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Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 06:44
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 06:53
Well that ought to calm some people. I know it' s not going to have the textures of 360 or PS3 games, but the fact that the games are running at 480p instead of 1080i or 720p means that the smaller hardware can turn out great images, just not at hi-res.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 06:58
I still don' t really know what to make of it to be honest.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:00
![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s1.gif) ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s2.gif) It seems like these are genuine in that they have been confirmed to be scans from the May (just out) issue of Game Informer, and are believed to be ingame screens. Details are sketchy at the moment (this just hit the web), but from the article several things have been described... Supposedly a sword and the guns can be twisted in your hand, by twisting the rev' s remote. Split screen and online multiplayer is planned. You can also jump over and take cover behind objects by moving the rev' s remote towards a upturned table or a wall, and reload by pulling the remote back. I' d like to note that although these are supoosedly genuine ingame screens, ...we shouldn' t overlook the possibility of these being renders.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Apr 06 23:03:29 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:03
Yeah I read that aswell and was thinking ' how would that work' I know how it would work but it' s sure to feel awkward, but a little intriguing.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:07
Yeah I read that aswell and was thinking ' how would that work' I know how it would work but it' s sure to feel awkward, but a little intriguing. I think it would work well and feel very natural. Now all i need is for these to be verified as ingame and i will be passing on a PS3 at launch. Boody good work getting them here so quickly dash! Here' s the magazine' s cover... http://gameinformer.com/News/Story/200604/N06.0407.1251.24078.htm People should also note that i posted last week to say that NOM had a BIG story in their May issuse, ...could this be it?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Apr 06 23:09:23 >
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:17
Looks good! Those textures are really awesome! the models themselves aren' t very high poly but the texturing makes up for it. I' ll give it to Nintendo, that game looks nice. I hope I get to test it at E3!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:19
Thanks lol You know what I think I might get a revolution (I was planning to pass on the ps3 anyway) I think for the first time i' m kinda intrigued about it.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:26
I dont know, this looks very good for just a ' pumped up xbox' but then Gin Nintendo was meant to be putting some sort of advanced textureing thing in the rev, so i' ll give them the benifit of the doubt.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:29
Displacement mapping. EDIT: Bigger versions... ...and some of the article in the magazine... This definately looks next-gen!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Apr 06 23:38:01 >
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 07:44
Heh,looks great!!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 08:05
... Text from the artice... “at their best , video games are about immersion . players shouldnt feel like they are observing the action onscreen, they should be figuratively transported into a different world. your avitar’s life should become your life , and its adventures should be your adventure. the controller in a player’s hands should transcend its role as a mere interface device; it should become the weapon that you see onscreen .most games try to push immersion with better graphics, more intense action , or overwhelming sound. but one upcoming console is doing something different , trying a new way to make that controller in your hand become something more. that console is the nintendo revolution. with the unveiling of the revolution’s motion based controller, most gamers envisioned the kaleidoscope of unique ideas that nintendo would use it for. but while the gaming public was preoccupied with demos of cooking and fishing games, one developer asked itself the question of how the revolution could be used to take a familiar genre to the next level.this company wanted to figure out how to use its unique controller not to develop an entirely new type of game, but to elevate an already-popular style. that company is ubisoft, and the answer to its self-imposed challenge is the revolution launch title known as red steel. it is highly unusual for a company like nintendo to allow the axclusive first look at one of its consoles through a 3rd party game like red steel.but as it turns out , nintendo has been closely involved in the development of this game, and has great confidence that it is a perfect way to introduce the world to revolution . developed by ubisoft paris , one of the publishers oldest and most experienced teams , red steel is a mixture of old and new: a fps that that uses the revolutions controller for aiming - and much more. while nintendo obviously has several games in development for the revolution launch , the company simply doesnt make games like red steel , so letting a respected publisher like ubisoft introduce the revolution through an easy -to - understand game type allows both companies to demonstrate what they do best ..†http://gonintendo.com/ This is said to be a launch title.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 8 Apr 06 7:59:44 >
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- Joined: Jul 20, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 11:33
Those are good but I know they will look even better than that.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 12:10
I think it' s funny how when people see pics from the PS3, they' ll say " FAKE!" but when they see pics from the Revolution they just automatically believe as if Jesus came down and told them Himself. You kiddies make me sick. Remember, UBISoft is NOTORIOUS for showing renders and claiming they' re ingame. And we are also in a videogame generation where it is EXTREMELY RARE for any company to show actual in game pics. Most companies are not proud of their games so they use alternate angles or high-res renders. Those screenshots look a bit higher than 480p, though it is hard to tell from those lousy scans. Wait until you see it in motion before you start your fanboy engines!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8 Apr 06 4:10:56 >
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 16:02
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 18:18
You are right though joe.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 18:21
prince nine one said it' s not a rail shooter , otherwise it' ll be 100% nes not next gen... so what is " rail shooter" , games like virtua cop and time crisis ?? if so , why is he referring to the nes ? .... is he talking about that duck game ?
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 8 Apr 06 10:22:02 >
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 18:34
A " rail shooter" is something that does not allow you to wander wherever you want to go in a level. Panzer Dragoon and Space Harrier are " rail shooters" . You are on a preset path and can' t really do much about it. What this has to do with the NES is beyond me.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 18:49
thanks joe, well this is more confirmation of what i said, virtua cop and time crisis. i guess he said the nes because of the duck game, since you can' t move you just hit targets, same principale with virtua cops, the difference is that the latter is in 3d.
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RE: Revolution graphics
Apr 08, 2006 19:31
The story is true , 1up featured some news about it - it is going to be a very adult oriented game. Ubisoft made Next Gen graphics on Xbox (chaos theory?) so it' s not impossible with some new technologies on a more powerful system. I wonder if this article says anything about it being concept art or ingame screenshots. Anyway you' ve missed one important point of all this - UBISOFT? Launch title for Revolution? Original (not ported) one? It may appear to look worse and shit ,but one thing is for sure - 3rd party is onboard big time. And look at Rampage99 - if he can say something like that about Rev then Nintendo is definitely doing something right :) By the way I think that the kind of visuals these screenshots provide are amazing , but if it turns out to be a rail shooter - it won' t be half that impressive. But from what I' ve read on 1up it' s an adult themed FPP so it sounds like good news. I' m not familiar with Ubisofts policy but I think they pretty much deliver what they promise in terms of visuals at least. I think those Raibow Six screenshots looked amazing but not impossible on 360 by any means. it' s all about E3 now ...
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