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Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 17, 2007 11:51
Two years ago I was IP banned form the GameSpot forums. fascists.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 17, 2007 12:06
Two years ago I was IP banned form the GameSpot forums. fascists. Oh well, not like it bothered you did it? I could care less. When i first signed up, all they sent me was Pokemon XD crap 24/7. I signed up for them to tell me news on Halo 3, TP, and something else but apparently i dont care now. Its kinda sad, because i cant check my email because they spam me with like 20 emails a day, and i think i may have got excepted for halo 3 beta, but i got crackdown for that
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 18, 2007 00:20
No. If you follow this link and enter this contest you may have a chance to enter for a chance to win a sneak peek at the advertising campaign for the Halo 3 beta.
Shouldn' t you change your name to ' Angry Man' ? Nothing seems to satisfy you. The only thing that satisfies him is gay sex Not if it' s not in 7.1 surround. See this is why i love it here. There' s no other forum like this anywhere on the intertubes!
I think the internet itself used to be like this... back when it was 10 uni guys talking about how cool it was to put colored saran-wrap over their monochrome monitors. Anybody remember the static clings for color Atari games?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 18, 2007 03:08
5 days!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 18, 2007 03:47
Sweet. While you guys are paying full price, I' m considering Ebaying one. If I' m buying one, I' m settling on a 20gig, and it appears they' re dropping into the 150-250 usd range. Just what I' m willing to spend coincidentally!
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 18, 2007 08:21
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 18, 2007 08:52
I just bought a wireless router, for laptops and such. But it just so happens I am getting the ps3 this weekend, so hopefully it is working right [right now i have nothing to test the wireless, the wired connection right now works] Looking forward to playing you guys online on motorstorm and resistance. After I get my ps3, the look for a decent summer job and the seach for a nice 1080p hdtv[yep going for it] . Got to get some surround sound speakers too. But that will come in time. I need to apply to more places to get a job! my tv and living needs depend on it!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 00:30
Looking forward to playing you guys online on motorstorm and resistance. After I get my ps3, the look for a decent summer job and the seach for a nice 1080p hdtv[yep going for it] . Got to get some surround sound speakers too. But that will come in time. I need to apply to more places to get a job! my tv and living needs depend on it!
Awesome. I' m making (suprisingly) decent money right now for just hard labor. I unload pallets of food/furniture/lumber whatever for a couple hours, & get paid more than the scrawny guys who are inside working the books. There' s something good to be said for brute force. Find any brand of 1080p that interests you?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 01:54
Not yet, but I decided that 1080p is the best option for future proofing and not getting some headaches over the 720p/1080i not being supported junk.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 18 Mar 07 17:54:59 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 03:16
4 days!
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 03:32
^ Shapes! YAY
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 04:01
They look Familiar....
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 08:01
Along the the time I saw the first reviews of Virtua Fighter 5 I pre-ordered a Ps3. Just for that game! This countdown you got going on feels in me... and not in a good way!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 08:27
Dionysius, buy motorstorm! Team Kikizo PS3 needs the support! That reminds me, have you guys ever played with Adam or any Kikizo staff?, Maybe we should get onto him about his PSN/Live gamertags. That way we can stick it to the man hardcore.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 19, 2007 19:33
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 01:22
I dont have a PS3 yet and Im not from Europe! Wow I have absolutly no reaosn to post in this thread! I quit my job at Target ( the slave labouring fucks ). So I wont be able to see any adverse affects of the European launch in relation to Target' s supply of PS3' s. Will it go up will it go down...does it really matter what Target is doing? Hm not really But you can walk in and get a PS3...or a 360 for that matter...just don' t expect to see a Wii. So I wont be able to see any adverse affects of the European launch in relation to Target' s supply of PS3' s Damn that sounds smart and impressive even if flawed and full of errors! Just the wording and all...yup probably the smartest " sounding" thing Ive said ever.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 01:27
Right, guys with ps3' s allready help me. I want to format/partition the ps3 hartddrive so I can install Linux sometime in the future. Should I do that first thing when i Boot up the console? so I dont have to go through the bother of having to put all my stuff on memory sticks. Second, Remember first 500,000 ps3 registered gets Casino Royal on blue ray for free, Does that take long and is it hard?, do you have to do it anyway to play online? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLiXZqyXfFk - 360 finally put to use!
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 19 Mar 07 18:19:18 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 05:15
Right, guys with ps3' s allready help me. I want to format/partition the ps3 hartddrive so I can install Linux sometime in the future. Should I do that first thing when i Boot up the console? so I dont have to go through the bother of having to put all my stuff on memory sticks. Second, Remember first 500,000 ps3 registered gets Casino Royal on blue ray for free, Does that take long and is it hard?, do you have to do it anyway to play online? I will ask my brother about the Linux formatting. He did that with his ps3 but I never asked about the details on how he did it. You can go on you-tube and look up how-to videos on it though. I think game-trailers, or gamevideo' s has how-to' s as well. As far as the free Casino Royale deal, it' s extremely easy to register. All you need is an email. It will ask for your name if you wanna give it, and will ask if you wanna register a credit card for use on the PSN(you don' t have to, and you can just add money to your account with your credit card w/o registering it to your account). At the end it asks if you wanna do a survey for them about your video/movie going habits. That was 11 questions. Oh, you register by going to the far right on the cross media bar, over to the " account" portion, and register. Before that you will obviously have to go into Network connections and set that up. That is also really easy, and it gets good reception on wireless. I even tapped into my neighbours wireless when I had to download a few gigs worth of games and trailers off of the PSN  . I would say you should be able to plug it in and connect the internet, then register in 10 minutes.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 05:38
I quit my job at Target Good for you. MegaMarts bite in general. What are you going to be doing jobwise from here on in? I want to format/partition the ps3 hartddrive so I can install Linux sometime in the future. Should I do that first thing when i Boot up the console? so I dont have to go through the bother of having to put all my stuff on memory sticks.
Do what? Partition the HDD or load Linux? I partition all of my HDDs for the sake of OS switches & really important files, so being able to do that with a console is downright magical. Linux is easy enough to install after you boot up, I can' t see there being any advantage to doing it when it first boots. Anyway, who the hell are you kidding? You know you' re going to jam in Motorstorm first thing out of the box. So I wont be able to see any adverse affects of the European launch in relation to Target' s supply of PS3' s Damn that sounds smart and impressive even if flawed and full of errors! Just the wording and all...yup probably the smartest " sounding" thing Ive said ever.
My turn. Sony made an awesome move in region-freeing the PS3, it creates a more worldly, & therefore more stable market as a whole. Worse comes to worse, and all the game stores in the UK spontaneously combust. The US has enough PS3' s to cover the American and the UK market, which is really impressive, or a little sad, I' m not sure which.   
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 06:41
My local HMV have a PS3 in store in a glass case hooked up to a HUGE Sony TV playing a promo movie for all the functions of the PS3 itself. It' s the first time I' ve seen a PS3 in the flesh so to speak and the thing is HUGE! It looks taller, wider and fatter than my 360 for sure. Also I really don' t like the look of the game cases; they look a bit ugly with the massive bit at the top. Nothing on launch looks the slightest bit tempting other than VF5 but I’ve decided I’ll wait and see what the 360 version looks like as it’s apparently supposed to be of a later and more updated version of the arcade board. I want one but really can’t splash out £425 + games for it. Lower it by £100 and I’ll snatch it out of your hand… if I could lift the bloody thing. I’m waiting for MGS4 and LittleBig Planet.
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