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PS3 your paying for Potential!
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Vx Chemical
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PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 18:10
To the Stringer man So apparently now HS stated that you are paying for the potential in the PS3. Great strategy there sony! What potential might that be?
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 18:49
" Potential counts for nothing until it is realised" So it' s not the blu-ray player we are paying for... but the potential?.. Now imagine everyone was like that... Nintendo and M$ would charge for their next 3 consoles because they have the " potential" . So why not charge for that potential in the 360 and Wii?!.. Sony has gone past annoying, and I don' t think their main corporate bodies actually talk to each other.. I still wanna work for Sony..
< Message edited by Tiz -- 27 Jun 06 11:09:21 >
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:06
Those WHO dont appreciate POTENTIAL will never understand it. I SEE it as an investment but to be honest if it turns out i dnt have the money by launch then i not gonna rob a bank or end my life. CHANCES are ill just by the console.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:21
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK Those WHO dont appreciate POTENTIAL will never understand it. I SEE it as an investment but to be honest if it turns out i dnt have the money by launch then i not gonna rob a bank or end my life. CHANCES are ill just by the console. You' ll just buy the console with the money you don' t have?! Dude, how old are you? So apparently now HS stated that you are paying for the potential in the PS3. Great strategy there sony! I seriously don' t get where Sony is going with this. I mean, it' s a stupid comment that can easily be taken the wrong way. Why even bother saying it?! Stringer slipped up in an interview a couple of weeks ago and said he was obsessed with Xbox 360. I don' t understand what Sony is up to because a multi-national company like Sony don' t make this many schoolboy errors. This Gaiden BLACK (like you could possibly complete that game) is why Sony is getting so much critism. We' re not willing to sit back and kiss Sony' s ass like you. We want to know why the market leader keeps embarrassing itself and it' s userbase.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:25
What are you trying to day Majik trying to be funny again. I said that if im able to buy the PS3 ill probably just get the console, but i always said that life wouldnt end if i coudnt get one. UNDERSTAND
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:26
This Gaiden BLACK (like you could possibly complete that game) is why Sony is getting so much critism. Hehee. You know you giving me some of them chicken wings..
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:27
Gaiden BLACK, have you completed NG Black yet?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:28
To be honest i dont give a shit about how much stupid stuff SONY say because at the end of the day if a game on PS3 comes out that i like im gonna get it regardless THATS if the money is there. im NOT kissing no SONY' s ass itz just I DONT really care PLAIN and SIMPLE
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:30
Not yet NO longer have a xbox BUT I like the style of the game and just cnt really be arsed to complete it.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:32
I SEE it as an investment but to be honest if it turns out i dnt have the money by launch then i not gonna rob a bank or end my life. CHANCES are ill just by the console. You see it as an investment, but if it turns out that by launch you don' t have the money, then you' re not going to attempt to get enough money for the machine by say robbing a bank, and you also won' t kill yourself because your life is worth more to you and killing yourself would be dumb.  So, after you' ve said that, why go on to say that you' ll probably just buy the console?! I mean, if you don' t have the money by launch as you previously stated is a possibility, then you WON' T be able to buy the console on day one. You said everything you needed to say in the original paragraph.   Where are you from Gaiden?! Oh and i love your signature.... KILLZONE inGAME u better believe it..... ...but you know it wasn' t right?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:40
MAJIK are you really that BRAIN DEAD and unable to understand sum1 unless THEY DUMB it down so much. AND i went on to JUST say that ill be only getting the console at launch. SORRY I DIDNT break up the paragraph it was JUST another comment. SO STOP trying to be a SMART ass this aint no ENGLISH forum.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:45
SO STOP trying to be a SMART ass this aint no ENGLISH forum. Are those words in CAPS for a reason?! Also, you never answered my question about the Killzone trailer not being real. You know it wasn' t ingame right?! If so, then why when you didn' t know whether the signatures were enabled or not (they' re not) would you write that?
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:50
finally BACK to talking about games YES i put that signature there because that KILLZONE 2 TRAILER shown at e3 2005 was USING THE Guerrilla Games engine. i wasnt sure about it myself at first but IT was finally confirmed by my LECTURER who spoke to an employee at E3 last year.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:52
ORIGINAL: Gaiden BLACK finally BACK to talking about games YES i put that signature there because that KILLZONE 2 TRAILER shown at e3 2005 was USING THE Guerrilla Games engine. i wasnt sure about it myself at first but IT was finally confirmed by my LECTURER who spoke to an employee at E3 last year. So you DO think it was ingame?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Classic!
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:55
it´s really weird to listen to sony directors and fanboys talking about how PS3 is best because it´s the most powerful next-gen console and how graphics matter and all. but when xbox came out it was more than 3 times more powerful than ps2 and had a hard drive in it (no memory cards needed and faster loadings) and at that time igot sick of listening sony directors and fanboys just going saying " nevermind the potential...it´s all about games man" so  screw you sony and your freaking potential....this time i´ll go with the " it´s all about games" talk
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 20:59
so screw you sony and your freaking potential....this time i´ll go with the " it´s all about games" talk   Right now, and right until Christmas, Microsoft will be playing Ludacris feat Mystikal - Move Bitch right outside Sony' s window.
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RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:08
" Get out the way, get out the way bitch, get out the way! OH NO! The fights out.... I' m ' bout to punch your..... LIGHTS out!"
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:08
Right now, and right until Christmas, Microsoft will be playing Ludacris feat Mystikal - Move Bitch right outside Sony' s window.  i hope that comes true
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:19
Damm u GUYS really have somethign againist SONY dont ya? i see the potential of GAMES coming on the sony CONSOLE blu ray = bigger and better GAMES (thats potential) some peeps say they are gonna wait and see thats a great idea and but theres no problem if they decide to buy it ON RELEASE day if they believe there gonna see a difference in games straight away.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 your paying for Potential!
Jun 27, 2006 21:25
Ok, and so realistically; what do you think?
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