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RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 01:48
I havent said a single racist thing, yet because Majik/Nitro said so, Im now racist? This forum has really gone to shit, everyone is Majik' s bitch, who is in turn VFs bitch. Anyone who believes Islam is a religion of peace and that Im racist for saying otherwise will realize one day. Theyre the ones preaching ethnic cleansing, " kill the infidels" , etc. I have not stated a single racist thing in this thread, but because the Homo you all blindly follow said so, I must have. This is stupid. Nitro, get blown up by the IRA. Im finished arguing.
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 02:01
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical It' s a socioeconomic problem, not a racial one. I agree and disagree. Me too. As I said before, that Muslim woman did adapt and became a journalist who despises how many of them behave and think. The fact is just that many like to play the victim. Has anyone seen this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_kyNIevsIs The police are just standing there while those guys are talking about killing us! Funny enough, neo nazi' s aren' t granted as many rights to say what they want when they do some march on the streets. And this is what the police do to Flemish politicians and Swedish, Danish, UK,... protesters who peacefully march against Muslim violence in Brussels : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR-J8cXYVIo&NR=1 A professor from Algeria said it clearly, the Arab world sees Europe as a weak contintent since we always want to debate and allow everything Muslims ask for. He said that strength for Arabs is violence. And those who migrate intend to continue to take advantage of it he said. Like the UK where " Three little pigs" has to change name because Muslims don' t like it again. The sad part is that anyone who dares question this stuff is considered a racist. While in my eyes it' s just a matter of them having to show respect. Strange enough it' s mostly Muslims who cause trouble in our countries and not the countless other nationalities who very often try to learn the language as soon as they arrive. I haven' t heard about that much violence from Buddhists or Hindi people over here for example :P
< Message edited by ys -- 9 Feb 08 18:11:44 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 05:29
I havent said a single racist thing, yet because Majik/Nitro said so, Im now racist? This forum has really gone to shit, everyone is Majik' s bitch, who is in turn VFs bitch. Anyone who believes Islam is a religion of peace and that Im racist for saying otherwise will realize one day. Theyre the ones preaching ethnic cleansing, " kill the infidels" , etc. I have not stated a single racist thing in this thread, but because the Homo you all blindly follow said so, I must have. This is stupid. Nitro, get blown up by the IRA. Im finished arguing. I never called you racist, the impression you have of muslims is the same thats portrayed by generel media in denmark, and i partially agree. While its sad, a lot of muslims are damaging muslim activity all over the globe. I do believe you are in over your depth when you claim holocaust didnt happen!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 06:42
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx I havent said a single racist thing, yet because Majik/Nitro said so, Im now racist? So our Muslim forum members are offended by what? Nothing? If i was a Muslim, and i came from a majorilty Muslim country that wasn' t (LOL) Turkey... and i saw somebody say that all ofther Muslim countries were " sand pits stuck in the 1500' s" ...that Muslims as a whole were a " barbaric and backwards group of people" ...and that there will be " only a few towelhead controlled countries left after we' ve purged Iraq and Afghanistan" ...i' d probably take it as racism and be offended. Or... if i was a black man, and English was my second language, and because i couldntt satisfy the grammar Nazi that you are you told me to go back to my " fried chicken and Aids" ...then i' d probably take it as racism and be offended. Or...... if i was Chinese, and to be insulting you used " chink" as a racial slur... i' d probably take it as racism and be offended. But i can' t be offended because you claim you' re 1/16th Chinese? GTFO! I couldn' t give a fuc.k about you' re lack of understanding of other cultures, races and documented history, you' re an adult and you know better. I' ve already stated that i believe you' re a product of your environment. You were what 12 when 9/11 occurred? You' ve grown up during a nasty war and been fed anti-Arab/anti-Mulsim sentiment through virtually every form of American media. Muslims are your enemy! They' re evil! They follow an archaic religion and are hell bent on destroying us! And you though that because i was Jewish... i' d agree with you? Those two guys are two of my closest friends. They' re also Muslims. I must be odd right? To have Muslim friends... being Jewish an all? Being white and all? They go to a Mosque to pray. They fast. They follow the basic rules... just like most Christians follow the basic rules... and one of them is even going along with an arranged marriage. But what they aren' t doing is plotting to kill people... undergoing bomb making training and preaching racial hate. So... they must be odd right? No, they' re not odd. They' re just not extremists. These guys are part of the majority. They' re normal everyday, peace-loving, kind hearted Muslims. They' re not part of the very very small minority who would wish you dead! If you want to go through your life (you too VX - and whomever else believes what they see in the press)... thinking that you have it all worked out and that MUSLIMS are your enemy, ...that MUSLIMS hate you and that MUSLIMS want you dead... then i pity you - for you have no clue. Eddie is right... it' s people like you that make Americans look like " intolerant fu*ckwits" . ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx I have not stated a single racist thing in this thread, but because the Homo you all blindly follow said so, I must have. This is stupid. Nitro, get blown up by the IRA. Im finished arguing. You' re homophobic too?
< Message edited by nitro -- 9 Feb 08 22:43:09 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 07:08
If you want to go through your life (you too VX - and whomever else believes what they see in the press)... thinking that you have it all worked out and that MUSLIMS are your enemy, ...that MUSLIMS hate you and that MUSLIMS want you dead... then i pity you - for you have no clue. There are several truths here, i trust what i see with my own eyes. You can not possibly have any idea how things work here in denmark, so unless you come for a visit, walk through Nørrebro, Gellerup Parken or any of the other major " ghettos" here, look at someone the wrong way and they will kill you because your white, jewish or because they want your hat. We' ve had around 15 well " integrated" muslims sentenced for planning to bomb us. flyers encouraging murdering jews are spread around at every major Mosque in the country. One of the muslim community leaders were recorded saying they should bomb a leading muslim politician because he founded a group called Democratic Muslims. The whole muslim community in denmark called down the wrath of muslim nations on denmark because of some ***ing drawings in a paper. Several young women have been murdered for marrying/dating guys whom their dads didnt agree on, the youngest was 14. Edit: If even the muslim community leaders are acting like idiots, how on earth is the rest of the muslim community going to learn how it is here? I dont care whether your a muslim or not, stay on the right side of the law, of human rights, dont push your beliefs on anyone. Fully integrate yourself in the community thats hosting you. If they cant abide by that, they should get the f.uck out! You can call me intolerant, but i dont appreciate guests taking advantage of my country, in any way. Im all for contributing members or the community. Criminal danes are our own problems, but there should be Zero tolerance for criminal guests. iv known a few good muslim guys.. a few.
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 9 Feb 08 23:11:20 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 07:47
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical If even the muslim community leaders are acting like idiots, how on earth is the rest of the muslim community going to learn how it is here? I dont care whether your a muslim or not, stay on the right side of the law, of human rights, dont push your beliefs on anyone. Fully integrate yourself in the community thats hosting you. If they cant abide by that, they should get the f.uck out! You can call me intolerant, but i dont appreciate guests taking advantage of my country, in any way. Im all for contributing members or the community. Criminal danes are our own problems, but there should be Zero tolerance for criminal guests. iv known a few good muslim guys.. a few. You don' t consider them to be Danish? Chopolo is a Muslim. He lives in England. I think of him as being British, ...not a bloody " guest" . We' re not talking about Immigrant workers here. They don' t have 6 month visas for fuc.ks sake. I don' t know what you mean by " ghetto" either. We have Muslim communities here... and even Muslims that live in (shock horror) non-Muslim communities! We have Jewish communities too. I live near the 2nd largest Jewish community outside of London. They have their own distinct culture, follow their own rules but observe British law... just like the VAST majority (and that' s the key here) of every other non-white member of the population. Even Muslims. Oh sure... there are certain elements that break those laws... like Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri who preached racial hate. But he' s serving a 7 year prison sentance for it... a decision that was welcomed by the Muslim Council of Great Britain. Again, ...the people you' re talking about are a minority. A very vocal minority... but a minority nonetheless. You' re not talking about Muslims in general. You' re talking about Radical or Extremist Muslims, and they' re no different to the KKK or the Nazi' s... they' re simply racist. It' s not the religion... they use the religion as a tool to promote their political agenda. You don' t see ther " leaders" blowing themselves up to make a statement or spur others on... they don' t want to die. They' re quite content with taking social misfits and the weak-minded and convincing them to do it. And i certainly don' t give a fuc.k " how it works" in Denmark. The number of Muslims living in the UK dwarfs that of bloody Denmark and i live and work with more than a " few" .
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 15:30
I wanted to respond properly sooner, but I' ve basically been drunk in all of my free time since this thread started. Now that I have a sober moment of boredom, heres a rather long bout of mental masterbation. My first attempt was lost due to the glitch. Once again I neglected to type this in word first. I' ve already stated that i believe you' re a product of your environment. Causal Determinism. That' s what I' m talking about. When you understand this concept. You understand that culture is not innate to any individual. Culture is innate to history and history is innate to the environment. Immortal said some stupid things. He has a knack for putting his foot in his mouth. I wouldn' t call him a racist though. I' m confident that in person he wouldn' t act the way he portrays himself in the forum. Maybe he' s just dumb. But I don' t even want to make that assumption because the truth is that I don' t really know the guy. I' ve said stupid shit before, and I wouldn' t want anyone to judge me solely on those things. In the last while we' ve seen a change in Dan' s behaviour. Again, I don' t want to make assumptions but it seems like things aren' t going too well in his life lately. I' m not defending him, I' m just trying to get an unbias view on the matter. What I' m getting at, is that there is a rational way to respond to these situations and there are irrational ways to respond. " Fuc.ktard" does not make the list of rational ways to respond. Maybe no one responded rationally. Fuc.ktard is certainly no better than towelhead. They both mean the same thing after all is considered. Both words mean, I don' t understand your circumstances yet I don' t like you. There' s the irony. If you define culture being part of a race, you can' t argue against a racist without being a racist yourself. Majik you said it, racism stems from your environment, the same as culture. VX made a post that puts thigs in an interesting perspective. He basically expresssed his desire to protect his own culture. Humanity is unique in many ways. Specifically our intelligence which affords us many luxuries. All of life adapts to their surroundings. We have the ability and preference to adapt our environment to suite ourselves. Culture is the word that we use to describe all of these chages we make. Everyone on the planet wants their own culture to succeed, because that will increase their chances of success/survival. The same motivations that drive racism is the same that drive the opposition against racism. It' s all about self preservation. It' s just a different way of attaining that. I don' t even think there is a right answer. Like anything, it' s subjective. I really don' t like how people view culture. Culture is not something to put on a pedestal. There is no perfect or ultimate culture. On a long enough timeline, every culture changes into something else, or dies completely. If you don' t let your culture change, you can' t have progress. That' s what I hate about religion. I' m not worried about extemists and violence. It' s the idea that we should all do it the old way that is so repulsive. There is no defending a static culture. A culture that doesn' t adapt or change does not work. It never did and it never has. A culture that can' t change defeats the very purpose of culture. So what I' m saying is that I hate you all. So fuc.k you and goodnight.
< Message edited by agent Ghost -- 10 Feb 08 7:38:21 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 15:52
You don' t consider them to be Danish? Chopolo is a Muslim. He lives in England. I think of him as being British, ...not a bloody " guest" . We' re not talking about Immigrant workers here. They don' t have 6 month visas for fuc.ks sake. I don' t know what you mean by " ghetto" either. We have Muslim communities here... and even Muslims that live in (shock horror) non-Muslim communities! We have Jewish communities too. I live near the 2nd largest Jewish community outside of London. They have their own distinct culture, follow their own rules but observe British law... just like the VAST majority (and that' s the key here) of every other non-white member of the population. Even Muslims. Oh sure... there are certain elements that break those laws... like Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri who preached racial hate. But he' s serving a 7 year prison sentance for it... a decision that was welcomed by the Muslim Council of Great Britain. Again, ...the people you' re talking about are a minority. A very vocal minority... but a minority nonetheless. You' re not talking about Muslims in general. You' re talking about Radical or Extremist Muslims, and they' re no different to the KKK or the Nazi' s... they' re simply racist. It' s not the religion... they use the religion as a tool to promote their political agenda. You don' t see ther " leaders" blowing themselves up to make a statement or spur others on... they don' t want to die. They' re quite content with taking social misfits and the weak-minded and convincing them to do it. And i certainly don' t give a fuc.k " how it works" in Denmark. The number of Muslims living in the UK dwarfs that of bloody Denmark and i live and work with more than a " few" . It takes more than living here to be danish in my oppinion, it requires you take an active part in society. I respect the ones who take responsibility for themselves, make no mistake about that. Yeah you probably have more muslims in the UK than there are people in the entire denmark, and maybe your country made a better job of integrating them than mine did, we made a mistake when we took in a lot of them and didnt have a plan how to make them fit in, we and they are paying for it now. There are families who are just like any dane, and yes you dont see much of them. Then there are the ones who have been here since the 70' ies, where they dont even speak the language. If i blood well settled somewhere, id learn the tongue. Iv worked at daycare centers and kindergartens in areas with alot of ethnics and its bloody well scary have few of them actually speak danish, despite having been here atleast 10 years. I respect the ones who are functioning probably, and have none for those who dont. Same goes for muslim countries, Iran surpresses, tortures, murders. Turkey limits freedom of speech (blocking of youtube and its likes) Irak is a hellpit in general (which isnt entirely their fault, but sadam werenet all that great either) Egypt tortures prisoners, Saudi Arabia sentences a girl to jail for being raped. They have still have stonings in Pakistan. Afghannistan is excecuting a guy for writting a paper in school about the oppresion of women. The people are probably friendly as hell, but iv seen plenty of videos of mobs dragging people through the street, and stonning them for little or no reason. It might not be a religous thing, though Sharia comes to mind. It sure as hell is a cultural gab.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 15:55
Causal Determinism. That' s what I' m talking about. When you understand this concept. You understand that culture is not innate to any individual. Culture is innate to history and history is innate to the environment. Immortal said some stupid things. He has a knack for putting his foot in his mouth. I wouldn' t call him a racist though. I' m confident that in person he wouldn' t act the way he portrays himself in the forum. Maybe he' s just dumb. But I don' t even want to make that assumption because the truth is that I don' t really know the guy. I' ve said stupid shit before, and I wouldn' t want anyone to judge me solely on those things. In the last while we' ve seen a change in Dan' s behaviour. Again, I don' t want to make assumptions but it seems like things aren' t going too well in his life lately. I' m not defending him, I' m just trying to get an unbias view on the matter. What I' m getting at, is that there is a rational way to respond to these situations and there are irrational ways to respond. " Fuc.ktard" does not make the list of rational ways to respond. Maybe no one responded rationally. Fuc.ktard is certainly no better than towelhead. They both mean the same thing after all is considered. Both words mean, I don' t understand your circumstances yet I don' t like you. There' s the irony. If you define culture being part of a race, you can' t argue against a racist without being a racist yourself. Majik you said it, racism stems from your environment, the same as culture. VX made a post that puts thigs in an interesting perspective. He basically expresssed his desire to protect his own culture. Humanity is unique in many ways. Specifically our intelligence which affords us many luxuries. All of life adapts to their surroundings. We have the ability and preference to adapt our environment to suite ourselves. Culture is the word that we use to describe all of these chages we make. Everyone on the planet wants their own culture to succeed, because that will increase their chances of success/survival. The same motivations that drive racism is the same that drive the opposition against racism. It' s all about self preservation. It' s just a different way of attaining that. I don' t even think there is a right answer. Like anything, it' s subjective. I really don' t like how people view culture. Culture is not something to put on a pedestal. There is no perfect or ultimate culture. On a long enough timeline, every culture changes into something else, or dies completely. If you don' t let your culture change, you can' t have progress. That' s what I hate about religion. I' m not worried about extemists and violence. It' s the idea that we should all do it the old way that is so repulsive. There is no defending a static culture. A culture that doesn' t adapt or change does not work. It never did and it never has. A culture that can' t change defeats the very purpose of culture. So what I' m saying is that I hate you all. So fuc.k you and goodnight You are as wise as you are drunk, my friend!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 16:28
I havent said a single racist thing, yet because Majik/Nitro said so, Im now racist? This forum has really gone to shit, everyone is Majik' s bitch, who is in turn VFs bitch. Anyone who believes Islam is a religion of peace and that Im racist for saying otherwise will realize one day. Theyre the ones preaching ethnic cleansing, " kill the infidels" , etc. I have not stated a single racist thing in this thread, but because the Homo you all blindly follow said so, I must have. This is stupid. Nitro, get blown up by the IRA. Im finished arguing. And the Nazis where preaching the same shit about 60 years ago. Does that make Germans and Germany all Nazis? I don' t think so. And I don' t think people are Majik' s bitches. I for one, if I would disagree with him on something, I would say it. To his face or in the forum. In fact here is an example, taken from this same thread: Do I agree with Majik in the way he has spoken back to you? No, he has been kind of a dick. Now, is his dickness warranted? From what I' ve read so far, yes. And so are most of the comments you' ve earned in this particular thread, be it from Majik, Eddy or whoever. Best way to put it is just as Ghost said, you seem to put your foot up your mouth. Just go back and read pretty much all you' ve said, and you' ll at least realize that you have a pretty damn narrow view of the world. You gotta realize that in this world, shit happens, but you have to take everything with an acceptable tangent. You can' t call all Muslims evil and as people wanting to bring forth the " cleansing" of races just because of the bombings and lives some f*cking assholes have taken, using Islam as an excuse. The same deal with the Nazis that I' ve mentioned before. The holocaust was f#cking terrible, but that doesn' t make everyone in Germany a Hitler offspring. My advice to you is, be more open minded of the world around you, I' ll certainly make you a more acceptable person. To all others, like Agent said, let' s try to be more diplomatic. And as Dante says: Take a tip from your elders! In this case, ME!! Though I am sure most of you are older than me
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 16:36
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 10 Feb 08 8:37:10 >
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 16:57
Their religion is a carbon copy of the Torah, with the " kill infidels" BS Mohamed added. In their culture its ok, and even honorable, to blow yourself up and kill civilians along with yourself. The only thing close to a modern muslim country is Turkey, while all other muslim countries are sand pits stuck in the 1500' s. You have your facts all wrong man, Islam does NOT support killing.And just for your information, in Islam if you blow yourself up you go straight to Hell. Sand pits? yeah i found my core 2 duo, 8800GTX, 2GB corsair ram, 1.5TB HDDs, 24' ' BenQ LCD and my surround system in a box that fell from the sky and it runs by itself since ive never seens anything like it before in my whole life!1!one!! And my ride is a state of the art year 2005 camel that i customized by added 2 umbrella' s to protect me and anyone who rides with me from the sun, but for some reason we call it here 2.5L Nissan Altima (click to see pics!!!) Majority Muslim countries that i' ve visited: Kuwait When you come again send me a PM. Ill show you around.  (Thinks: HAHAH ILL BLOW THE JEW UP WHEN HES HERE!!eleven!1!) These " Extremist Groups" do not follow what 90% of the world' s Muslim faith follow More like 99% but its True. but rather they follow a version of the Muslim Faith that has been twisted into what Extremist groups like Al Queda follow. The Quran talks in general most of the time and sometimes there are things that was said for specific events that occured. What should be done is to analyze what Muhammed has done and take the specifics from him.The problem is those people are NOT doing that and instead just take a part of Quran that supports their ideas and leave the rest, which is exactly what the western media is doing too. I am very sad for what occurred on 9/11 as I believe all of us are. Osama Bin Laden is 100% wrong. Almost all people here believe that. the ones that support him are mostly angry with America and forgot the fact that 2 wrongs doesnt make a right. That is not the point. Their faith, and their Holy Book, both speak of killing " infidels" and being rewarded for it. Wether or not they choose to practice that particular part is irrelevant, they still believe in a religion based on extreme hate for Jews and Christians. I think that i answered killing infidels thing. I believe in all of Islams teachings. I want you to show me one post where i showed hatred for Jew/Christian people. As for your list of Muslim countries, show me a developed one with a higher than 90% literacy rate, and where the average family has electricity and running water, and expendable income. The only ones that come to mind are Turkey(which is more westernized) and perhaps Egypt. Its 85% across all arab countries (from my memory). i dont know anyone who does NOT know how to read and write because (SURPRISE!) education is mandatory here (including my 70 years old grand mother). people in kuwait are about 2 million and we have at least 5 crowded universities. Im a senior electrical engineering student myself in Kuwait University. And before you think that we study in tents or w/e, ABET (click) makes frequent visits here to make sure of the quality of the engineering programs. Electricity and Water here are supported from the government so its absolutely no problem to find. By the way,Egypt is one of the poor countries and Turky isnt arab and doesnt make a good Islamic country example either.  Thats not saying they dont have basic life needs like electricity and water but the average income is kinda low. Islam is a backward and barbaric religion. I stopped here. Seems many take whats shown on the TV seriously. As for Eddie' s Quran translation, tbh i dont understand it very well although i get the general idea and remember the arabic text. So i cant judge the translation. the promise of 72 virgins. I dont remember anywhere specifying 72 virgins although virgins are mentioned in general. And to clarify something up, we do not embrace Islam because we are promised virgins in the after life lol. Its not hard to refute when the founder of their religion was a Jew and Christian hating extremist who promised heaven, glory, and virgins to all who died " fighting the infidels" Did you know that there are Christian/Jew arabs in most arab countries? Did you know that they live exactly the same as Muslims? Just think about this for a second, If the reason for fighting and " killing infdedils" is getting a virgin in the after life then Islam would not survived 1500 years. About Islam. Well, I' m sure that many have good intentions. But things have kind of gotten out of hand in Europe to be honest. ails in denmark have a 50% muslim ethnic population which is kinda sad since the immigrants only account for 10-15% of the generel pop. The police are just standing there while those guys are talking about killing us! I dont know what happened in Europe but mostly the immigrants are poor people mainly from african arab countries (Egypt-Lybia-Morocco..etc) where they had poor life and/or bad goverments. Most of them dont know Islam very well and get their teachings from wrong sources (like extremists web sites).Those people are angry but chose the wrong way to express it. by the way did any Muslim bomb/kill anyone in that place? (im on dialup at the moment waiting for my 1Mbps DSL so loading those vids akes ages) I think not. " kill the infidels" " kill the infidels" " kill the infidels" But what they aren' t doing is plotting to kill people... undergoing bomb making training and preaching racial hate. WHAT???? THEY MUST BE FAKES.KILL THE INFIDELS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who defended Muslims. Im very grateful. Important Notice: If you didnt find parts of my post to be sarcastic, then dont even bother fixing your sensor because its dead. Get a new one asap! ( have to make sure lol)
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:09
by the way did any Muslim bomb/kill anyone in that place? (im on dialup at the moment waiting for my 1Mbps DSL so loading those vids akes ages) I think not. No, luckily everytime one of the participants hasnt gotten cold feet and reported the activity to the police, who stop them when they are assembling the bomb. Kuwait seems like a nice place, id love to visit Dubai one day as well.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:26
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:32
Wow didnt think the post would be that long. There are several truths here, i trust what i see with my own eyes. You can not possibly have any idea how things work here in denmark, so unless you come for a visit, walk through Nørrebro, Gellerup Parken or any of the other major " ghettos" here, look at someone the wrong way and they will kill you because your white, jewish or because they want your hat. .........etc I mostly agree with you, it is sad. Those people need to get their facts straight. I disagree that some drawing is not worth it for all muslims to be angry. I am angry with the drawings and angry with the person who made them, BUT i do not hate all denmark people for that and do not plan to bomb/kill/what ever the person.All muslims love god and Muhammed more that even themselves and Id rather that you insult me several times than insult God or Muhammed. the Quran also says that people should NOT insult other religions gods so that they wont try to get back at us by insulting Allah (This doesnt mean that we would insult them otherwise). The people are probably friendly as hell, but iv seen plenty of videos of mobs dragging people through the street, and stonning them for little or no reason. It might not be a religous thing, though Sharia comes to mind. It sure as hell is a cultural gab. Most of those Vids were taken in Iraq. Iraq' s condition is very complicated, Saddam and the ones before him oppressed Iraqis for a very long time and suddenly they are no longer there. Its like blowing a balloon until nearly it blows up then let go of it. it will fly all over the place for some time until it settles after a while. What do you mean by sharia?
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:40
No, luckily everytime one of the participants hasnt gotten cold feet and reported the activity to the police, who stop them when they are assembling the bomb. Glad to hear that they are stopped. Kuwait seems like a nice place, id love to visit Dubai one day as well. Kuwait is good as most of arab countries are and would be better that Dubai if it wasnt for the Saddam invasion in 1990 but oh well. You are welcome anytime. PM me if you wanna come so i have time to prepare the bomb.. umm i mean the tour schedule.
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- Joined: Aug 23, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:43
Grayfox, you mentioned a few things that I meant to say. Someone I know travelled to a few Arab countries and he, just as many others, concluded that the people there were much nicer and ashamed of many immigrants that live in our countries. One of them he talked to said that a lot of " scum" fled to other countries since they had done something wrong at home. It' s hard to find them amongst the legit people seeking help then of course. The video' s I linked to show a big difference in police attitude of course. The Muslims could shout about killing, seeing the streets filled with blood while the Europeans couldn' t even march there peacefully against the Muslim violence that arose in our countries. There' s even footage of a BBC crew just walking through a market in Brussels that' s supposed to be a " Muslim area" . Eventually one guy just slams the camera in the ground. Saying that HE decides what is allowed and what not over there even if the BBC was allowed to film according to OUR laws ... A friend who' s a teacher here in Sweden has only problems with her immigrant students who form gangs, talk about weapons etc. And they don' t live in bad conditions so it' s not the economic aspect talking here. As you said, they are very angry but a lot of it is ridiculous now. Many of those guys grew up in Europe now and even have it better financially than some whites from here. But still they behave like that. I' ve also read things about a school around Brussels where only immigrants go to. It' s the worst school in the country where students tried to rape a pregnant teacher. They attacked others with knives, beat them up etc. Eventually the principal allowed his teachers to fight back so the court system may judge who' s right and who' s not. And Grayfox, I' m not against Muslims per se. I don' t care at all what people believe in. But if it starts to take extreme forms like these at our places then we have a problem of course. I totally agree with Vx on this matter, it' s threatening for our cultures and democracy in the end if politicians allow too much in the name of political correctness. Let' s say voting. I don' t like that many are actually allowed to vote if they don' t even know the language. They have brochures in I don' t know how many languages to explain things to them. Why are they allowed to have an influence over the daily life when they aren' t even part of it by grasping a basic thing that integrates one easier?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 17:44
To all others, like Agent said, let' s try to be more diplomatic. Oh, I don' t want to be diplomatic. You can learn a lot when watching people argue. I just thougth the argument against racism was hypocritical, no one else seemed to notice. Both Dan and others were reacting to something they fear or dislike. The most offensive aspect of racism is the notion that one culture or race is superior to all the others. It' s driven by the idea that it' s easier to change others to match yourself than to adapt to them. Infact nature itself is racist. Without racism the entire system would collapse. The lion eats the gazelle, that' s life. I just wanted to point out the irony. We' re all competing against eachother. Every culture and every person is fighting to survive. I' m a big fan of dawinism. The fittest and lucky will win every time. If your culture is the most suitable, you have nothing to worry about. Whenever people argue I like to oppose everyone.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 19:33
They are absolutely wrong Ys and should be stopped. Also they should correct their beliefs and know where to take their information from. Others should drop being called Muslim if they dont believe in Islam and do the horrible things you are saying. Its sad that these people call themselves Muslims and just distort Islam' s image in everyone' s mind. Agent the lion is not racist. it feeds on the gazelle to continue to live. If a lion that is not hungry sees a gazelle it wont kill it just because it is a gazelle. now that would be racist.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Devil May Cry 4 Review
Feb 10, 2008 21:38
Being a dick is all Danny boy understands.
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