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PS3 your paying for Potential!
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Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:29
i dnt think we' ll see the best straight away but im not gonna go laugh at sum1 who buys it believing that the games that they are gonna get on release are gonna be different frm last gen.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:34
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK i dnt think we' ll see the best straight away but im not gonna go laugh at sum1 who buys it believing that the games that they are gonna get on release are gonna be different frm last gen. *Beats on his work desk and chants* P-S-3! P-S-3! P-S-3! P-S-3!
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:37
YES tiz follow the WAYS
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:50
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK YES tiz follow the WAYS Tiz is taking the piss! i dnt think we' ll see the best straight away but im not gonna go laugh at sum1 who buys it believing that the games that they are gonna get on release are gonna be different frm last gen. Oh they' ll be a huge improvement over PS2 and Xbox games, but they won' t be like the Killzone and MotorStorm CG' s from last years E3. Heavenly Sword as i' ve said previously is a game that i have huge hopes for. It' s just a shame it won' t make launch. Fatal Inertia is going to be bad. That' s been obvious since it' s announcement. SingStar doesn' t interest me as doesn' t EyeToy in it' s current form and Resistance looks like a let down. The inevitable sports games and quick ports will suck and until Heavenly Sword is released they won' t have any impressive titles. Ofcourse, DMC4 or other significant Japanese deleoped games could be announced a launch titles at TGS in September, but we haven' t seen anything of them so far so it' s unlikely.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:58
Thats true there hasnt been anything AMAZING shown for launch, but lets be honest this time next year there will be. EVEN in the next 2 years the amount of quality to come is really exiciting especially for sum1 who believes in the POTENTIAL of ps3 frm the start.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 22:10
No doubt, but it' s naive to think that just because Sony has done it twice already they can do it a third time. Ofcourse Sony will do well, but a lot of people are pissed that they' re being forced to pay for Blu-Ray when many don' t even have HDTV' s. Sure Blu-Ray has potential for games, but it' s not going to be realised any time soon. Sony keep making themselves look like idiots. It' s probably a good thing that people also know that it' s the games that sell Sony' s machines and not the machines themselves. Perhaps Sony should take note of that and focus more on their games.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 22:18
I think SONY will focus on the games but at the same time there next gen machine has to be able to compete with the competiton. Thats why they have things like blu ray, it may not be fair but at the end of they day with mircosoft and SOny itz all business. ITZ NEVER REALLY ABOUT THE passion of making GAMES
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 22:19
Whilst I am not particularly marvelled by the PS3, I do understand why people would buy it... Again mostly fanboys... I liken this situation to the way I will buy Shenmue 3 if they release it.. I don' t know jack about the game, but I AM going on the reputation of the experience that the game has given me, be it one I like or don' t like. One thing I don' t do is attack SOny fanboys for liking the console, I just want to find out why, and if all they can say is PS3 is the best with no substance, then don' t say anything. If someone says they don' t like Shenmue, I can accept reasons why, but if they say it is crap for NO reason, then shut up. What I have found is that Sony fanboys tend to be insecure about the products so they blindly attack in rage! You guys HOPE the PS3 will be everything it is cranked up to be, and you pray that Sony bypass the bullsh!t they have been spewing and deliver Some people have grown up on Playstation, and only know Playstation so I can see why they would go for the PS3. Now, the only thing that is annoying me about people that buy the PS3 is when they see Sony lying to them boldly. The deficit of difference between E32k6 and E32K5 being one example, but hey, some people like to be cheated out of their product. I respected Kutaragi up until now, where before he said: PS3 will be expensive. You' ll have to work to earn your PS3. Fair enough, whilst they are ludicrous statements, they are honest. Now: PS3 will have twice the power of 360. It is a computer. Those 2 statements alone made me lose respect. There are more, but I feel those 2 are enough. Most people that are media smart about the industry will get the PS3 for one reason and that is they are Hardcore So, I know there is always at least one fanboy every month but, you can understand he just wants to defend the reputation of his console/company. I would probably feel the same way about Shenmue, but as soon as Sega start vomiting bullsh*t about the game and how it will make your tea and walk your dog, I am officially no longer a Shenmue fan.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 22:50
I really think the PS3 does seem to have lots of potential and if you buy a console at launch you can' t really buy it for any other reason than potential. I don' t buy consoles at launch because I want to play the launch titles and then never play that console again. I think of the future, what more will the console bring me? That' s what potential is about and that' s why I think he used the word potential. The PS3 looks very unimpressive with bad/lacking launch games and the high price and other issues but if you see the potential of the future then you get interested again. No launch games? Who cares, there' s potential for more games in the future. High price? Who cares, it' s a long term investment. Hard to develop for? Who cares, the console has potential that will be seen once the developers learn the hardware. The PS3 really is all about potential so I see why a word like that was used. However, I do think that the 360 and, especially, the Wii has even more potential. So the PS3 can go to hell! YES i put that signature there because that KILLZONE 2 TRAILER shown at e3 2005 was USING THE Guerrilla Games engine. I hope you know by now that it wasn' t in-game. That' s 100% proved.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 Jun 06 14:52:35 >
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 23:02
People can SAY they dnt like sumthing and not really give a reason at the end of the day thats their opinion idoit or not. I MEAN i might give you reason WHY SHENMUE is the biggest piece of SISINA shit ive ever played, but the reason might be the most stupid one and so u dont agree. juST LET them be To be honest if ps3 didnt have blu ray and was still priced that high then i might be a little pissed (not really). The fact that Blu ray is in there is way itz soo expensive so really what peeps shud be doing is stop bitching about it and accept it. Nuthing is perfect (expect ZOE 2) theres alot of people out THERE who listen to sum of the FUNNIEST piece of bullshit that SONY say and still arent really bothered by it (ME BEING ONE) so really itz done to the person if they wanna BITCH.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 00:53
To be honest if ps3 didnt have blu ray and was still priced that high then i might be a little pissed (not really).  if it still was high priced and no blu-ray (which you said it was one of many wonderful reasons to buy a PS3. so even if sony was kicking you in nuts would you still say " yes...i want a PS3." ? or " make it more expensive... i will still buy it" ? if so then you have a real problem man....
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 00:58
Ps3 cost a lot more money thanks to blu-ray,thats why,you' re not gonna get a better console in terms of graphics,but you gonna get a console that can play blu-ray movies. If you think that is potential...then allright.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:05
so even if sony was kicking you in nuts would you still say " yes...i want a PS3." ? or " make it more expensive... i will still buy it" ? I don' t think PS3 is as bad as a kick in the nuts.lol As painful as it is to pay for that, there' s a nice bandaging kit of hi-def in their to sooth the sting, for those early adopters..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:11
Yes,there is no one denying ps3 is gonna be a next gen console with awesome graphic and games. However their PR Team likes to spit lies about it being stronger then it is. ANd they charge a lot more money adding lies in why it cost a lot more. Its thanks to selling movieplayers that they gonna charge you more money. But they would never be honest and say that.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:30
What people like Gaiden BLACK fail to understand is that Sony have openly stated that they aren' t so much concerned with their status in the videogame world as they are with their place in the next-gen media format war. Sony KNOW Blu-Ray isn' t needed for games. They also KNOW that including Blu-Ray in PS3 is the quickest way to get ahead of HD-DVD. If Sony can win the DVD format war then they stand to make more money from Blu-Ray movies and associated technologies than they ever would with games.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:53
if they put a popcorn machine instead of blu-ray then i would definitly buy it right way hidemoto to salesman " what? 600$?...give me 2 please"
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:56
It makes sense now why sony would push back their br player yet again a) to keep their costs down until they' re finished with the ps3 production and or b) to make the ps3 look cheap in comparison to the hd-dvd players to non-gamers.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 01:56
It' s true popcorn is a medium that stays the same, so its only a choice between Butterkist, toffee, sugar and salt. Great STuff! Movies all look the same... But popcorn... Wooh.. Talk about sales perks!
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 02:06
well...about PS3´s price... it´s no surprise that it´s so high since all other sony products are usually more expensive than other brands...for example: tvs or cd-players but this time around there´s also another great product in the market (360) but cheaper... so they say " there´s a lot of potential in PS3" ...yeah there is...space shuttles also have potential but not everyone has it
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- Joined: Jan 02, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 28, 2006 02:31
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