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Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 02:34
..do you prefer Animal Crossing to Ghost Recon: AWF?..... No, and point noted!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 02:42
What I hate about Nintendo is that they stupidly think that people enjoy FUN games! Give it up. Nobody likes FUN! Only kids like fun. Nintendo is extremely stupid if they think that something as inane as FUN can sell their games. Having sex with hookers and then shooting them is where the high-brow entertainment really is. People would rather do that than have fun. People want boring melodrama like in Metal Gear Solid! They want complex controls that take weeks to learn! They want repetitive online death matches with lots of smack talk! They most certainly DON' T want fun! God I hate Nintendo. Fun has absolutely no business being in videogames.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 17 Mar 06 18:44:08 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 03:02
What I hate about Nintendo is that they stupidly think that people enjoy FUN games! Give it up. Nobody likes FUN! Only kids like fun. Nintendo is extremely stupid if they think that something as inane as FUN can sell their games. Having sex with hookers and then shooting them is where the high-brow entertainment really is. People would rather do that than have fun. People want boring melodrama like in Metal Gear Solid! They want complex controls that take weeks to learn! They want repetitive online death matches with lots of smack talk! They most certainly DON' T want fun! God I hate Nintendo. Fun has absolutely no business being in videogames. LMAO Also the reason i compare the likes of GTA and other " urban cool" games to nintendos is simply the contrast of them. GTA is very main stream to to joe bloggs, his fave game, or first to mind would likely be GTA. Where as Nintendo aren' t really main stream and kind of frowned upon. So GTA has very horrible gameplay, poor gfx, poor controls, poor ideas, etc. whereas nintendo release generally, well polished games, fun simple gameplay. I wouldn' t compare a AAA game like those mentioned, because they are well produced games. Although if you want to compare Joe gave a somewhat comparison. It' s nice to get a bit of light-hearted fun, not have to go through hours of learning controls and techniques (that capcom mech game anyone?). I am just showing the good points about nintendo, despite my dislike for them over the past years.
< Message edited by uumai -- 17 Mar 06 19:10:09 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 04:17
Mario whoring is a problem, and this coming from one of the worlds biggest mario fans out there. But I DRAW A LINE between Mario games and games featuring Mario. Mario games are all out fun and I await the new one the instant I' m done the current one. I love Nintendo, I' m 28 bishonen. I have a child. to be honest your attitude screams of a 15 year old boys locker room where every one of you is bragging about all the ladies you' ve " had" . To say you personnally don' t understand what people see in Nintendo is fine. There' s a crap load of shit games out there (mostly produced by EA) that sell millions that prove other people must agree with you. But to say that Nintendo fans are dickless dweebs or 40 year old virgins is just plain ignorant. It' s people like you who confuse growing older and growing up. They are not the same, and I pity people who think that growing older is the way to go. Joe' s sarcasm is a perfect sentiment to this exact point that if you want to be a " mature" gamer you better not be having fun while you do it. What rediculous idea that companies have forged into our heads. When I play Pikmin (which I' ll admit isn' t for everybody, but it sure was damn fun) I have a smile on my face. I don' t know if I' ve ever seen anybody smile while they' re playing DOOM. Now I' m not saying that there is no place for adult themed games. I have Perfect Dark Zero, and i enjoy it, it' s a different type of entertainment that can be really fun. But to ignore the other types of enjoyment you can get that a company like Nintendo is providing is a waste.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 17 Mar 06 20:17:51 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 05:25
Yeah, anybody who skips on Nintendo hardware is seriously missing out, because while there aren' t anywhere near the number of games available on rival consoles, there' s a lot more class. Look at the games... Windwaker is fantastic, and what is there on other consoles like it?! Metroid Prime/Echoes are as good as Halo' s solo campaign... F-Zero GX is better than Wipeout Fusion... Super Mario Sunshine is better than any Jak or Rachet game.. ...the list could easily continue. The point is that yes there are great games on Sony and Microsoft' s platforms, but rarely are they of the same kind of quality. You don' t need a million mediocre games, you just need a handful of really great ones. Nintendo isn' t for kids, they' re not even aiming for kids (er, ...ok!), they just want people to realise that you don' t need to use every single button on the pad, then combinations of buttons on top of that to have a good game. As much as i enjoy the cutscenes (not the stupid codec dialogue scenes) in the MGS games, the gameplay itself isn' t exactly remarkable or even very fun. You just want to get to the next cutscene and see what happens... Nintendo have amazed me twice with the same game, and it' s a game that never gets old. Super Mario 64!!! It' s THE platformer and the only thing that has come as close is Super Mario 64 DS. I love it, ...and what' s the goal? the story? Why you have to collect stars and save the Princess. Simple! (note that if Rare released Banjoe Kazooie/Tooie on DS i' d probably cry tears of joy!) The Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell games are among my personal favourites, ...as are Ninja Gaiden, the Oddworld games and RE4, ...but they sit right alongside Super Mario 64, Super Monkey Ball, Pikmin and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Since we' re talking about Nintendo Bishonen, i think it' s only fair you explain what Sony and Microsoft 1st party titles are superior to Nintendo' s...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 17 Mar 06 21:25:33 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 05:27
I think Tales of symphonia on the GC was awesome,however many on this forum hate that title apparently. >_< for me a 93/100.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 05:35
I' d hate to see what the industry would be without nintendo, i grew up with it, and eventually discovered the playstation which was cool and hip. The N64 was, in my opinion, their worst console, and I have a good few frineds who would completely disagree with that, but maybe its just that generation of craptastic graphics that looking back, makes me shudder. Altough they had their classics and top games, i' d never go back. Nintendo often neglates certain consumers or markets, owning a n64 was hell back in the day, you would have to wait years for the next decent 10-15 hour game to come out, and with very little 3rd party support, they became boring. Thats why people turned to the playstation, the new found ' cultural icon' of videogames, here you enjoy monthly releases, who cares if you dont know who made it or that it only lasts you 6 hours which is also bug ridden, the Sequal is in Production!. The same thing is happening the nintendo and its games again, the last tripleA game for it was RE4, now allmost an year and counting, Twlight Princess will hit. But will there be anybody left to enjoy it?. Being a launch title for the rev, will more than likely solve that issue.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 05:49
I love Nintendo too,i wont them,its best to have 3 companies in the " war zone" . E3 rocks then :) No but seriously i like Nintendo,its just that,they was biatches when they was leading,and well ... i dont know iof i want them to lead ever again,all though shigeru kick ass,the rest of nintendo doesnt. But yea i prob get NR,i get all nintendo stuff... so.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 05:54
I think Tales of symphonia on the GC was awesome,however many on this forum hate that title apparently. >_< for me a 93/100. Despite my dislike for the GENRE itself, I actually liked what I played of Tales of Symphonia. I remember praising the battle system here on these forums. Unfortunately, after putting the game down for a bit, I got sidetracked by some other stuff and never got a chance to return to it.. So if/when I ever do return to it I might just scrap whatever progress I made and start all over again.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:17
...Uummi... ...please don' t post again until you know what you are talking about... ...because i don' t have a clue!!...  ...maybe you should go back to page 1 and start again... There' s a crap load of shit games out there (mostly produced by EA) that sell millions that prove other people must agree with you ...EA?... ...WTF has that got to go with anything??... ...where did i mention them???.... ...every time that two letter word is mentioned i involuntarily spit!!.... ...why are people making out like if anit made by nintendo it must be EA or GTA or some other pi$$ poor sh*t??.... I don' t know if I' ve ever seen anybody smile while they' re playing DOOM. ...huh?... ...what' s up with you people today??... ...are you seriously suggesting that Doom isn' t fun???... WTF ARE YOU ON???? I have a child. to be honest your attitude screams of a 15 year old boys locker room where every one of you is bragging about all the ladies you' ve " had" ...well i could say that your attitude screams of a 40 year old flaccid dweeb-pop, who smokes a pipe, has a moustache, likes wearing a vest under his pyjamas, thinks that ' Y' fronts are the choice of underwear, and who always insists on a cup of warm milk before his 9pm bedtime   !! ...but I' ll play nice... *sign* ...i don' t know.. .....perhaps you need to be a family guy to ' appreciate' nin-dweeb-tendo....
< Message edited by bishonen -- 17 Mar 06 22:23:49 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:25
... Ok, but seriously Bish, ...lets talk 1st party titles. Of the three companies, which have the superior 1st party line-up?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:32
flaccid dweeb-pop, who smokes a pipe, has a moustache, likes wearing a vest under his pyjamas, thinks that ' Y' fronts are the choice of underwear, and who always insists on a cup of warm milk before his 9pm bedtime !! You must' ve been peeking in my window AGAIN cause you just described me all too well!!!!1!!!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:37
Ok, but seriously Bish, ...lets talk 1st party titles. Of the three companies, which have the superior 1st party line-up? ...that' s not really the point of this thread dude... ....i have already stated that most can' t argue with Nintendo' s technical abilities.... ...my puzzlement, stemmed from the contradiction between Nintendo' s core target base and the demographic of its ever vocal proponents..
< Message edited by bishonen -- 17 Mar 06 22:38:12 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:43
Well then you obviously have the wrong idea as to the kind of consumer they are targeting. DS is a prime example of how successfully Nintendo marketing is and who their products are geared towards. If you think they avoid mature gamers then you are wrong. You ARE only young though so it' s kinda understandable that you think the way you do.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:49
But GC hardly delivered anything for someone who wanted a bit of violence...
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 06:51
SO this forum has been accused of being MS biased Sony biased and now Nintendo biased...wow. This thread is just so annoyingly dumb. So nintendo appeals to those who would rather come home from daycare, school, or work and not put their minds thru more hurdles. Many games they create are void of any stress. They are nostalgic while at the same time innovative. They do somthing that few companies bother trying, which is create mass appealing games. Of course they cant please everybody as we can see by this thread. But honestly its very few out there that think that way of Nintendo. Then again I could be completly wrong. BTW Im 20, quite sure I have my man peice intact, and even more sure its been used for certain things other then pissing.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 17 Mar 06 22:54:57 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 07:08
This forum is Ex-Sega but Now Microsoft biased.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 07:09
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 07:17
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL But GC hardly delivered anything for someone who wanted a bit of violence... Blood Omen 2 Bloodrayne Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Call of Duty: Finest Hour Dead to Rights Eternal Darkness GUN Spartan: Total Warrior Freedom Fighters Geist Gladius Hitman 2 Hunter: The Reckoning James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing Killer 7 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Lord of the Rings The Return of the King Medal of Honour: European Assault Medal of Honour: Frontline Medal of Honour: Rising Sun Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Mortal Kombat: Deception Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Rainbow 6: Lockdown Red Faction II Resident Evil Resident Evil Zero Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica X Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Soulcalibur II Spawn: Armageddon True Crime: The Streets of LA True Crime: New York City TimeSplitters: Future Perfect TimeSplitters 2 Tom Clancy' s Ghost Recon 2 Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow XIII  
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 07:29
no online support fr the SC,and the rest of the games pretty much sucked,expect RE4... and soulcaliber2.
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