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What games have you played lately??
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Ninja Dog
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 24, 2005 17:14
o i just started playing Devil May Cry 3: Dantes Awakening.its a great game.it has lots of action.i love the opening scene when dante does some crazying moves. its very fun its just a little hard.owell laters
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jul 18, 2005
RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 24, 2005 19:56
Just picked up GTA: SA for the PC...had to buy a control pad too, it sucks to drive with a trackball. Not even half way thru but have spent hours just wandering around....Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time for the NGC. And Baten Kaitos for the NGC. For a turn based RPG the battles are really quite intense due to the card system interface. The voice acting and story are horrible tho.
< Message edited by Sal -- 25 Jul 05 3:57:21 >
Boss Hogg
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Jul 25, 2005 09:57
Latley I' ve been playin A LOT of Star Wars:Knights of the old Republic 2. The story is just top Knotch. And the game play is just fun as hell I just cant put it down.
Winner! FEB 2005
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 12, 2005 11:49
Tried out SM: Pirates - boring, boring, boring. Purchased Mercenaires (finally) and love it. What an awesome, freakin' game
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 12, 2005 12:29
i just got pokemon emerald and pokemon firered on my GBA.i just love playing firered which is a remake of the red version on the the gameboy.it brings back memories. i dont know why but i like pokemon games
< Message edited by residentevil327 -- 12 Aug 05 20:31:29 >
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 12, 2005 18:38
Hey, the Pokemon games are genius. I have Ruby and Fire Red. I LOVE Fire Red. I play it more than my DS and PSP. The Pokemon games rule man, no doubt about that. They' re so darn addictive, and I' ve been working very hard to make my seven pokemon have experience points eighty or higher.
Ninja Dog
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 12, 2005 20:42
yea they are genius.they are fun and long.im trying to catch them all right now
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 09:58
Anyway, lately I' ve been playing the hell out of Super Mario Sunshine. I just got 100 stars...
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 11:37
Lately I' ve been playing Tenchi: Shinobi Taizen, Tenchi No Mon, Star Soldier, and Sengoku Cannon, all for the PSP.
Ninja Dog
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 13:23
Lately been playing a whole lot of: Gunbound It' s free, it' s simple. It' s SO addictive. Duynasty Warriors 5 Beating up thousands of Chinese soldiers is cool.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 14:02
Beating up thousands of Chinese soldiers is cool. What do you have against the Chinese? ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 14 Aug 05 0:40:41 >
Chee Saw
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 16:32
I just (finally!) beat Chronicles of Riddick. I forgot how fun it was (haven' t played in a while). I wonder if there' ll be a sequel? I' ve also been playing Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly. That game is so sweet! It scared the crap out of my girlfriend while I was playing, and even managed to make me jump a couple of times! Can' t beat that!
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 17:04
i just started playing resident evil outbreak file 2 again.im trying to unlock everything and get all the special items
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 17:46
I hated Dynasty Warriors 5. The fighting was cool, but it was just so choppy and unpolished.
Joe Redifer
Winner! JUN 2004
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 17:56
OMG! I have played: Quarterback Club for the Sega 32X Sports Talk Football starring Joe Montana for the Sega Genesis Choplifter for the Sega Master System Road Avenger for the Sega CD (I recently reviewed it and YOU can even make $5 by reading my review) Ghost House for the Sega Master System (one o' them card games) Mushimushasama or something like that by CAVE for the PS2 (just another Cave shooter, but with really grainy graphics).
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 13, 2005 23:25
OMG OMG I just played Super Hang-On for the Genesis LOL OMG! Here is a quick review: Graphics: Crap. Each object on the side of the road has about 5 or 6 steps in its animation, and there is no scaling. The movement of the road is very choppy. The color pallette used offers maybe about 3 colors that the Sega Master System cannot produce. Sound: Almost worthy. None of the great sounds that the Genesis can do are in here. Everything is mono until you crash your bike. Then the bike sounds that are passing you come from either the left or the right. People who have their Genesis' s hooked up incorrectly probably wonder why they can only hear the other bikes pass them when they crash only on the left side of the road. Great music, but poor sound library used to recreate it. Your " turbo" sounds more like an electric pencil sharpener than anything else. Gameplay: Almost worthy. There is a long delay from when you press a direction and when you actually start moving in that direction. Very slow. Now I want to read Terry' s review of this exact same game.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 14 Aug 05 7:27:41 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 14, 2005 02:57
What do you have against the Chinese? ;) I dunno, they make great cannonfodder.
< Message edited by BigRedMachine -- 14 Aug 05 10:58:34 >
Jason Zeidan
Winner! AUG 2005
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 14, 2005 09:25
Woah, I' m getting the hell out of this thread... *footsteps fading away..*
Ninja Dog
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 28, 2005 17:13
well I got Geist and I love this game. Of course it does have some flaws but mainly for me it' s the AI, they aren' t very smart but it' s still a fun game i' v probably played 50+ hours already, thanks to the multi-player (for some reason it reminds me of Godeneye and PD). The single player is kinda short 10-13 hours but its fun to play through and try to find all the collectables to unlock multi player levels and characters. all in all i' d rate this game a 8.5/10.
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RE: What games have you played lately??
Aug 28, 2005 20:10
I played Conker: Live and Reloaded today. I also played some Darkwatch. Conker was pretty damn good and since I never had the chance to play the first one I' m glad I get to now. Darkwatch was decent. The difficulty fluxuated a little to much for my taste.
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