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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 17:36
Isn' t it a war game, like Pacific Isles, or Battle of the Pacific? So Nitro you picked it up yet, was there much of a queue?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 18:56
Got my unit this morning! motorstorm is great fun, just about to play resistance. The broadband is so shit here that I cant sign in, or it wont let me. Same thing when we tired xbox live, it wouldnt connect. I can play you guys when i get home. My Psn is Silentbomber. handy.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 19:08
ORIGINAL: alijay034 Isn' t it a war game, like Pacific Isles, or Battle of the Pacific? The muppet meant ' specific' not ' pacific' , he' s just an illiterate gimp... ORIGINAL: alijay034 So Nitro you picked it up yet, was there much of a queue? Yeah. I had a meeting to attend at 8am so i went last night to pick it up so i could go straight home after work. I' d ordered online, but because of the price they wouldn' t deliver to my workplace and so i arranged for it to be delivered to the GAME store just up the road at the Trafford Centre. Now the 2 GAME' s, HMV and Virgin Megastore were all open form midnight onwards. I turned up at 12:45 and there was probably a hundred people there as they' d opened after 12. They had demo units up for all 3 machines; PS3 running MotorStorm, 360 running Rainbow Six: Vegas and Wii running Red Steel. All 3 pods were busy and there was a lot of people checking out the PS3 games on the shelves. I didn' t stay long and i didn' t have to queue as my machine was already paid for online so i was just picking it up, but yeah, there was a fair few people there and each of the 2 GAME stores got about 260 pre-orders. I know HMV and Virgin had midnight launches in Manchester City centre but GAME didn' t as it was in the arndale. I think all big cities saw lots of people at midnight. There are reports of good sales on Germany and France too so we' ll know in about a week what kind of impact having enough units to go around will have had. EDIT: i haven' t unpacked the thing yet. I' ll be sorting everything out tonight. I' m guessing Majik and Nitro will already be taken though so it' ll either be MAJIKDRA6ON like on XBL or it' ll be NITRODRA6ON. I' m gonna guess they' re still available
< Message edited by NITRO -- 23 Mar 07 11:10:28 >
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- Joined: Nov 29, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 22:36
Got the beast unpacked but havnt had much time to fiddle or play yet, just a few mins on Motorstorm. PSN ID: Phoenix|Slash
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2005
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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 00:16
...so did anyone cue up for the euro launch? what' s the free Bravura like?
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 00:55
Actually that was requested by two other forum Members. You’ve done exactly what they predicted. Just like the “Wii is a piece of s*&* thread†in which u used Alter-egos to troll, Talking you yourself until you got reaction from other members. Seriously, grow the fuck up and do something constructive with your Sad life. You may fool other forum Members, twisting them round your little finger but a few of us have you sussed from a long time ago. (sorry ‘PM guy’s’, I had to say something to this low-life.) BTW, don’t bother posting back with your cowardice shit. I’m quitting wasting time on forums and concentrating on my constructive projects things. So I will not be checking this out again. Later. BTW. Your one ugly fu%er haha.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 01:17
I think he' s going to go " play with his wii" . We better stop him before God kills another kitten!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 03:32
 What' s with the lame " goodbye posts" . A real man just stops posting, no frustratingly embarrasing emo s***. Good luck in whatever you' re doing constructively. And yeah, I know you' re reading this right now. Nobody ever just leaves & doesn' t lurk for a day or so to see the reaction.  Basic psychology dude, you lose. Edit: Gahh! Now I' m all jealous of you guys!
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 23 Mar 07 19:32:38 >
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 03:44
Edit: Gahh! Now I' m all jealous of you guys! Tell me about it! I have neither a 360 or a PS3............. 
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 03:47
Aren' t you planning on picking up a 360 this summer?
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 03:56
Haha. I had my playstation 3 delivered to my post office, today, but I' ve had so much to do in school, so the Post Office had closed by the time I got home... Which was right now. Anyways, the answer to the earlier question was " Yes" . There is a " Pacific" game I want, and actually quite a few of them. I do not know if all will turn out good, but there' s a dussin that has caught my watchfull eye. The problem I have is that there are not a lot of games comming soon from the bunch I' m interested in, and the only game I want from the launch list is Virtua Fighter 5. Ayways, I think I might wake up early, go for a morning stroll, and if I happen to pass by the post office on my stroll, I might go inside and say " Hi" to them. Then I' ll walk out the post office with a package of 6.2 kg. Edit: Oh, but my wallet will be lighter.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 23 Mar 07 19:57:11 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 04:12
sorry ‘PM guy’s’, I had to say something to this low-life Hahahaha, serious dude, you fucking kill me. Mr " i' m a practicing games designer" who can' t spell or construct sentances, talks about a bullshit 1080p projector and his made-up friends. Seriously, grow a fucking spine you sad pathetic individual. Never enter into a battle of wits unarmed you fucking moron.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 04:12
Aren' t you planning on picking up a 360 this summer? I sure am. Its just going to be an extremely boring two months until I do.....
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 04:41
ORIGINAL: Duffman Aren' t you planning on picking up a 360 this summer? I sure am. Its just going to be an extremely boring two months until I do..... Not really. If you have a PS2 then just pick up God of War II. If you don' t then i' m sure there are other games out for whatever system you do have that you could get. STALKER is out now for instance. I picked it up but haven' t installed it yet. I' ve been busy with VF5. But i' m about to settle down and play MotorStorm. I' m leaving Resistance until later on tonight. I still have to download Tekken: Dark Resurrection and Blast Factor and see what this ' Folding at Home' thing is all about.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 05:29
hmmm not sure what to do now, do I run the risk of the missus and get one or play good future hubby and not.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 05:29
If you have a PS2 then just pick up God of War II. If you don' t then i' m sure there are other games out for whatever system you do have that you could get. STALKER is out now for instance I' m still one of the few people who don' t have a PS2........ and my crappy old PC won' t be able to play Stalker.... but good old Battlefield 2 will keep my going plus there are one are two Gamecube games I still have to clear. Anyway I still go to the Xbox live gaming centre to get my fix of nextgen.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 05:45
I love my ps3. by the way nitro, doyou get tickets for downloads for things like tekken and flow?
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 23 Mar 07 21:47:42 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 06:04
I dunno. I haven' t got them yet. I' m just downloading GT HD Concept 2.0 now. Silent, what games did you get? I can' t tell if there' s a way to see what people on your friends list are doing, like on XBL. Maybe you can' t!? EDIT: Nevermind, i can see now.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 23 Mar 07 22:13:40 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 06:08
I dunno. I haven' t got them yet. I' m just downloading GT HD Concept 2.0 now. Silent, what games did you get? I can' t tell if there' s a way to see what people on your friends list are doing, like on XBL. Maybe you can' t!? I wasn' t sure at first, but if you just scroll onto your friend, it will display what they are playing. For example, after Silentbomber messaged me, i went to look at his icon and it said " motorstorm" under his name. So I' m assuming thats what he was playing. For yours Majik, it shows nothing, so I' m guessing you are DLing stuff
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 24, 2007 06:14
I love my ps3. by the way nitro, doyou get tickets for downloads for things like tekken and flow? Yup you get 5 tickets, and use one up the first time you DL. I still have a bunch of tickets left for Blast Factor and Flow.
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