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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 07:32
Technically speaking, Jews are an ethnoreligious community. You can be Jewish, in Nitro' s case, by ancestry, but not actively practice Judaism. You could be a black guy with no Jewish ancestry and practice Judaism, or you could be a religious Jew, and also an ethnic one. It' s complicated, but Jews are definitely a race and a religion. I didn' t know that Yay! I' m a real person! I didn' t know this either!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 07:36
I don' t care which sub category of humanity you fall under. In any case, the chances are pretty high you' re an asshole. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oboyox3L_MI
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 6 Feb 08 23:41:36 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 07:38
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I don' t care which sub category of humanity you fall under. In any case the chances are pretty high you' re an asshole. Well that goes without saying, ...but there are assholes... and there are fuc.king c.unts...
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 09:02
Who cares? Most of them don' t survive past High School. Not all of " My People" are walking backwards. But I will admit that some are. That can be said for anybody.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 10:00
Not all of " My People" are walking backwards. But I will admit that some are. That can be said for anybody. That' s not what I meant. I was saying that someone who was a part of two minorities would be harassed even more. It was a crack at racism.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 10:16
WOW! Devil May Cry 4 has racism in it?? 
Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 10:20
Hmm maybe I should start on page one. edit: OOOOh Now I get it. Anyways... so yah I guss I pr-ordered this game and forgot to cancel it like i planned. I pre-ordered it as a favor to the guy working there. Now it' s out and I dunno if I wanna pick it up or say hey keep it and throw my down payment onto something else. I don' t think I will like i thought the demo was pretty boring.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 7 Feb 08 2:26:05 >
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 10:27
That' s not what I meant. I was saying that someone who was a part of two minorities would be harassed even more. It was a crack at racism. I understand. So what do you guys think of capcoms decision to have Nero as the main character. I personally feel like they made a bad call. I know the kids on 360 have missed out on dante but what about the fan base that started this games suscess. I am going to play it just to figure out who nero his. Or someone can just tell me who he is and why is he dressed up like dante. Also what is the thing with his arm.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 10:58
They won' t be missing out. You play as Dante for a significant part of the game, or so I' ve heard.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 12:02
I just got it and I am on level 2. So far I am pleased with how Nero controls. Plus Dante is still omnipotent here, so is no biggie. The intro sequence fight between Nero and Dante is badass! I can' t wait to see the rest!
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 13:21
I want this game. Probably wont get it until next week.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 18:02
I am on level 9 now, and I like it!
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 19:26
ORIGINAL: Nitro ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Really? I didnt realize it was racist to dislike someone talking like " yo, my man dawg, yo" on a video game forum. " Go back to your fried chicken and Aids" isn' t racist? What about towelhead? Or Chink? Or nigger? No, ...i think i was right the first time. You' re a racist little bitch. Didn' t you say somewhere that he made rap? Kind of weird that he would be a racist then considering the roots of the music etc. One thing I don' t really understand is this " bad Jew" thing. There are neonazi' s protesting against Jews on the streets sometimes while some muslim extremists are causing some more trouble in the meanwhile. To me that seems like a slightly biggerr issue ;) ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost I don' t care which sub category of humanity you fall under. In any case, the chances are pretty high you' re an asshole. That' s exactly what I said a while ago to someone to. I see it in two categories : idiot or not an idiot. Someone I get along with or not. That' s all that matters to me. ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Not all of " My People" are walking backwards. But I will admit that some are. That can be said for anybody. That' s not what I meant. I was saying that someone who was a part of two minorities would be harassed even more. It was a crack at racism. That made me think of Larry David (Jew ;) ) in his comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm. " So the guy was a gay Jew in Nazi Germany? Talk about being ostracized!" Oh yeah... Devil May Cry :P
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 19:54
ORIGINAL: ys Didn' t you say somewhere that he made rap? Kind of weird that he would be a racist then considering the roots of the music etc. Not when you take into account he' s also a complete fuc.king idiot.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 07, 2008 21:13
ROFL and Jesus was White!!!! Well those jews that lived during that time had everything from brownish hair with green eyes,to what they look in Isarael now. Some people say,oh but there was black people there too,and arabs!! Well probably,just as there was Romans there and they varied in look alot. And as someone said there is two types of jews. Ethnic and religious.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 7 Feb 08 13:15:39 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 01:32
" Go back to your fried chicken and Aids" isn' t racist? If he wants to act like a stereotypical uneducated black man, then he' ll be treated like one. If he learns to use english correctly and drops the " yo my man" attitude, he' ll get treated like an intelligent person. What about towelhead? Or Chink? Or nigger? Ive never said nigger, as for chink, Im 1/16th Chinese, and as for towelhead, I stand by that. Muslims are a barbaric and backwards group of people, I thought even the Jew might agree with me on that. ROFL and Jesus was White!!!! Jesus wasnt white, he was Jewish. And a darker Jew at that. The Bible makes reference to his " hair of wool and skin of bronze" . If Jesus wasnt black, he was close. Id like to know how you believe they lied? Jews shouldnt have had Isreal no matter what some stupid book said, but holocaust is indeniable. The number of supposed gassings was greatly exaggerated, it was testified to in the Nuremberg trials, and by the evidence the Russians had upon invasion of East Germany. Im not saying what happened was good or ok, but the supposed mass executions didnt happen on the scale claimed. Fact: 80% of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust died from starvation and disease. Fact: American text books say 60% were gassed.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 03:47
Funny. You say that you are not saying what happened was ok, and yet in your very next sentence you defend the facts on the number of " supposed" gassings. That shouldn' t matter at all you fucktard!!! The only fact that matters is the number of innocent people that were murdered because of a different religion, and that they didn' t match the Nazi view of the " Perfect Race" . We had a guy in Alberta years ago, Dagashi should remember as well, that actually taught kids in school that the Halocost never even happened. Thankfully the moron was sent to jail, and will never teach again. You go and try console Holocaust survivors and relatives of survivors by telling them " it' s ok. They died of disease and starvation, so it was natural causes" and see how far you get. Bottom line. The means is NOT what is important to history. The fact that this atrocity occurred is Everything!!!!!
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 03:58
If he wants to act like a stereotypical uneducated black man, then he' ll be treated like one. If he learns to use english correctly and drops the " yo my man" attitude, he' ll get treated like an intelligent person. How can you say that but in your raps you sound just a ignorant. By the way my man English is not my first language I just thought I would say that one more time. Fucking idiot You are one kikizo member I really dislike. Here comes the red button.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 04:11
So that Devil May Cry game...um yeah what a ...I dunno. I probably won' t get it for the same reason I will only rent Ninja Gaiden. I' m not into those kinda games but they sure do look cool.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 04:18
So that Devil May Cry game...um yeah what a ...I dunno. I probably won' t get it for the same reason I will only rent Ninja Gaiden. I' m not into those kinda games but they sure do look cool. I am getting NG on day one too  . Well, I just picked up Dante, and boy, he is as awesome as ever. The fact that you can change style' s on the fly makes him even more awesome. Sure I miss the arm pulling and crazy looking throws Nero does, but the pace of the fighting is just so much quicker with Dante. I' ll write a review once I am done, so probably be up by Sunday or so. Yeah, I am lazy like that! I can probably finish the game before tonight, but the writing part is what takes me a while
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