I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it.
Not saying they will, I am saying it wouldn' t surprise me, the same way it didn' t
surprise people that the UMD format would fail.
Also, when you mention Wii, EVERYBODY (except fanboys

) mentions the
Ask the general public What do you know about wii? You' ll hear 2 points:
" Isn' t that the Nintendo thing?" and
" The one with the funny controller.." Which is why...
Besides Wii controler can be used as standard controller in many games
Means that when it falls into the category of normal controller, it is compared
with the other consoles using generic control schemes, and is no longer " innovative" . THAT is why people say the novelty may wear off if they
keep chopping and changing, in laymens terms they go from unique and
innovative console to underpowered generic next-gen. The Wii is in a league
of it' s own if it uses the controller, but if companies don' t conform to it and choose
to use " generic" controls, it gets compared on the grounds of 360 and PS3, where
to average Joe; it loses.
Anyone who' s a well oriented gamer, knows that it' s not a gimmick and it' s just silly to talk about Wii like this.
This statement here shows that if people don' t agree with you, they' re not well
oriented as gamers.. That' s what I understand from it. Take for example
the PS3, when people slate it, you sit back and watch. Yet both consoles are in
the same boat, may I remind you lately that Nintendo' s rep has been flawless in
handhelds, not consoles

I think what you need to understand is when someone makes a negative statement
about Wii and someone a positive, they are both as viable as each other because
they are assumptions, but to
YOU it' s wrong and I quote:
it' s just silly to talk about Wii like this.
When someone speaks ill of the Wii. Why is that?
Or it' s not silly but proves that you didn' t experience this novelty for yourself - meaning that you' re not a very reliable source of speculation.
If that' s in reference to Wii, then neither have you and you are also not a reliable
source of speculation.
In terms of DS, I have I have nothing bad to say about it, but Nintendo' s handhelds
and home consoles are in two worlds, DS got all the support, whilst Gamecube lost a lot
of it. This is why:
I wouldn' t be surprised if Nintendo
ends up being the only people that support it
is an educated opinion as they come and is NOT
not a valid point.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 Jul 06 14:58:00 >