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Next Gen Viusals
Mar 19, 2006 01:23
You' re telling me that we get this... ...AWESOME game, ...but Crystal Dynamics can' t even get Tomb Raider right?! This... ...loos amazing, and is just what i' ve been waiting to see from a Tomb Raider game. But these... ...are the newest Xbox 360 screens and i can hardly believ that it' s the same game. These look awful!!! What the hell have they done to Lara' s skin? Where hass the damn tomb gone? Why the hell does it look like an Xbox game? Why does she have a visibly lower polycount than previously shown? Why change/add/alter something that looked soooooo good? I' m certain the previously show tomb raiding level is still in the game but since the game would have obviously been much better without these parts, why include them? I was going to pre-order this game but now i' ll wait for the demo to appear on marketplace because i now suspect that the franchise can' t be saved at all and that this is going to turn out to be as big a disappointment as the previous game! Dammit, let Ubisoft make the damn thing!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 21 Mar 06 18:54:13 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 01:32
Dont compare a multiplattform title,that also coming to xbox and ps2...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 01:48
I' m comparing a 360 game to another 360 game... My point is that the screens of Tomb Raider at the top atre FAR superior to the most recent ones. I don' t get where it went wrong... It looks rubbish!
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- Joined: Nov 05, 2005
- Location: Mississauga, ON, Canada
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 02:40
quez ir right. It' s coming out for the current gen too, and I guess they' re not Ubisoft and don' t have enough money to have one team just work on the 360 version only. I don' t care about this game anyway, never liked the series.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 03:52
I' m not comparing it to Ghost Recon, i think you have misunderstood! I' m comparing this... ...which looks gorgeous, to this... ...which looks fucking horrible, and looks as bad as this... ... I mentioned this... ...because in my opinion it' s the first truely next-gen game. That' s all This... ...looks fantastic, but this... ...looks like a cheap imitation! I want to know why one part of the game looks superb and another part of the game looks pathetic. It' s the same game running on the same hardware and is supposed to save the franchise, ...which it would have done/will do if it looked/looks like this...   Whether or not the series is for you is beside the point, the difference between the two sets of images is huge. I just don' t see how with the game nearing release, they can let screenshots slip out that show something vastly different to what they have shown up until this point... ...i don' t get it!
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 04:05
Screenshots are often misleading. I say wait until some gameplay footage or (like me) the game is released and see how it is. You never know, those indoor sections may comprose a very small portion of the game. Then again, it could be crap!
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 04:29
Well I for one understand and agree with you there majik. The first screens of TR looked fantastic, the newer ones, looks.... well like you said, an xbox game. Maybe mislabeled screenies? Wouldn' t be so lucky... Though I have a lot of hope in this game as Crystal D bought me a game series i adore - Legacy of Kain... it' s sad for me they ended it. But i hope the game is good... For me other than surprise i can' t bew too disappointed though, mine will be the stunning, most amazing.... Ahem...*whispers* PS2 version. Just wait for nearer release for some review vids/screenies and see if these were just (really) bad shots
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 04:32
Your mistake was expecting a Tomb raider game... ANY Tomb Raider game... to actually look good.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 04:56
Mis-labeled screens? What, like they could actually be the PSP version?!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 05:55
Well in case you didn' t know, Tomb Raider was announced to now be running on the new S.U.C.K. engine. This advanced new engine is going to introduce all new levels of Suck as you' ve already seen from the downgraded visual quality of the latest pics.  It' ll be interesting to see whether Sony steals this one for themselves like they did with Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness or whether they' re finally over their Lara infatuation and are ok with it going multiplatform...
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 18 Mar 06 22:02:31 >
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 06:28
lol lol lol Joe, sure it' s tomb raider, but its Crystal D. They are great. I dunno what to say... lol
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 06:59
I seen gameplay footage of that new tomb radier game, and honestly, it looks like junk. Not complete junk [like all other TR games] but it had fiddly trageting, poor collision dectation, piss poor camera and a general acradeyness that dosent suit it. Taken back to its roots it is.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 08:00
Crystal Dynamics? The 3DO developer? Did they suddenly rise from the 3DO grave? They never made a game I appreciated. Total Eclipse had some good music, but that' s about it. Gex sucked ass. Didn' t they also do that Pandamonium game? that looked boring.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 08:30
Legacy of Kain 2 had great visuals for it' s time ...
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 09:26
and a general acradeyness that dosent suit it. That would actually be the only thing that sells it to me, the arcadeyness :)
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 09:43
It doesn' t matter how many polys her boobs have they game will still be junk, its Tomb Raider people play it for the same retarded reason why they play DOA.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 11:26
Rubbish! Did you ever play the original?! It was amazing (back then). You got to fight a motherfuckin T-Rex! It was the first attempt at a realistic (ish) platform game. Shit, get Lucas Arts to make another good Indiana Jones games and then i' ll tell Lara to take a hike!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: WTF????
Mar 19, 2006 11:32
Did you ever play the original?! It was amazing (back then). You got to fight a motherfuckin T-Rex! Oooh sweet! They should remake the original for next-gen consoles so I can fight this T-Rex! Was there ever a compilation of Tomb Raider games released this generation?
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: WTF????
Mar 20, 2006 01:12
It doesn' t matter how many polys her boobs have they game will still be junk, its Tomb Raider people play it for the same retarded reason why they play DOA. In that case - it' s good to be retarded - at least it' s better than being some silly ignorant.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: WTF????
Mar 20, 2006 02:13
Did you ever play the original?! It was amazing (back then). You got to fight a motherfuckin T-Rex! The first tomb raider was awesome, that T-Rex part is one of my memorable moments in video games. Amazing. This is why i hope for good stuff with this one.
It doesn' t matter how many polys her boobs have they game will still be junk, its Tomb Raider people play it for the same retarded reason why they play DOA. In that case - it' s good to be retarded - at least it' s better than being some silly ignorant. Agreed. I seen gameplay footage of that new tomb radier game, and honestly, it looks like junk. Not complete junk [like all other TR games] but it had fiddly trageting, poor collision dectation, piss poor camera and a general acradeyness that dosent suit it. Taken back to its roots it is. Well I agree about the problem of the collision detection...- when she would glad a ledge i first thought she would fall but then she kinda glitches on it it... well almost, her hands aren' t quite near it but she holds through will power. I' m sure this is something that will be rectified, and the game with be improved somewhat. Crystal Dynamics? The 3DO developer? Did they suddenly rise from the 3DO grave? They never made a game I appreciated. Total Eclipse had some good music, but that' s about it. Gex sucked ass. Didn' t they also do that Pandamonium game? that looked boring. Legacy of kain, starting from original PS, Loved my soul reaver port for dreamcast (first one i played) and stuck to the series too until it' s finale.
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