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Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 01:53
Donkey Kong 64 was great, just like all of Rares other games on N64. It' s a damn shame Nintendo let them go but since i LOVE Kameo i' m not too bothered. I will say that after this Pinata game they need to make either another Banjoe, Conker or Killer Instinct game, preferably all three, because the last thing i want to see is another bloody Perfect Dark!!! PDZ is terrible (in my opinion) and games like Ghost Recon walk all over it visually (it being PDZ' s visuals that most are so impressed by). I miss the old Rare, ...and i want my new bloody Banjoe game dammit!!!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 01:59
Seeing how Kameo and pdz was first gc games that later came to xbox when MS bought rare,and later rushed to 360,we cannot judge rare by these,we need to judge them from all future titles ahead,like pinata for ex,and whatever they make in the future.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 03:56
Chee Saw
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 04:01
This thread is stupid. It was started by a boy who wears bras but calls video gamers " dickless" for playing Nintendo games!! Who the FUCK cares what he thinks!?
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 04:21
It was started by a boy who wears bras ....not quite... ...but this thread would of been good if people weren' t this easily threatened... ...sorry if i hurt all your feelings...
< Message edited by bishonen -- 18 Mar 06 20:21:45 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 04:58
... I don' t know why i bother...
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 05:00
...hey, i was being serious!.....
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 05:16
Majik was not treating sakaguchi as a legend,i change side,and support bishonen in whatever he says,people who dont treat sakaguchi as a legend that own shigeru must DIE!!!!!!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 05:35
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 06:35
Now quez, your joking, right? I don' t think one person could possibly own all... there are too many good people out there, I used to like Yuji Naka, but given the recent levels of crap he and his team are putting out in the form on sonic etc... i am not so sure these days. (he is too busy sitting behind his desk counting money) However mario is more " famous" than final fantasy, as for the others, good games but not as widely recognised. Everyone knows zelda, and mario (but given mario whoring... how could they not?  )
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 06:58
Hironobu Sakaguchi... NOT A LEGEND!!! He was also responsible for the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, which is criminal. His games have sold 60 million units worldwide.   The REAL legend... Miyamoto on the otherhand, makes that looks pathetic. More than 40 million units of the original Super Mario Bros alone have shipped since it' s release in 1985. More than 211 million games in the Super Mario series ALONE have been sold so far and the guy has worked on over 80 different games. Labeled " The Spielberg of Video Games" by Time Magazine in May 96, he' s considered by his peers to be the greatest video game designer in the world. He' s a living legend. I don' t want to mock Sakaguchi, i love his games, but compared to Miyamoto he' s a amateur!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 18 Mar 06 23:01:41 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 07:43
I agree that Shigeru = the new hotness, and Sakaguhi = old and busted. Ok, maybe not that bad. I actually enjoy A lot of the Sakaguchi games, but Shigeru simply KNOWS video games. He' s got this weird childlike ability to see what' s fun out of nothing, and then make games nobody was expecting. He' s unique in the world of games, and not many people can say that.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 08:21
Be honest people,are you more intrested in sakaguchis new rpg dream projects,as the unoffical sequal to chrono trigger,and the FF dream project aka LO? And his new action rpg cry on,and also titles that hasnt been announced yet,or shigerus new zelda/mario? Did not shigeru lose a lot of respect after Mario sunshine? i got that game,and its great,but...its a bad mario64 clone,if you ask me...
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 08:26
Shigeru is the only guy that surpasses himself each time. 3 of 6 40/40 famitsu scores are his games. He is responsible for that one game that everyone calls perfect. Miyamoto is creating new genres that become the new hot thing (like Mario 64 type of platformer) , control schemes that are applied to many games (Zelda style ?) and unrivalled gameplay. Every game he touches is at least special in some way.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 08:34
Super Mario Sunshine had nothing on Super Mario 64, It' s a great game in it' s own right but Wind Waker was better. To be honest Quez, as much as i want Blue Dragon, i want Twilight Princess and whatever Mario 128 turns out to be. Shit, i' ll settle for whatever Miyamoto comes up wiith next. I don' t need to know what it is, i' ll be buying it anyway!!! Nintendogs was pure genius and although not exactly a new idea, it was exactued in a way that only Nintendo could manage. I have 2 of the 3 editions and they' re a nice distraction to the games i have on PSP. I think Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 were BOTH perfect. I also think that the only game to come close to Super Mario 64' s platforming greatness is Super Mario 64 DS (another SUPERB game!). Nintendo would be nothing without the guy. Gamers owe him more than they seem to realise!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 08:50
I always liked shigeru,but i always liked sakaguchi much more,he done so many great games,its a joke that people say kojima for ex is a bigger man,if you ask 10 people who is the best gaming creator it probably gonna be like this... 5 people saying shigeru 2 saying kojima 2 saying gabe 1 saying peter Sakaguchi is so much much much better dev then kojima,..-
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 09:28
...people probably say kijoma now because video games have progressed so much since the nes' s heyday... ...whilst donkey Kong or Mario may of been top draw 25 years ago, now, things are completely different... ...the rise of western games development..... ...games offering more and more complex and immersive forms of interaction.... .....online gaming etc.... ...gaming is no longer the property of preteens... ...in fact i read somewhere that the average age of a gamer is around 23..... ..with that in mind, i guess there is little wonder about why nintendo came so embarrassingly last in the most recent console war.... ...it will be interesting to see how n' s Revolution is doing, say three years from now.... ....i think that if it and it' s controller are not a BIG success, Nintendo will pull out of home consoles altogether and focus on it' s only real recent strength, mobile gaming.... ...at least they' ll have a decent amount of dignity left... ..unlike sega.... ...but who knows?....
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 09:35
... So Miyamoto s better than Sakaguchi but Sakaguchi is better than Kojima?! Erm... Perhaps you don' t quite get it, but none of us have been taking this thing seriously. I mean, who are WE to defend Miyamoto?! The guys work speaks for itself... Ha, y' know Quez, i think you' re obsession with Sakaguchi is a little unhealthy. That' s just my opinion... Developers like Kojima, Carmack and Yamauchi are niche game directors. They specialize in one specific genre and rarely try anything new. There games are impressive because they build on their previous work, each time surpassing what has gone bafore and each time bringing soemthing new to the series. (Note: no i am NOT saying MGS2/3 are better than MGS) The games industry has been built on the shoulders of people like Yu Suzuki and Shigeru Miyamoto. Developers like Kojima and Sakaguchi shouldn' t be compared to true industry legends!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 09:35
Nintendo will pull out of home consoles altogether and focus on it' s only real recent strength, mobile gaming.... ...at least they' ll have a decent amount of dignity left... ..unlike sega.. Nintendo' s strength is in Handheld gaming. Sega' s strength is still in Arcade gaming.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 19 Mar 06 1:37:25 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 19, 2006 09:47
...hey, i have MUCH more respect for Sega than nintendo (in fact i think it' s criminal that nintendo survives as a console maker and they don' t) ..but Arcades?... ..surely arcade gaming is doomed??....
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