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 PS3 your paying for Potential!
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:40

Sorry, just one thing I have noticed is that fanboys (thats all fanboys)
have real difficulty stringing sentences together.

Sentence structure is poor, and grammatical errors are rampant in their

You should stop getting your 5 year old kids/nephew or nieces to do the typing.

Certain internet abbreviations are fine because it is tiring for some people to
spell out the word when the shorter version is avail (see what I did)
but when you get stuff like....


Gaiden BLACK Im With you my man Ps3 Has beat ms twice in the past and im sure they will do it again hell just buy an 360 man you’ll know what I mean. Now im not saying Sony can’t be beat but I really don’t think ms can take em down. It’s like this to me (and I mean only to me so fuck those that don’t agree) The 360 is for like kids an intermediate and some hardcore players and the ps3 is for those hardcore gamers at heart. I mean hell I not buying my child no dam 600 dollar system hell the ps3 is a system for adults. That can afford them yeah your playing for a blue ray player.

Hell is mentioned TOO MANY times in this post... I know some people SAY things
unknowingly in their sentences such as Like or yeah or what. But isn' t it too much
effort to write so Hell so many times? An ordinary post if you will please.

Yes, we know that you don' t care about how you write, but from a gamer to a gamer
I think fanboys need to brush up on their writing and contextual prowess.


You See this is the dumb shit im talking about dumb ass pepole like him should shut the fuck up if they dont have anything good to say about the topic the way i spell nor the way i talk shouldent matter dumb ass

Yes, we know that you don' t care about how you write, but from a gamer to a gamer
I think fanboys need to brush up on their writing and contextual prowess.

But yeah from but from a gamer to a gamer Suck my dick im sure a smrt guy like you can understand that. gamer to a gamer lol.. good day Tiz

Gaiden BLACK

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:41
well he shud get over it then dont u think?

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:42

But yeah from but from a gamer to a gamer Suck my dick im sure a smrt guy like you can understand that. gamer to a gamer lol.. good day Tiz

Hey what you do in prison and in forums (metaphorically to Gaiden Black)
has nothing to do with me, but keep your inner most desires to yourself..

Advice from a gamer to a gamer..
Gaiden BLACK

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:42
finally SUM1 needed to say that
Gaiden BLACK

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:46
i really think that peeps shud stop being smart ass and just talk about the topic because thats all i come here to do, not to be insulted and have peeps not accepting my opinion because my ENGLISH is poor.

which by the way it aint im just very very lazy wen it comes to typing

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 07:58

You See this is the dumb shit im talking about dumb ass pepole like him should shut the fuck up if they dont have anything good to say about the topic the way i spell nor the way i talk shouldent matter dumb ass

But yeah from but from a gamer to a gamer Suck my dick im sure a smrt guy like you can understand that. gamer to a gamer lol.. good day Tiz

You are asking to be banned. You won' t be warned here, banning is instant so i suggest you play nice.

Gaiden BLACK' s PS3 thread was already locked because of this kind of stuff. If you want to act like a child then go elsewhere!
Gaiden BLACK

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 08:01
Yeh peace n love

but you gotta stop insulting people Majik........... u started it

ahhhhhhhh IM telling.........

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 08:03
I did?! Where?

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 08:05
Gaiden black be quiet ffs.

You insult us 360 owners with all your 360 hate,.

Buy a 360 and then talk you sony fanboy

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 08:50
Okay, lets get back on topic and stop arguing.

What happens to PS3 if Blu-ray fails and HD-DVD suceeds?!
Chee Saw

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 09:35
2 cents...

PS3 " potential" - Yes, the system does have potential. I do not pay for potential. I pay for a game machine that has good games. Period. When the PS3 has games that I want, I' ll buy it, whether it be launch day, or a year later.

Proper syntax - There' s a reason for proper grammer and sentence structure. It makes ideas easy to understand. When you omit periods and commas, it makes getting your point across more difficult. Saying that people shouldn' t care about such things is pointless. I find it very difficult to read some of the garbled mess that some people try to pass off as paragraphs. I do not appreciate people making it difficult for other to read what they write, and then getting offended when they are criticized. Grow up, and be intelligent, for ALL our benefit.

Blu-ray - I like Blu-ray. I really do. I don' t think it' s gonna beat HD-DVD though. The bottom line is that HD-DVD is fine for movies (15GBs holds 4 hours of HD content, and they' ve just announced the production of 45GB HD discs), and the production costs are lower. It also has the name recognition with average consumers. I don' t really care, though, ' cause I' ll have both.


HD-DVD Capacities

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 10:04

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

Okay, lets get back on topic and stop arguing.

What happens to PS3 if Blu-ray fails and HD-DVD suceeds?!

It' s going to be very close this time. Blu-Ray does have a good chance of succeeding with the PS3 because it' ll be forced into peoples living rooms regardless of whether they have an HDTV or not. HD-DVD does not have that advantage. But I don' t think the PS3 will be as wildly popular this time around simply because of the price - especially in countries like Australia where the exchange rate will probably take the price beyond $AU900. And that' s without any games or extra controllers.

HD-DVD does have the price point advantage - both in the living room and in the fabrication plants. It doesn' t require any major changes to current production lines for it to be implemented. Blu-Ray does. Therefore it' ll be much cheaper to produce and much cheaper for the end users. Another major win for HD-DVD is that both Microsoft and Intel are backing it (as well as a host of other large companies). That is a monumental force considering the size and influence those companies have.

I guess how successful Blu-Ray is depends on how long Sony can haemorrhage money and how accepted the PS3 is. Without a doubt the PS3 will be a hit among the hardcore users and most likely will sell out within the first few months. But once the hardcore market goes, for the average buyer it' s not very attractive considering the alternatives offered from Nintendo and Microsoft. It' s generally the average buyers that determine the success of the console, not the fanboys or hardcore markets.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 28 Jun 06 2:06:50 >

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 10:11

15GBs holds 4 hours of HD content, and they' ve just announced the production of 45GB HD discs

12 hours of HD video HAS to be enough. While larger capacity discs will be required for data storage, i don' t see a requirement for more than 4 hours of video for movies. Maybe extremely long films like the Lord of the Rings and the Godfather trilogies would require more space for their special features, but more than 30GB?!

Moving on -- it seems that the list of stupid Sony quotes just got another addition. The following is from this months PSM...

PSM: Sony and Microsoft seem to be taking the exact same path.

Hirai: We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they’re right there - we just can’t shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do.

So Sony are including a HDD in their machine, a carbon copy of Xbox Live, they' re releasing 2 SKU' s and it' s Microsoft copying Sony?!

How exactly? The last i heard Sony had blatantly ripped off Nintendo' s controller and incorporated tilt functionality into their own controller whilst dropping force feedback, technology they stole in the first place.

Mr " Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raaaaaacer!!!!!!!!" must have been smoking something illegal again...

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 10:44

It' s generally the average buyers that determine the success of the console, not the fanboys or hardcore markets.

yeah...if hardcore gamers meant so much in the industry there would be no way that games like shenmue 3 would be on hold (hold?...maybe i am being too optimistic)...but most people that own a game console are casual gamers that play mostly sports games, car games and so on.

about HD-DVD and BLU-RAY, HD-DVD has a big plus: it can play regular DVDs which BLU-RAY can´t...this may sound stupid but if can have HD-videos that can also play old formats then why would you want a blu-ray that only does one of those things?

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 10:48
just something i forgot to write...i read on several sites that a year ago sony tried to negotiate with toshiba in order to make a unified HD disc instead of having oposing formats like hd-dvd and blu-ray.

toshiba agreed to hear sony´s ideas in this matter and sony´s idea of unified format was that toshiba dropped hd-dvd and blu-ray became the standard
Terry Bogard

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 10:52

PSM: Sony and Microsoft seem to be taking the exact same path.

Hirai: We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they’re right there - we just can’t shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do.

I always had the feeling that Hirai might be a pompous ass, glad to see my sensors weren' t totally way off
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Jun 06 2:53:28 >

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 11:45

You are asking to be banned. You won' t be warned here, banning is instant so i suggest you play nice.

Gaiden BLACK' s PS3 thread was already locked because of this kind of stuff. If you want to act like a child then go elsewhere!

Majikdra6on Right on I can dig that nuff Said I' ll just have to find another way to get my point across thanks

But tiz My bad Im cool now so let everything be everything .

But I hope Blue Ray wins
stephen ashaley

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 12:03
that' s very bad of sony to come up with this idea i hope they changed for the benift of sonygames am only suggesting to them.

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 15:44
I' m sorry if this is a slight non sequitur, but there is a point that' s really been bothering me lately: Why are consoles so much more expensive in England than the US? I mean the Ps3 is expensive here at 600$, but in England the 408 pound price tranlates to a whopping 742.97 dollars! Why is this?

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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential! - Jun 28, 2006 17:36

ORIGINAL: Hidemoto

just something i forgot to write...i read on several sites that a year ago sony tried to negotiate with toshiba in order to make a unified HD disc instead of having oposing formats like hd-dvd and blu-ray.

toshiba agreed to hear sony´s ideas in this matter and sony´s idea of unified format was that toshiba dropped hd-dvd and blu-ray became the standard

Main point being :-
While HDTV owners can certainly see that a format war is stupid, will slow growth and adoption of both, and cost everyone more money, if the two sides couldn' t figure things out when they were negotiating last year there is little reason to believe they will now.
Toshiba didn' t want to drop hd-dvd - they own the licence to the format (so every disc sold, makes them money). Works the same way for consoles - lose money on the machine, make it back on the games.

Regarding " paying for potential" - if the idea revolves around potential, i.e. in the future, it will be better than... then why buy at the start? When (as with all new launches) teething/logistics problems and higher prices will fall off over time.
When the " potential" of the ps3 is ready and demonstrated, the price will be significantly lower than at launch.
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