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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 02:18
I never got around to finishing SR as its so damn hard. That was a few years ago mind. Good game tough.

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 02:48

I never got around to finishing SR as its so damn hard

I went through it i think about 3 times, It wasn' t very long...
Soul reaver 2 picked up right where number 1 finished and continues it... Amazing, though i found SR2 to be a lot more open... it' was huge compared to the original.

Makes me what to go back and play it again

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 03:52
The Soul Reaver games were awesome, ... Raziel in particular was a great character.

I wouldn' t want them to continue the series like with Tomb Raider though, but a next-gen remake would be cool.

In fact, there are several games i would like remade...

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 09:02
A SR remake would rock,forget TB, I would play it.

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 13:41
Crystal dynamics doesnt do the tomb raider franchise, C.O.R.E however does, and IMPO, most of what core' s done has stunk.

Don' t know why, but for some reason most brit developers make bad games..Correct me if i' m wrong.

Then again, rare is british.
Then again again, rare hasnt been doing as well as they once had.

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 16:28

Crystal dynamics doesnt do the tomb raider franchise, C.O.R.E however does, and IMPO, most of what core' s done has stunk.

well ...not quite my friend since the newest TR is being made by Crystal Dynamics.

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 20, 2006 20:18

Crystal dynamics doesnt do the tomb raider franchise, C.O.R.E however does, and IMPO, most of what core' s done has stunk.

Perhaps you shouldn' t try to be a smart ass and do some research, ...because you' re completely wrong.

Core Design no longer makes the Tomb Raider games, mostly due to the mess they made of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

Since Eidos also own Crystal Dynamics, they game the franchise to them, ...a move which prompted the key members of the Core Design team to leave and form a company called Circle Studio.

Last year SCi bought Eidos and the quality of the work is said to have picked up. I guess we' ll see how Legend turn out...

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 00:35
dammit am trying to find a link i found on my pda at work, listing some the the screens at the top of the thread as PS2 ones...

So they may be stealing the 360 ones, bu it does add a little hope for you majik..

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 01:22
Not so lucky i' m afraid...



The character models are different.

Now, from what i have been able to garner, this... what most of the game looks like, but the Tokyo level and the other urban levels look like this...

...which is pathetic. I find it hard to believe that the developers haven' t noticed the difference. They would have been better off removing the rubbish looking levels and replacing them with more outdoor locations!

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 02:00
Having said that, some parts of the Tokyo level look pretty good... perhaps there is hope afterall...

Also, as far as the multi-platform thing goes, ...if Ubisoft can manage it with Double Agent, then Crystal Dynamics should be able to manage it with Tomb Raider, and for the most part they have done, i just think that the Tokyo level looks horrible.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 20 Mar 06 18:16:07 >

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 02:21

Perhaps you shouldn' t try to be a smart ass and do some research, ...because you' re completely wrong.

Alright, calm down son, it was an honest mistake.

Perhaps there is hope for this game afterall.

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 04:01

Ignore me when i start being harsh, ...I don' t mean anything by it.

There' s hope, but i still don' t see why they would release these screens...

The pillar on the left isn' t even round. You' d think that they' d fix that kind of stuff for the 360 version. The character models for both Lara and her enemies are sub-par too, or at least look it.

...and i think this looks unforgivable...

I woud expect that from the original Xbox, not my next-gen console...
Game Junkie

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 08:04
All I' m saying is that they would have stopped making Tomb Raider games after the first one if it was Larry instead of Laura. Same with DOA, the DOA series is worthless with Tekken and Virtual Fighter.
Chee Saw

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 08:39

ORIGINAL: Game Junkie

...the DOA series is worthless with Tekken and Virtual Fighter.

I disagree. DOA looks better than both of them put together, and it' s more fun. Tekken 5 SUCKS ASS!! Virtual Fighter is pretty tight, gameplay wise, though.

Oh, and on the subject of Tomb Raider, I just hope the " roots" they' re going back to is the enjoyment of the gameplay in the original. That game was lots of fun.
< Message edited by chee saw -- 21 Mar 06 0:41:13 >

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 09:02

the DOA series is worthless with Tekken and Virtual Fighter.

It' s not as good as Virtua Fighter but it' s better than Tekken.

I loved Tekken 2, 3 and 5 and i' ll be buying Dark Ressurection for PSP, but DOA is waaaaay more fun.

DOA4 is GREAT, and not because of the reason you point out. Shit, Team Ninja actually made female characters worth having and they' re every bit as badass as the male ones. I was never keen on DOA3 but i loved DOAU. DOA4 is different to previous DOA games, it plays differently and is a more complex game.

Roll on VF5 though!

I just hope the " roots" they' re going back to is the enjoyment of the gameplay in the original.


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RE: WTF???? - Mar 21, 2006 09:42
...did Ms. Croft throw her shoes at someone?....

...or can she run faster without them?.... .she appears to have forgotten her Jimmy Choo' s in those new screens......

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 22, 2006 04:25
It makes sense that she' s barefoot...

Anyway, look...

I' m not officially excited about this game again. Only a month until release too!
Vx Chemical

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 22, 2006 04:47
Id really like the game to be good, i had a special feeling playing tomb raider 1 and 2. Especially the openig of the 1st, with the cave and the wolves.

They should really go more into the cave buisness again! And less shooting people!
Terry Bogard

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 22, 2006 04:48
I like the bike scene shown above... I' ll be checking out the 360 version if it' s released next month as well.. Lara and I were never properly introduced. I' ve only played a demo of the first game I think, and that only lasted a few minutes because my attention span sorta sucked way back then and it was a demo of the PC version...

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RE: WTF???? - Mar 22, 2006 04:58
...l like it... looks pretty good to me....

...i' m a big fan of 3d person adventure / exploration games.... ...those new screens remind me of soul reaver for some reason...
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