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Which games will sell PS3 to you?
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 01:37
I said i would like developers to utilize the device for games like Rare were going to use the Gameboy Camera for Perfect Dark. I' d slate Microsoft if they developed an EyeToy like game because then they would be copying Sony and it wouldn' t be fair for them to have complained about Sony ripping off Xbox Live (which was going to happen sooner or later anyway) and the guide button (which yes, Nintendo also copied). I think it' s just that Sony never seems to come up with anything on their own. It' s not a big deal and it obviously benefits gamers as a whole but for a console that costs $600 i want something that i can' t get on a rival machine. I hope the rumours are true and Nintendo DID get cold feet about unveilling their secret and that it wasn' t a speaker in the remote!
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 01:41
Hmm, you' re right in many cases but saying you don' t like Sony for not having ideas of their own when the 360 pad is completely without any new ideas makes me somewhat confused. And honestly, even you have to admit, that Sony where the ones that came up with the idea of dual analog sticks. Sure they used Nintendo' s analog stick, but at least they made some improvements. the L/R 3 buttons were also Sony' s ideas. Microsoft only have their Home-button to be proud of. A button that' s as obvious as a start button anyway. As you can see, Nintendo has chosen to position the analog sticks on their Traditional Wii Controller the same way as the Dual Shock analog sticks: parallell. I think I' ll stop defending Sony here before the whole Kikizo community charges at me  . I also have to say that I don' t like Sony that much either and I really hate their new controller. I' m just trying to balance the anti-Sony and the pro-Sony thoughts in this forum. Don' t hate me  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 May 06 17:50:43 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 01:51
And honestly, even you have to admit, that Sony where the ones that came up with the idea of dual analog sticks. Sure they used Nintendo' s analog stick, but at least they made some improvements. the L/R 3 buttons were also Sony' s ideas. Absolutely, but they didn' t find a real use for the right analog stick until PS2 was released and even then it wasn' t down to Sony but developers. The dual analog sticks wern' t initially meant to be used together but rather to cater for left handed and right handed people alike. Unfortunately most developers ignored that potential on Playstation. As you can see, Nintendo has choosen to position the analog sticks on their Traditional Wii Controller the same way as the Dual Shock analog sticks: parallell. I know and i think it looks stupid. I hate parallel analog sticks! What dod you think about the 50% increase in PS3' s size over the already huge case from last year?
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 01:58
Absolutely, but they didn' t find a real use for the right analog stick until PS2 was released and even then it wasn' t down to Sony but developers. Controlling the camera was a good use of it. The c-buttons on the N64-pad had its flaws. Did you ever play Ape Escape on the PS1? Sure it was just one game but it sure showed how great dual analog sticks really was. Of course it was down to developers to make good use of the second analog stick but Sony gave them the ability to use it. Btw, Ape Escape was developed by SCEE. That would mean Sony really did come up with good ideas themselves. I know and i think it looks stupid. I hate parallel analog sticks! It' s not such a bad idea. Since the d-pad was used in NES and SNES games it would' ve been a bad idea to position it below an analog stick if you' d like to use the traditional controller when playing the Virtual Console. And I think that' s why the Dual Shock has kept the d-pad in its place. Imagine playing Virtua Fighter or Tekken with the analog stick. Not good. Or using a d-pad that' s been positioned where the Dual Shocks analog sticks are, lower than the action buttons. That wouldn' t work very good either. Parallell analog sticks are perfect if a game uses the d-pad a lot. I know that the Dual Shock d-pad sucks but it would' ve sucked even more if it was positioned somewhere else. Look at the Gamecube and you' ll see that very few (if any) games uses the d-pad as the primary controll method while the PS2 has got lots of games that really uses the d-pad for movement. Parallell analog stick setup is d-pad friendly and I like it. What dod you think about the 50% increase in PS3' s size over the already huge case from last year? Terrible but expected. What else? Btw, does anyone here dare agree with me even though I' m " defending" Sony?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 14 May 06 18:36:13 >
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 02:47
360s D-pad is the worst. It even moves about in its placeholder. I can' t imagine playing beat em ups on that! I don' t mind the parallel analog sticks, but they really need to sort the sensitivity out. There was always a huge deadzone and the whole range of movement was in the middle somewhere. I thought I heard somewhere that they were sorting that out though, anyone hear the same? Also will EyeToy come with both PS3 bundles? It' d suck to have to pay even more to get the video chat and its other functions. If it' s included, that' d be some decent incentive for me. Tbh, I' m not anti-Sony. PS2 was my favourite console of last gen, but PS3 has yet to impress.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 14 May 06 18:48:12 >
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 03:18
Well my favour lies with Sony, though I like to own all machines when I am able to afford it (like current Gen). So it' s nice to see some defence for sony, dispite a lot of the criticism being very justified. The eye toy demo shown was very cool, made me think a Yu Gi Oh game would rock (not that I ever played one... was always put off), great fun. Games selling the PS3 to me: - Lair
- Heavenly Sword
- Sonic
- Hard Rain
- DMC 4
- Assassins Creed
Probably more too but nothing jumping to mind. Also will EyeToy come with both PS3 bundles Not with either, unless you get it later on a shops " eye-toy bundle" . But IGN was speculating the eye wouldn' t release too far behind the system. On another note, did anyone read the Sony Japan interview? It stated that Sony offered bundle PS3s like a pc with different HDD and ports, but also that they may in future release other bundles (like maybe dual HDMI, or with other studd added or taken away I suppose)
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 03:50
Yu-Gi-Oh card game on Eye-Toy? It would be ok if the game came with a starter deck, and you can use all the cards you have built up over the years. Have that and multiplayer (the only way Yu-Gi-Oh will remotely be challenging), and maybe it will be good. On another note, did anyone read the Sony Japan interview? It stated that Sony offered bundle PS3s like a pc with different HDD and ports, but also that they may in future release other bundles (like maybe dual HDMI, or with other studd added or taken away I suppose) Somehow I don' t think it would be anything too drastic, but I guess it is feasable. Besides, having a gigantic hard drive for all the custom files, and custom soundtracks for games in particular, is probably the most important upgrade that I would want. If I were a millionaire, I would then like multiple HDMI ports, but right now, one HDMI will suffice. I just cringe seeing that price point. That will never change, unless I win a lottery.
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 07:25
I just hope that DMC4 is better than 2 and 3.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 07:56
I just watched the video interview for Assassins Creed on ign, and that made it seem more interesting than I originally thought it would be when I saw the trailers. She was talking about how it recreates real cities around Jerusalem and real historical figures, and something about crowd and social dynamics. Could be interesting if they get it right...otherwise it' s just hitman vs prince of persia... (Plus the producer was hot.  )
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 14:53
Going cold turkey on the PS series by not getting PS2 and instead getting the Xbox, made me pretty immune to the FF series for now. Although, sure, I get envious sometimes. FFXIII doesn' t impress me, and with Mistwalker working for MS, RPGs no longer are the thrump card to me. A larger overall library however, is still a large lure, but price outweighs this. Possibly, the promise of region-free. I know that I said that being region-free wouldn' t help because of pirates, and price; but still, the ability to play any game is a good idea, and a good lure to me as well.
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 18:16
MGS4 FFXIII I would say GTAIV but seeing as that is also on 360 and will relatively look the same, and the 360 is getting exclusive downloadable content. (And I know a lot of people that have bought consoles just for GTA games), my opinion is that Sony is going to lose a lot of sales due to that. As 360 is the cheaper alternative to accessing your GTA goodness and will likely be cheaper on the 360 as well. There are other games but not renowned enough to shift PS3' s. NOW BRING ON NINJA GAIDEN 2 FOR 360!!! ARRAAARARARRAGGHH!!!!!!    
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 May 06 10:17:00 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 18:55
I wont buy the PS3, not unless companies like Bioware, Ubisoft and Bethesda go exclusive one day! I dont like how sony does it buisness, and i do think the Dual Shock controller is the worst controller ever, and not changing it is a big mistake!
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 15, 2006 19:35
To me, anything that is multi-format between PS3 and 360 will not help the PS3, anyone looking to buy a PS3 for Resi 5 would look for the cheaper alt with 360, so the only 3 games still stand at MGS 4 and FFXIII The Getaway, the new IP' s (ie Heavenly Sword, Resistance I-8, WarHawk, Lair, Assassins Creed) whilst each have there own level of interest, they will only appeal to people like us that enjoy these E3 shows, but for the common public, which far outways the hardcore section of videogaming, already established brands like GTA (which is a big sony system seller), will appeal to gamers more. That is why Sony losing exclusive right to GTA is a massive kink in their plans. Because it could be the crucial difference for the amount of units they sell...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 00:51
Tiz, why do your posts look like they' ve been copied and pasted from notepad?! I hear that Assassins Creed has quite a number of suprises and isn' t all set in the medievil world...
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 01:16
Resistance 1-8 looked like a so-so FPS.nothing impressive with it at all. Lair was basically nothing that we got to see. Assassins cred is basicall gonna be SC in medival time? might be good. Heavenly sword... hmm it looked very promising,but need to see more.' Seeing how they taken away 4990 enemies and 1080p you may wonder whats next instores...
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 01:39
Saw at E3: Resistance: Fall of Man Heavenly Sword Assasian' s Creed Virtua Fighter 5 Devil May Cry 4 I guess FFXIII/Versus Not At E3: Killzone this game gets disrespected Rachet and Clank other stuff I am forgetting only exclusive titles in this list if Motorstorm becomes aynthing like Downhill Domination put it up there Anotther PS2 had was offline coop games over other consoles
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 01:41
Tiz, why do your posts look like they' ve been copied and pasted from notepad?! Do they? I just press enter once I have filled up the line to prevent it from strectching to the other side of the screen.... Do they really look like that? Bummer...
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- Joined: May 10, 2006
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 02:26
Heavenly sword looks nice, and so does Sonic. BUt sonic will be on 360, so just like PS2, I don' t have much reason for a playstation this round either. Too many games with numbers at the end of thier names. Only confirms how stale Sony is getting.
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 02:32
If you compare the amount of 360 games (announced 6 months before the 360 release) that sold the 360 to you, with the amount of announced PS3 games that would sell the PS3 to you, how does it all sum up? I can honestly say that the PS3 gains my immediate support because there was simply not a single game for the 360 I wanted 6 months before its release. And already I think the PS3 has got more games I want than the 360 even though the 360 has been out for almost half a year. Kind of sad actually because I don' t like the idea of having to pay for a PS3 to play my fav games. Oh well, the Wii wins most of my support anyway.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 15 May 06 19:19:19 >
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 05:08
Btw, does anyone here dare agree with me even though I' m " defending" Sony? I don' t agree with the guide/home button story - We don' t know how it works and 360' s guide button is very unique (you can open the OS any time in any game). Nintendo has a separate power button so it' s not exactly that - it' s purpouse could still be different Other than that I totally agree - oh and I don' t mind DS2 analog sticks placement :) and not changing it is a big mistake! they are changing it :) - downgrading it actually
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