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 Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii?
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Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 05:53
I gatta choice between one of these consoles, anyone got good reasons abt which one i should get? im thinkin abt the Wii, but not too sure. the 360 is really fast, but the ps3 has good graphics. not sure which ones the best.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 06:21
Yer my 360 can do 100 meters 10.03 seconds

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 06:21
Fanboys are going to flood you with shit like " 360 is the best" , " PS3 is the best" and finaly " Wii is the only next gen !!!" .

Do some research on sites like IGN,Kikizo and stay away from forums where people are almost always loyal to one company or another.

You wanna know which of those three is the best? - this my friend won' t be clear before 2009.

If you don' t have a nice HD TV then the only huge advantage 360 can give you is lost.Same with PS3.

However if you actually own a nice HD TV then Wii will require some upscalling device to reduce the lag.

You really need to chose for yourself - all your answers are out there in the vast reaches of internet :)


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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 07:55
Think with your pocketbook, or better yet, wait it out.
Wait for the games you want, and when they hit that system, buy it.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 08:21
EVO, buy it, beats the other 3 hands down

in terms of Raw Suckage power.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 08:45
THE PHANTOM!!!!!!11111oen11evelevnty1

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 08:47
Whatever floats your boat I suppose.
Game Junkie

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 10:36
Well just to set things straight the ps3 and 360 both have the same graphic potential and the 360 isn' t faster then ps3 (whatever that means) they both perform at par more or less.

If you' re only getting one console I suggest against the Wii. The hardware isn' t much better then xbox and the novelty of the wii controller will wear off after the first 6 months. Wii is a great secondary console because its different.

I suggest making a list of the 15 best exclusive games on ps3 and 360 and choose one based on which list you like more. Thats what I did and I picked 360. Everyones different though and you may like MGS more then Halo.

No one has played a retail ps3 yet so no one can judge it, we can only predict what we think it will be like. However I have a 360 and I love it. I think the ps3 will be great as well I just think its too expensive.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 11:08

wii controller will wear off after the first 6 months.

When DS first came out some people said the touch screen was only a gimmick and now look at DS so I think thats a bit harsh saying that the Wii controller will wear off after 6 months.
< Message edited by Duffman -- 15 Jul 06 3:19:13 >
Game Junkie

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 12:45
There' s a big difference between consoles and handhelds. They' re two completely different beasts. For one thing, consoles are much more competitive then handhelds. The only thing the DS has to compete with is the psp, which so far has shown to be a pushover, nintendo has always dominated in the handhelds, and I don' t see Sony or anyone being capable of changing that any time soon. As I said consoles are a different beast and everyone will see what I mean when Nintendo' s strategy fails with consoles. Don' t get me wrong, I know Wii will be more successful them with GameCube. However this is only due to new people supporting Nintendo. Nintendo is now focused on attracting new gamers (people who never used to buy videogames). The harcore gamer, the people who have been playing since the 80s won' t want to buy Nintendo Wii as their only console.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 15:10

The harcore gamer, the people who have been playing since the 80s won' t want to buy Nintendo Wii as their only console.

Not really

..A lot of People i know who have been playing games since the 80s (who used to play arcades/consoles since pacman times).. r sick to death with the same old crap in new paint and have actually lost interest in games, most of them i know r now cueing up to buy a Wii..

Nintendo are aiming for these types also.

TBH, if your initial intention is to get a Wii, get one.. You know its launch games are gonna be solid (to say the least), and you know your going to have a lot of laughs with it.. Also consider the awesome Nintendo Virtual Arcade and its great joypad.. theres plenty of great gaming guaranteed with a Wii purchse.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 18:31

If you' re only getting one console I suggest against the Wii. The hardware isn' t much better then xbox and the novelty of the wii controller will wear off after the first 6 months. Wii is a great secondary console because its different.

BS - Wii' s actually almost 2x Xbox in specs ad what' s most important, developers who make games for it made better looking games on GCN (comparing to X) so this potential is huge for them (RE4,Metroid,Wind Waker,SFA).

Noone knows how long will it stay entertaining but my DS is still amazingly fun, so I think you are way to narrowminded to be a happy person.Should' ve sticked with arguments like graphics , cause predicting shit like Wii' s controller and it' s wearing off, is as stupid as saying DS will be crushed by PSP.Which means it' s stupid but quite common.

For one thing, consoles are much more competitive then handhelds.

I' d say it' s quite the opposite and DS had a very unfriendly reception at first.Wii' s doing much better than DS before launch.

The harcore gamer, the people who have been playing since the 80s won' t want to buy Nintendo Wii as their only console.

Actually these are the people who should be the most excited about it - new gameplay mechanics are could be so amaing, design is awesome and it' s got some sweet features.People gaming since 80' s care for gameplay mostly so HD means nothing when SD game is more fun.

Besides it will be the strongest launch ever - with Zelda,Metroid Prime 3 and so many other quality titles on launch day.

I' m not saying he should get a Wii, but seriously at that point it' s retarded to say it' s not going to work - it was ok to say that about DS before you tried it, but know sales charts,software top ten charts and all that shit is screaming " YES WE LOVE THE INNOVATION!!!" :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 10:38:03 >

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 18:45

If you' re only getting one console I suggest against the Wii. The hardware isn' t much better then xbox and the novelty of the wii controller will wear off after the first 6 months. Wii is a great secondary console because its different.

Careful what you say...

Nintendo is the salt of the earth to people like ]GaNgStA[ and Ginjirou...

Who oddly enough has disappeared

You can' t assume the Wii can be bad, but they can assume that the Wii will be
brilliant... Yet you' re both in the same boat.. (Odd???!)

Be weary of fanboys Game Junkie..

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 20:32
Sure we can - people like you guys said that DS is going to be a stupid gimmick - look at it now.

Saying that it will wear of after 6 months is stupid - when I hear someone saying he likes HD visuals and standard controller I respect his opinion, but saying shit like that ...

And you can assume it will be bad ofc - but not that it will be good and turn bad after 6 months.

Fanboy praises one system over the others, Foolish ignorant makes up stupid reasons for some systems failure, Fag calls people fanboys whenever they defend unfarily treated system or say they like something.Smart gamer says Fuck all 3 of them.

That' s my 4F theory.There' s a shorter version :Fanboys,Foolish ignorants,Fags - Fuck' em
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 12:33:33 >

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 21:00


Sure we can - people like you guys said that DS is going to be a stupid gimmick - look at it now.

-I wasn' t here when the DS was out, and the touch screen is 50% of the console
the Wii controller isn' t.. Imagine a game on the DS without touch screen... It' s
not really a DS game, therefore developers knooW they have to use it.
But if Ninty release a standalone controller as they say they will, then developers will kick
back and take it easy. So I see where he is coming from saying it may wear
off, not in 6 months, but may be eventually. I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it.

Saying that it will wear of after 6 months is stupid - when I hear someone saying he likes HD visuals and standard controller I respect his opinion, but saying shit like that ...

That' s because HD is out and the standard controller is nice, so they are talking
from a hands on perspective. That' s why if you say someone can' t speculate about
the Wii being crap, it means that you can' t speculate it being good just as much.

And you can assume it will be bad ofc - but not that it will be good and turn bad after 6 months.

So... We need to be picky about how we assume? An assumption is an assumption;
it' s an educated opinion. Why are you allowed to choose how we criticise a console?

Fanboy praises one system over the others, Foolish ignorant makes up stupid reasons for some systems failure, Fag calls people fanboys whenever they defend unfarily treated system or say they like something.Smart gamer says Fuck all 3 of them.

Ok, no more negative press for the Wii everyone, we don' t wanna kill a console
before it comes out.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 Jul 06 13:07:32 >

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 21:28

Be weary of fanboys Game Junkie..

Lol Tiz, do you ever have an opinion or do you always continue to try and stir up crap about other posters?!

If i was to quote the things uve posted about althing Xbox360 itll be easy to label you as one of the biggest fanboys in the forum.. but ild rather not go there..

Everyone has had different gaming experiences and everyone trusts / prefers other games companies more than others, dosent make them a fanboy.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 15 Jul 06 13:34:58 >

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 21:31
Hey lets not get into a fight here, keep it clean.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 21:44

I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it.

Especially seeing how EA and Ubisoft and almost everyone makes games for it' s controller...not a valid point.Besides Wii controler can be used as standard controller in many games - MARIO galaxy for instance - moving your character with thumbstick, jumping with buttons - only extra features are connected with sensors.It' s got almost ever yfeature of your 360 controller plus more.

So this :

-I wasn' t here when the DS was out, and the touch screen is 50% of the console
the Wii controller isn' t..
is Bullshit cause those sensors aren' t 100% of Wii either.

That' s because HD is out and the standard controller is nice, so they are talking
from a hands on perspective. That' s why if you say someone can' t speculate about
the Wii being crap, it means that you can' t speculate it being good just as much.

That' s one way to look at it - I' d say that opinions like this one were justified before DS was out and people felt uncertain on what they (nintendo) will do with it.Anyone who' s a well oriented gamer, knows that it' s not a gimmick and it' s just silly to talk about Wii like this.Or it' s not silly but proves that you didn' t experience this novelty for yourself - meaning that you' re not a very reliable source of speculation.

So... We need to be picky about how we assume? An assumption is an assumption;
it' s an educated opinion. Why are you allowed to choose how we criticise a console?

Yes that' s exactly my point -it should be an EDUCATED opinion - but it' s just ignorant/fanboy talking without knowledge behind it.(facts are simple and in favour of Wii - yes I' m still talking about DS).

Ok, no more negative press for the Wii everyone, we don' t wanna kill a console
before it comes out.

You can' t - I thought DS will go down because people play things safe and don' t want to try new things, the press was against DS,At the same time PSP had a great and hip design with great capabilities that appeal to consumers and yet everyone loves the DS now.

I was wrong - I did get a DS but thought I' ll stay in minority (PSP was to expensive for me and then unneccesary, when DS started having so many awesome games)

So what I mean is that Forums or even some people (and you know that many people who call themselves gamers haven' t even tried the DS yet - it' s strange cause it' s a daring gaming system that should at least intrigue gamers) can' t change the outcome of next gen wars - after all we don' t matter for console makers,publishers and even developers - it' s all about mainstream baby.Thankfully we get some good games along the ride.

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 22:48

I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it.

Not saying they will, I am saying it wouldn' t surprise me, the same way it didn' t
surprise people that the UMD format would fail.

Also, when you mention Wii, EVERYBODY (except fanboys) mentions the

Ask the general public What do you know about wii? You' ll hear 2 points:

" Isn' t that the Nintendo thing?"


" The one with the funny controller.."

Which is why...

Besides Wii controler can be used as standard controller in many games

Means that when it falls into the category of normal controller, it is compared
with the other consoles using generic control schemes, and is no longer " innovative" . THAT is why people say the novelty may wear off if they
keep chopping and changing, in laymens terms they go from unique and
innovative console to underpowered generic next-gen. The Wii is in a league
of it' s own if it uses the controller, but if companies don' t conform to it and choose
to use " generic" controls, it gets compared on the grounds of 360 and PS3, where
to average Joe; it loses.

Anyone who' s a well oriented gamer, knows that it' s not a gimmick and it' s just silly to talk about Wii like this.

This statement here shows that if people don' t agree with you, they' re not well
oriented as gamers.. That' s what I understand from it. Take for example
the PS3, when people slate it, you sit back and watch. Yet both consoles are in
the same boat, may I remind you lately that Nintendo' s rep has been flawless in
handhelds, not consoles.

I think what you need to understand is when someone makes a negative statement
about Wii and someone a positive, they are both as viable as each other because
they are assumptions, but to YOU it' s wrong and I quote:

it' s just silly to talk about Wii like this.

When someone speaks ill of the Wii. Why is that?

Or it' s not silly but proves that you didn' t experience this novelty for yourself - meaning that you' re not a very reliable source of speculation.

If that' s in reference to Wii, then neither have you and you are also not a reliable
source of speculation.

In terms of DS, I have I have nothing bad to say about it, but Nintendo' s handhelds
and home consoles are in two worlds, DS got all the support, whilst Gamecube lost a lot
of it. This is why:

I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it

is an educated opinion as they come and is NOT

not a valid point.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 Jul 06 14:58:00 >

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RE: Ps3, 360, or Nintendo Wii? - Jul 15, 2006 23:09

ORIGINAL: f3hunter

Be weary of fanboys Game Junkie..

Lol Tiz, do you ever have an opinion or do you always continue to try and stir up crap about other posters?!

If i was to quote the things uve posted about althing Xbox360 itll be easy to label you as one of the biggest fanboys in the forum.. but ild rather not go there..

Everyone has had different gaming experiences and everyone trusts / prefers other games companies more than others, dosent make them a fanboy.

Please if you can find a post where I have sworn spetznaz allegiance to the 360
find it!

Oh and please go there... Don' t do something half-arsedly, I want a nice
detailed journal of everywhere where I' ve blindly said:

" 360 is the best!"

Don' t say I have said something and then say I could find it but don' t want to..
because that is a symptom of fanboyism right there; the ability to mouth of and
then not produce evidence.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Everyone has had different gaming experiences and everyone trusts / prefers other games companies more than others, dosent make them a fanboy.

Wanna make that 2 pence worth 5 pence worth at least?!

< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 Jul 06 15:12:22 >
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