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Ninja Dog
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 06:08
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx Im not saying what happened was good or ok, but the supposed mass executions didnt happen on the scale claimed. Fact: 80% of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust died from starvation and disease. Fact: American text books say 60% were gassed. Maybe so, I' m not too well versed in this matter. But many of them died from starvation and disease because the living conditions were extremely horrible. So even if many of them didn' t get killed right away they died because of neglect and dishonorable treatment which kind of leads to the same result. Quite hypocritical considering the Germans talked a lot about old values from our Germanic people. There' s no real honor in behaving like that I thought. ORIGINAL: canadagamer You go and try console Holocaust survivors and relatives of survivors by telling them " it' s ok. They died of disease and starvation, so it was natural causes" and see how far you get. Bottom line. The means is NOT what is important to history. The fact that this atrocity occurred is Everything!!!!! Heh, this reminds me of something I heard here. One of the survivors was talking at some school when some " Nazi" snotkids starting acting a bit tough and calling him names. Eventually the guy told them that they had no idea about being tough considering their very comfortable sheltered lives. He asked them if they ever swam through a river of blood between corpses for example. He had been able to cast himself down the hill during some mass shootings pretending to be dead for a long while. Even while the soldiers went around later on and kicked him in the ribs to check if everyone was dead. Eventually he dared to move and escaped to the nearest town. The teens kept on insulting but had no luck since the guy was still in good health apparently and a bit of a tough guy :P So he ran towards one of them and starting beating him up lol That must' ve been some entertaining hour at school I suppose ;)
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 07:14
First of all Dan, you need to do your homework before you spew racist bullshit like that. According to you... The only race I dont like is Jewish people, and thats because they lied about the Holocaust to get Israel. Later, you mentioned, The number of supposed gassings was greatly exaggerated, it was testified to in the Nuremberg trials, and by the evidence the Russians had upon invasion of East Germany. Im not saying what happened was good or ok, but the supposed mass executions didnt happen on the scale claimed. The Nuremburg trials were a set of military tribunals overseen by the US military (Conducted under Control Council Law No. 10) to bring Nazi leaders to justice. Where was it documented in the trials that the execution of prisoners was exaggerated? Fact: 80% of Jewish people killed in the Holocaust died from starvation and disease. Fact: American text books say 60% were gassed. Oh, okay, and because Nazis holed up thousands of human beings in filthy cramped conditions, and refused to administer medical attention or food to them, it' s somehow a Jewish conspiracy? Im not saying what happened was good or ok, but the supposed mass executions didnt happen on the scale claimed. Now, define mass-execution. There were close to 3.5 million Polish Jews before World War II. Less than 4000 were left after the war. Let me guess, they all just hopped over next door did they? Boatloads of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, Poles and Ukrainians died from things other than gas. Towards the end of the war, when the SS marched hundreds of thousands of prisoners East in the heart of winter, barefoot and half naked, some ninety percent of people on these " death marches" died. Starvation' s a natural cause... hypothermia' s a natural cause... fever' s a natural cause... as are pneumonia and tuberculosis... How Nazis killed " social undesirables" is irrelevant. The point is that they did, and were no less responsible because they didn' t expend a bullet or gas. There was no major Jewish conspiracy to seize Israel. The Holocaust happened. Over ten million people are dead and gone to prove that. Denial is the last stage in the process of a holocaust, and the saddest part is that the last remaining Holocaust survivors are slowly dieing. I suggest with all the respect that I can muster that you bow out now quietly before you make a further ass of yourself.
Mass X
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 07:21
Now, define mass-execution. Hey!
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 08:04
immortal is a nigger
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 08:40
immortal is a nigger I don' t think you should use words like that. I think this forum needs to be closed this is really getting out of hand. Emofag please refrain from using racial slurs when referring to others. To me you are just as ignorant as that wangsta immortal.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 8 Feb 08 0:41:13 >
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 08:51
I can use the word.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 09:14
I dont use the word " nigger" however I always say " black" will never call anyone for " afro american" dumbes political bs ever made up. So people can be white,but not yellow,red or black? fuck off.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 16:42
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx " Go back to your fried chicken and Aids" isn' t racist? If he wants to act like a stereotypical uneducated black man, then he' ll be treated like one. If he learns to use english correctly and drops the " yo my man" attitude, he' ll get treated like an intelligent person. You' re an ignorant fuc.k. What about towelhead? Or Chink? Or nigger? Ive never said nigger, as for chink, Im 1/16th Chinese, and as for towelhead, I stand by that. Muslims are a barbaric and backwards group of people, I thought even the Jew might agree with me on that. 1/16th Chinese, 15/16ths C.unt. You have used the word ' nigger' , but i' m not going looking for it... ...and as for " towelhead" ... i think you need to see things for yourself instead of just going off what your bullshit TV networks broadcast. I' ve been to several Middle Eastern countries and don' t share your view. Many of my friends are Muslim, ...many of Adams friends are Muslim, ...we even have a couple of Muslim forum users... I realise there has been a massive increase in anti-Islamic sentiment in the US since (LOL) 9/11, and that you have essentially grown up with it... but if you' re going to be this ignorant on an international forum... expect somebody to have something to say. You' re coming off as racist, and i don' t tollerate racism.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 18:40
Muslims are a barbaric and backwards group of people Seems you think all Muslims are Bin Laden clones.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 08, 2008 19:12
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated How Nazis killed " social undesirables" is irrelevant. The point is that they did, and were no less responsible because they didn' t expend a bullet or gas. This was also kind of my point. The end result was the same. Just like with their medical experiments. They were kind of hypocritical though. How could they cooperate with the Italians who are not of Germanic descent for example? It seemed that as long as you cooperated it didn' t matter that much in the end what race you were. Sweden, who were Germanic though, continued untill the seventies with " projects" against " lesser people" in society and kind of made things harder for Norway and Finland during the war by being " neutral" and giving the Germans free access to a lot of things. But that' s another story and even more off topic now :P And I agree Quez. This thing with afro american is ridiculous. Only whites can be named by color then but not the others? This is a result of previous white racism of course but ridiculous nonetheless.
< Message edited by ys -- 8 Feb 08 11:22:38 >
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 00:18
***ing idiot You are one kikizo member I really dislike. Here comes the red button. Ill pretend to care. Where was it documented in the trials that the execution of prisoners was exaggerated? Testimony of an American expert, stating that even at full capacity with no downtime, it wouldve taken 72 years to gas that many people. To me you are just as ignorant as that wangsta immortal. So says the foreign black guy who trys to talk like a 12 year old wigger. immortal is a nigger And when has your opinion ever counted? You' re an ignorant fuc.k. Wow, nice response to a simple fact You have used the word ' nigger' Yet you refuse to show an example. I have never said nigger on this forum, I dont say nigger in real life. " towelhead" ... i think you need to see things for yourself instead of just going off I dont have a problem with muslims as a people, but muslims as a religion(which most are) is where the problem is. Their religion is a carbon copy of the Torah, with the " kill infidels" BS Mohamed added. In their culture its ok, and even honorable, to blow yourself up and kill civilians along with yourself. The only thing close to a modern muslim country is Turkey, while all other muslim countries are sand pits stuck in the 1500' s.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 00:50
Testimony of an American expert, stating that even at full capacity with no downtime, it wouldve taken 72 years to gas that many people. There are still living breathing people, who were there, who last family. and you have the audacity tobelieve a neo nazi expert. <
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 00:56
There are still living breathing people, who were there, who last family. and you have the audacity tobelieve a neo nazi expert. No, he was an American who made gas chambers for State Penitentiaries, and he testified at Nuremburg, stating that while gassing may have happened, it did not happen on that scale. The records the Russians seized when they invaded Germany point to the same conclusion. While the camps were wrong, while the deaths were wrong, many of the worst stories about them are exaggerations and outright lies.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 01:04
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx The only thing close to a modern muslim country is Turkey, while all other muslim countries are sand pits stuck in the 1500' s. Yeah, you have no idea. You' re picking this shit up from TV - there' s no other explanation. Majority Muslim countries that i' ve visited: Bangladesh Egypt Kosovo Maldives Morocco Bahrain Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Turkey Pakistan Kuwait The number of those that in my estimation fall under your description? 1, though i' m not prepared to say which. Regardless, you don' t know what the fuc.k you' re talking about. Hell, even Iraq under Saddam wouldn' t have fitted that description. Iran is completely backwards... though that' s their government and not the population. Afghanistan fits your description, as does Iraq now (to an extent), as does Iran, as do Sudan and Syria... but there are about 50 majority Muslim countries in the world... As for the use of ' nigger' ...maybe i was wrong. I' m not 100% sure, and it may have actually been Evilman so i take it back. You can' t exactly say you blame me though
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 01:40
You have not clue about the Muslim religion at all retard!!! These " Extremist Groups" do not follow what 90% of the world' s Muslim faith follow, but rather they follow a version of the Muslim Faith that has been twisted into what Extremist groups like Al Queda follow. I am very sad for what occurred on 9/11 as I believe all of us are. But for me the biggest tragedy to come out of 9/11 is this complete and utter uneducated racism that a lot of Americans (not all) have now for the Muslim community. Christ, Barrack Obama had to lie a couple of weeks ago about practicing the Muslim faith because he knew that if he would have come out as a practicing Muslim he could kiss his whole campaign good bye. With your reasoning I figured this about you: All Muslims are terrorists and need to be killed Which then means that every German in the world is a Nazi All Southern white people in the United States are members of the KKK............... Because the media and a couple of movies told me so. See, I can do it too. Speak about a group of people without educating myself on the facts first.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 01:52
These " Extremist Groups" do not follow what 90% of the world' s Muslim faith follow, but rather they follow a version of the Muslim Faith that has been twisted into what Extremist groups like Al Queda follow. That is not the point. Their faith, and their Holy Book, both speak of killing " infidels" and being rewarded for it. Wether or not they choose to practice that particular part is irrelevant, they still believe in a religion based on extreme hate for Jews and Christians. As for your list of Muslim countries, show me a developed one with a higher than 90% literacy rate, and where the average family has electricity and running water, and expendable income. The only ones that come to mind are Turkey(which is more westernized) and perhaps Egypt.
Sega Boy
Ninja Dog
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 02:18
Maybe i shouldnt interfere on such a sensitive subject as im a noob, but hes actually right in some respects. Islam is a backward and barbaric religion. Im not saying all Muslims are, i have several muslims friends who are all great blokes. But he is right on his views of the religion. The Koran does advocate, indeed encourage the killing of non muslims. It says they must be either converted, killed, or subjugated. Their are numerous references to this. Those arguing that he has been brainwashed by the main stream media are wrong, they are infact the ones who have been misled. All our politicians peddle the politically correct bs that islam is a religion of peace, that couldnt be further from the truth, and this ignorance is a grave threat to our western culture. Have any of you actually read the Koran. You do know mohammed himself killed numerous people, raped and pillaged? He also married a 6 year old and consummated their marriage (raped her) when she was 9 and he was 56 i believe.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 02:25
No, he was an American who made gas chambers for State Penitentiaries, and he testified at Nuremburg, stating that while gassing may have happened, it did not happen on that scale. The records the Russians seized when they invaded Germany point to the same conclusion. While the camps were wrong, while the deaths were wrong, many of the worst stories about them are exaggerations and outright lies. Build a chamber with room for 1000 people, fill it with mustard gas and they all die Now build 5-6 of these rooms and run them everyday. for one year. 5000x365 = 1.825.000 This is assuming its just gassing and not also starvation and abuse killing people off. its far from impossible, despite what some neo nazi american executioner says. If it was an lie it would have been commen knowledge
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 02:44
its far from impossible, despite what some neo nazi american executioner says. If it was an lie it would have been commen knowledge Actually your math is very close to the numbers he presented at the trials. I still dont understand why you persist that he was a Neo-Nazi, but whatever helps you sleep at night. The (US) history books claim that 6million jewish and other " social undesirables" (which, ironically, included people from India, the closest living relatives of the Aryan people) were gassed. Im not saying people werent gassed, and Im not saying their treatment in the camps was ok, because none of it was. Im contesting the fact that the 6 million gassed and 13 million dead figures are exaggerated. I was being a dick when I insulted jews, for which I apologize. No group of people deserve to have to call the pompous arrogant faggot that is Nitro/Majik their own. Truly, the only things wrong the Jewish people have ever done are: -Give America false intelligence which led to the bombing of Lebanon -Routinely torture over 500 Palestinian POW' s,(which The Netherlands and Denmark have protested) despite the Geneva Convention -Drop bombs on Palestinian refugee camps Oh, and my personal favorite -Attack an American vessel with unmarked ships when they were at war with egypt, then attempt to blame Egypt to draw America officially into the war. It was covered for 2 days in American newspapers, then quietly slept under the rug.
Rogue Suave
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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 09, 2008 03:22
Well, jumping into this whole religion crap, I am gonna defend the Muslims here. Now, I am no expert on the Koran, and haven' t even studied it, but from experiences with all the Muslims I' ve worked, they seem like very devout and peaceful people. I for one do not put them on the same boat cause of what extremist do. And if we talk about what the Koran says, which I don' t know what it says, if its really true that they encourage killing, then we catholics (and I am only using an example of catholics) are even worse than them, for the Bible never says we have to kill anyone, but accept and love everyone, and yet all you need to do is take a look at the Crusades. Or at all the people burned at the stakes, either burned as witches and/or heretics for disputing the earth was not the center of the universe. Or what about the colonization of the new world? A recent example of Christians being dick would be the threats planning with screwing around at Heath Ledger' s funeral I know there are bad people in this world, but from my experiences, catholics can be some of the vilest people around. They may not be crashing planes like the Al-Quaeda, but they sure as hell can feel superior than others, often times judging (which we are no supposed to judge), discriminating, be it by race, religion, or sexual preferences (where in fact we are supposed to embrace everyone, as we are all children of god) and so on. So you call the Muslims barbaric? On our own level, then we aren' t any different.
< Message edited by chimura -- 8 Feb 08 19:26:22 >
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