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Which games will sell PS3 to you?
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 18:40
But I doubt you would say a word if Microsoft started using it as an Eye-Toy. You' ve even said it yourself that you' d like them to do so. Honestly I would to, give Sony a little taste of their own medicine . [/quote[ I' d slate Microsoft if they developed an EyeToy like game because then they would be copying Sony Looks like it' s already started... Xbox Live Vision Camera to Use GestureTek APIs http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/10965/Xbox-Live-Vision-Camera-to-Use-GestureTek-APIs/
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 18:46
Well, well, well! Let' s here some anti-Microsoft comments here then  . Or maybe we should blame Sony for this? Of course it' s Sony' s fault. It' s always their fault. Hehe it' s a nice feeling knowing that Sony got copied for once. I' ll laugh my ass of if Sony starts accusing Microsoft for that.
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 18:57
No no, Sony came up with the thing and made it work well. I wasn' t interested at first with EyeToy Play or any of the others on PS2 but the stuff that they' ve been showing for the PS3 looks really cool. Microsoft are thieving biatches! They have stolen Sony' s only unique idea but still won' t be able to make it work properly! It' s not quite the same kind of thing but it will be used that way. I don' t see why companies need to do this (and it' s always been this way). Surely since there' s no money in hardware they' d be better off uniting and making 1 uberpowerful machine that you could get any game for. So, only Microsoft don' t have some sort of tilt controller. I guess it won' t be long until they make one though, if only so they don' t get left out. What will happen to my beloved Nintendo then?!
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 19:45
There' s no point to adding a tilt controller, few developers will program for additions to a console this late out, and even PS3' s tilt control is shaddy and not exactly intuitive at best, nintendo' s console is brand new and fresh in design, it' s MADE for the motion sensing so I don' t think there' ll be an competition for nintendo in the motion sensing catagory this round. Oh yes, and who says cam-tracking hasn' t been on PC' s before sony used it on PS2?
< Message edited by Pyrii -- 16 May 06 11:46:18 >
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 20:13
It' d be great if EyeToy was used like TrackIR for race and flight sims on PC, where it moves the in-game camera when you move your head slightly. I still need to buy one of those!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 16 May 06 12:24:41 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 20:59
MGS4 VF5 Heavenly sword Those are the only ones that interest me at the moment. The rest are too early on in development to comment on. Sure they look good but I need more than a graphical teasers to even bother looking twice at a game. Those WarDevil screenshots look like they' ve been doctored too.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 21:00
In the same way we cant compare 2nd gen 360 games to current first gen PS3 games we simply cannot say which games swayed us to a format comparing between the both at launch! Consider for amoment the technology MS made available significantly earlier than Sony, so the only true way you could say what titles sway you at launch (well fairly anyways) is in say, what titles are available within a 12 month period from when the devs first got the kit. Games developed in 2005 wont look as good on any platform than ones developed at the same time a year later. So forget hardware bias, and give each console a 12month window from launch rather than launch itself. Does that make sense to anyone else? Hardly seems fair to me, especailly when M$ had to play their cards early so people would listen over the hype of the PS3 which would have drowned them out. So their launch titles were more sparse. Maybe the thread should be called " games due for release in 2006 which could sway you to a certain platform" ... or games out 12 months after launch which will make the masses chose between the two...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 21:04
Since most of the big titles announced for PS3 already won' t be available at launch and will run into late 2007 anyway, i think it' s fine.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 21:37
so what are peoples guesses for the launch line up titles based on current progress.. and what are they likely to be contenting with on the Wii / 360 front by then?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 16, 2006 22:23
I think the PS3 launch lineup will look something like: Devil May Cry 4 Fight Night Round 3 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Eyedentify Fifth Phantom Saga Resistance: Fall of Man MotorStorm Tekken 6 Warhawk Infraworld Formula One Ni-Oh Untold Legends: dark Kingdom Fatal Inertia (note that there will also be the usual variety of sports titles available and probably even one or two cheap, quickly thrown together ports like Gun was on 360) And i think they' ll be up against the following 360 titles: Gears of War Mass Effect Too Human Just Cause Rainbow 6: Vegas Crackdown Viva Pinata Galaga GTA 4 Forza Motorsport 2 Overlord Blue Dragon DoaX2 BioShock By then, 360 owners will already have Splinter Cell: Double Agent and at least one of the two planned Advanced Warfighter expansions along with other notable games, but the titles i listed are those i expect to be released in October and November to counter the launch. I think that online play will be made free on Xbox Live and that the DirecTV blade will be enabled allowing TV episodes to be downloaded. I also think that there will be a huge boost in available content on Marketplace and tons of additions to XBLA, and i wouldn' t be suprised if Microsoft even dropped the price of their console and released a BLACK version at the same time.
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RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 17, 2006 00:10
No Ridge Racer for the PS3 launch?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 17, 2006 00:14
Damn! Missed it off. Yes RR7 too!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 17, 2006 00:23
riiiiidge raaaacer!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Which games will sell PS3 to you?
May 17, 2006 01:41
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