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RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 07:06
Vegas and Oblivion have been delayed. Oblivion by a month and Vegas until who knows when.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 07:57
Is that delay just in Europe? My flyers for Best Buy and Future Shop in Canada still say Oblivion is coming out in 3 days here.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 08:07
Second, Remember first 500,000 ps3 registered gets Casino Royal on blue ray for free, Does that take long and is it hard?, do you have to do it anyway to play online? Theres a reason why its free!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 20, 2007 08:09
ORIGINAL: Dagashi Is that delay just in Europe? My flyers for Best Buy and Future Shop in Canada still say Oblivion is coming out in 3 days here. Oblivion is only delayed in Europe. You guys will get it as planned. Shame about Vegas though. I' d buy the PS3 version if the online was more stable than the 360 version.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 03:58
quote: ORIGINAL: Dagashi Is that delay just in Europe? My flyers for Best Buy and Future Shop in Canada still say Oblivion is coming out in 3 days here. Oblivion is only delayed in Europe. You guys will get it as planned. Shame about Vegas though. I' d buy the PS3 version if the online was more stable than the 360 version. Why? Translation would be my first guess. But if it were language, wouldn' t it be delayed for a specific country, not all of Europe?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 06:27
Whio cares, oblivion is offline and ps3 region free. Huazzah!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 07:31
By: Silentbomber Dionysius, buy motorstorm! Team Kikizo PS3 needs the support! Sorry, pal. Neither of those game has caught my interest. I was seriously unimpressed by Gears of War, so buying a game that I have heard is only inferior to Gears (altough they seem too different to comaprere) isn' t like me. And even though I think Motorstorm looks like a good game, I tend to grow tired of racing/rally games after 1-2 hours (' ception for Mario Kart). The exclusive Ps3 games I' m keeping an eye out for, are: Lair Heavenly Sword Metal Gear Solid 4 FF13 and its Versus version Previously Untitled Naught Dog project, Uncharted sumthing LittleBigPlanet! Killzone 2 Ninja Gaiden Sigma (can I realy call this exclusive?) The perhaps to be Final Fantasy 7 remake Afrika The must be comming, new game from the Ico team God of War 3 But when the time comes, that I' ll be able to buy the next game on this list... I haven' t got the slightest
< Message edited by dionysius -- 21 Mar 07 1:55:59 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 09:25
your forgetting god of war 3
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 09:53
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 21, 2007 22:51
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 02:00
I just don' t see the uk going mad for the PS3, it might be a case of try and get one on the day or the weekend, but the launch date is wrong for most pay days in the uk? 23rd is a week before payday, so I would expect to see a shortage by the 30th onwards.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 03:36
It is an odd date. But meh, i have the money right now, i don' t need to wait for payday. GIVE ME MY PS3 DAMMIT!!!!
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 04:40
I' ve managed to save £200 somehow and get paid on Monday. Plusthere' s always my credit card burning a hole in my pocket should I happen to wonder round town on Friday looking to see if anywhere has PS3' s for sale. Then again as much as I can dream about it there' s lots of other stuff to do with £400+ and for once I might just save some cash rather than buy a console there' s only one game out for that I want.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 04:55
If your in the UK and near a large-ish city then dropping into a GAME, Gamestation or HMV early Friday morning you' ll probably find you can pick up a unit relatively easily even though you haven' t pre-ordered.
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 08:24
you can just add money to your account with your credit card w/o registering it Can you please explain more? i have a friend who imported an american PS3 but cant register a credit card to his account.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 22, 2007 22:37
10 hours to go!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 02:41
 ... I dun know. It' s not like I' m in need of cash or anything, but it doesn' t quite feel right paying this much, for the joy of playing one game. I felt the same thing when I bought the 360, and am still unsure if it was a wise purchase. Perhaps I should just give the money to starving children, hehe. *sigh No but seriously, fellow Kikizo members, tell me! Am I doing the right thing, buying the Ps3, or is it just not worth it?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 02:52
If you like watching HD-movies on Blu-Ray then it' s worth every krona you pay. Otherwise it' s a bad idea to buy a PS3 right now, unless you want to just for the sake of having one from start.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 09:51
Just got back from the main Ps3 Gamestation Launch Event. Not much people compared to the Wii Midnight opening a few months back. The Manager was telling me how it was really quiet and expected more people to turn up. Suppose people don' t need to rush around being plenty of PS3s supplied.. Interestingly there was not a fraction of the journalist that attended the Wii even either.. One of the lowest Key Midnight openings ive attended. Edit: No but seriously, fellow Kikizo members, tell me! Am I doing the right thing, buying the Ps3, or is it just not worth it? Is there a Pacific game you really wanted to get? or like ginjirou stated, do you want it mainly for Blue-Ray? If somethings edging you to get it and you have the money, just go for it.
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 23 Mar 07 1:58:26 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: PS3 EU Launch
Mar 23, 2007 10:09
No but seriously, fellow Kikizo members, tell me! Am I doing the right thing, buying the Ps3, or is it just not worth it? Is there a Pacific game you really wanted to get? or like ginjirou stated, do you want it mainly for Blue-Ray? If somethings edging you to get it and you have the money, just go for it. What' s a pacific game f3?
< Message edited by NITRO -- 23 Mar 07 2:10:21 >
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