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favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 17:11
what system had your favorite controller?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 17:12
By VERY VERY far and away was the Japanese Sega Saturn. There' s just no competition to that controller in my opinion.
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- Joined: Jul 29, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 17:16
mine was the n64 controller it was the first to have the joystick and had more buttons to do more things and it sat well in the hands
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 18:14
my favorite controller is the gamecube one.
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RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 18:57
The original big Xbox controller. I' ve never got to use the japanese saturn controller  so I don' t know about that one. The controller I can' t stand using is the game cube one. I also hate the PS2 controller.
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 19:21
Mines the Gamecube and the Big Xbox one.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 20:02
I absolutely LOATHE the PS2 controller, mainly because I' m a D-pad man and Sony' s Dual shocks have the worst d-pads in existence! And by process of elimination that makes me automatically loathe the PSP' s d-pad as well. As far as current generation controllers go, I love the GameCube controller the most. And the Nintendo Wavebird and I are gettin married!! I love that thing. Most disappointing controller of all-time to me was the Dreamcast controller by far. To go from the almost god-like Saturn controller to THAT was incredibly disheartening to me.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 Jul 05 4:25:30 >
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RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 20:23
the original NES? I dunno, it was simple, I liked it. I also like the wavebird.... it is genious, absolute genious. Terry, can I be the flower girl at your wedding?
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 21:05
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Most disappointing controller of all-time to me was the Dreamcast controller by far. To go from the almost god-like Saturn controller to THAT was incredibly disheartening to me. What?! The Dreamcast controller was amazingly comfortable. It still is one of the best contollers ever. If it' s weren' t for the lack of buttons I' d put it above the Xbox Controller S. I' ve never actually seen the Japanese Saturn controller mcuh less actually tried one. Still though, the DC controller was imaculate.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 21:16
The grip of the Dreamcast controller was nice, but I felt that the buttons were a bit too small (Playing Virtua Fighter 3 was a little tough), the D-pad was hard as a rock and became a little uncomfortable to use with extended play. The L and R triggers could' ve used just a little more work as well. On top of that, whoever designed the controller short changed us two buttons! The Saturn controller had 6 face buttons that were more prominent than the Dreamcastro' s 4 ;). To me the most appealing aspect of the controller was the VMS slot (VMU slot in the U.S.). I would have MUCH preferred Sega adding an analog stick and VMS slot to the Japanese Saturn pad and calling it a day instead of going the route they went with the final Dreamcast controller design.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 Jul 05 5:21:30 >
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 30, 2005 21:17
I loved the Dreamcast controller, because it' s simple to pick up and use, especially in the face of that threatening PS/PS2 dualshock. Shudder... I also like the liitle gizmo you put in it that has to apparent use. As well as that, I liked the original, huge Xbox controller; you know, the one that looked like a frisbee on steroids. It wasn' t any comfortable, but it looked so damn impressive! And I also liked the gamecube controller because it' s so comfortable compared to the controller S and the Dual Shock.
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RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 00:03
I was always partial to the Genesis controller.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 02:35
The 2nd version of the US Sega Saturn controller was identical to the Japanese Saturn controller. It is by far my most favorite ever! A close 2nd was the Genesis 6-button controller. The d-pad was GODLY! It' s biggest fault was the lack of L and R buttons, otherwise it was perfection. My least favorite controllers are the Neo Geo (joystick AND pad... why arrange the pad buttons like the SNES buttons? They should have had a row of 4). Also the Playstation brand controllers for the reasons Terry mentioned as well as the 4 shoulder buttons. I just don' t like that. It makes me think that I need to learn too many button functions for each game. The Dreamcast pad was asstastic and has horrible analog. The controller felt cheap and very thin (as if it wasn' t durable). The Dreamcast design was obviously stolen from the saturn analog pad design, but with an emphasis on making it much crappier. See comparison pic below:
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 31 Jul 05 10:35:50 >
Chee Saw
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RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 04:36
I guess I never really think about the good controllers! I guess that' s the point. If it' s good, you don' t really notice it! Well, for comfort, I' m kinda fond of the Logitech wireless controllers for the Xbox and PS2. I play the Xbox WAY more than the PS, and unfortunately, the precision of the Xbox one is vastly inferior! Maybe I got it too early in it' s production or something! I don' t know. As far as craptacular controllers, I' ve got to give it to the PS2. I mean, we' ve put men on the moon for chrissakes!! What the hell is up with that COMPLETELY uncomfortable piece of garbage. I' d rather play video games with the original Sega Master System controller; with the JOYSTICK SCREWED IN!! And you know that was one uncomfortable gob of plastic!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 10:45
DEAR GAWD I couldn' t stand the Neo-Geo Joystick included with the console, talk about a hollow, cheaply made piece of $hitte! lol. I had some of the most frustrating of times trying to get it to properly recognize my directional inputs. I also hated the 3D0 controllers as well.
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- Joined: Jul 07, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 12:05
I' m very comfortable with the PS2 pad, probably because I' ve used it in two generations of consoles, the two being of course the PS1 and Ps2, duh.
< Message edited by Auron -- 31 Jul 05 20:07:16 >
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 16:36
I also hated the 3D0 controllers as well. I always try to forget the fact that I once owned a 3DO and spent $700 for it, but it keeps coming back to haunt me. The 3DO had the worst controllers ever. It refused to recognize diagonals. You had to loosen the screws on the back of the controller and that helped, but it still would rarely see diagonal movements because the sensors were too far apart on the board and two of them couldn' t be pressed at the same time. The PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 is another controller that required the rear screws to be loosened because the thing was just too damned tight. It could do diagonals most of the time, though.
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- Joined: Jul 18, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 17:28
The gamecube wavebird. I could set up mirrors and play from my bathroom(mirrors so I could see, not so the signal would reach)......I lived on the 3rd floor of my apartment and I could still conrol it from the front lawn. Durring the long cold winter months you could easily play with the controller tucked snugly under a blanket with you. And the best part is...it is the only controller that allows you to comfortably have a smoke while you play...any other controllers and your cigarette always gets in the way. oh and 2 AA batteries last about 100 hours. Well worth the $50.00 each I paid for em.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 17:37
oh and 2 AA batteries last about 100 hours. Well worth the $50.00 each I paid for em.
Boy, you sure are getting ripped off on batteries!
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- Joined: Jul 18, 2005
RE: favorite controller
Jul 31, 2005 17:45
Heh...ummm...Yeah. Things really cost alot more here in Canada. It is because our dollar is worth less than pesos right now....gah! I am starting to hate paying $74.83 for a Big Mac, $23.00 for a bus ride.....Gas is even up to $5.26 a litre.....man things better turn around soon or this country is gonna go broke! (ummm...I paid $50.00 for the wavebird)
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