza is granted" Axel: Nooooooooooo! Pizza appears... I just love those twisted endings  . Anyway, I' d like to see black characters appear as a natural part of games. Right now you only see black characters (or other ethnic " minorities" ) when the developers go " Oh yeah, we need a black dude here" . And then they follow all the stereotypes. Kind of... ?
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 03:34
ORIGINAL: Tiz Have you played it properly? Nope  well i have played it through once, hastily, but i never thaught of her as a chinese, it just didnt get to me. Ok, ok, the other one was chinese, but where did you get the russian stuff? http://perfectdark.3dactionplanet.gamespy.com/pdzero/characters.php Check Chandra Sekhar, She looks pretty damn black to me.
< Message edited by SaFt -- 30 Jun 06 19:58:44 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:36
Trust me, if you have heard the way she speaks and looks in the game, you can tell she is russian... She doesn' t look like that at all in the game. Don' t stereotype the big lips, big eyes and flared nostril features... She really is russian.. c' mon with terms like... " Tasty... Ooohh.. did I say that out loud?" No, she is not referring to a chicken breast.
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:37
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:39
ORIGINAL: No, she is not referring to a chicken breast. Really?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:41
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ..Namco did a fantastic job with his design... ...i swear this dude out-cools even the mighty Hayabusa.... ....can you imagine how totally awesome it would be if Namco made a spin-off action game for him? ....in the style of Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden?.... .....it would rock! .... (..if i sound excited, it' s cause i just ordered Tekken5 online for less than the price of a memory card!! ..) .....anyway, ...he' s a great example of a awesome character who also just happens to also have dark skin Oh yeah ......now that you mention it he is probably the coolest black guy iv' e seen in a game. (@tiz)I honestly couldn' t give a fu@k about post numbers and secondly did you not just do the same? and lastly a bit of a poke and fun with the race thing a couple times is funny but over use is draggin and gets insulting....in relation to your ' ' ryo hyabusha after smokin weed and hangin in brooklyn too long' '
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 30 Jun 06 20:52:31 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:44
Errrr.... (To the above) Are you trying to reach 600 posts really quickly? Edit: Oh you added something... was wondering...
< Message edited by Tiz -- 30 Jun 06 20:45:12 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 04:47
Everybody, I would like you to meet Hayabusa after hanging out in Brooklyn too long and selling his antiques to Hayate, getting high and pimpin out ALL the DOA girls.. (ABOVE  )
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 05:57
(@tiz)I honestly couldn' t give a fu@k about post numbers and secondly did you not just do the same? and lastly a bit of a poke and fun with the race thing a couple times is funny but over use is draggin and gets insulting....in relation to your ' ' ryo hyabusha after smokin weed and hangin in brooklyn too long' ' ...yea.... ..you don' t have to be black to find those comments ' questionable' .... ...someone should remind him that Kikizo is home for Sony haters, not nazis...
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 06:11
Hey...how about Adam from Streets of Rage? He is black, he is cool and a good guy.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 17:29
Raven is cool! Finally, a black character we can all look up to. He is blonde though...
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:17
ORIGINAL: Bishonen (@tiz)I honestly couldn' t give a fu@k about post numbers and secondly did you not just do the same? and lastly a bit of a poke and fun with the race thing a couple times is funny but over use is draggin and gets insulting....in relation to your ' ' ryo hyabusha after smokin weed and hangin in brooklyn too long' ' ...yea.... ..you don' t have to be black to find those comments ' questionable' .... ...someone should remind him that Kikizo is home for Sony haters, not nazis... Firstly to dasher232, don' t try and play it like you are the ONLY black person in these forums ok? If you were up to date with the discussions, you would find that I too am black. Secondly, the comments are just a JOKE, now if I can accept them from MYSELF please stop b!tching. And.. the reason I said: Errrr.... (To the above) Are you trying to reach 600 posts really quickly? Edit: Oh you added something... was wondering... Was because when you first made the post, all that was there was Bishonen' s quote. THAT' S ALL! So when I saw it, it was just a post of a quote... nothing else, which is why I added... Edit: Oh you added something... was wondering... When you added some text. ...someone should remind him that Kikizo is home for Sony haters, not nazis...  Hehe.. Good 1 Bish, none of my quotes contain any flair of Nazism in them.. I know how Nazi' s react to coloured people, trust me, I have seen Neo-Nazis, and I have been to Germany, what I am saying is not a speck of dust on how the germans reacted to my presence in their country.. So dasher, don' t be so quick to puff out your chest in the slightest hostile moment. That is all.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:24
I know how Nazi' s react to coloured people, trust me, I have seen Neo-Nazis, and I have been to Germany, what I am saying is not a speck of dust on how the germans reacted to my presence in their country.. Are you saying Germany still have lots of nazis? I thought they were nice nowadays?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Jul 06 10:24:49 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:37
Are you saying Germany still have lots of nazis? I thought they were nice nowadays? No WAY! It' s mostly isolated pockets of ignorant people. But the stuff they say... dasher232 may just bring out a knife or something. It didn' t affect me though, because I generally don' t LISTEN to that kind of stuff. Never go to a German Pub though if your coloured. Did you hear about that stuff in the World Cup?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:48
ORIGINAL: Tiz Did you hear about that stuff in the World Cup? Nein. Was geschah? Waren die Deutschen gefährlich? Ich bin nie nach Deutschland gewesen. Aber sie scheinen nett. Möglicherweise hatten Sie Unglück? Thank you Babel Fish...
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:49
????? Erm, Ginj.... You' re scaring me.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 18:55
Gut! Kennen Sie Ihren Platz BOY. Hehe, Ich scherze. Deutscher ist Spaß.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:03
Gut, means " good" doesn' t it? And you either called me a fanboy, or black boy just now... I don' t know which... STOP! STOP!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Black main characters?
Jul 01, 2006 19:04
Tiz my response to your comment had nothing to do with your colour in the first place or squaring up to ' ' puff out' ' my chest as you so put it so the whole thing about me acting like i' m the only black person that uses the forms is a bit random and pointless (no offense) the reason why I said it like I said before is that now and again things are funny but when they' re constant the effect wears off. As for the neo nazi thing and I must get a knife out at the slightest thing i' ve had my fair share of the racism thing (even on here) and to be honest I always have and always will ignore it....anyway i' ll leave it there. on a slightly different note..does anyone know who imeredithi is I forgot...
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 1 Jul 06 11:11:22 >
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