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Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
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Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 09:19
...all i ever hear about on these forums, apart from micro$oft turds being good for your circulation and Sony being a front for the new world order, is how great Nintendo is.... ..." Revolution will change the way games are viewed" ... ..." Nintendo are the greatest" .... ..." Revolution will destroy Sony and Microsoft forever" etc.... ...ok, i admit, i am curious about this new controller they are ' marketing' , and yes, as a kid i loved mario and zelda etc.. ...but... ...considering their understandable aversion to adult themes and concepts (parents obviously want their children to interact with morally sound software) and that a HUGE portion of Nintendo' s fanbase (majority?) are not pre-teen, i am puzzled with the amount of esteem that people here (and elsewhere) seem to have for them... ...how about a debate, fellow forum users, discussing why most of the world' s populace consider Nintendo fans to look like this:
Joe Redifer
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 09:41
That looks WAAAAAAY more like an Xbox fanboy. Seriously. A Sony fanboy would probably be a bit thinner but still might sport a ponytail. A Nintendo fanboy would most likely not have facial hair and definitely not a ponytail. " Nintendo are the greatest" Such bad grammar! Nintendo is a single entity.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 09:51
I doesnt like nintendo as a company,however z64 and m64 was...superb!!! Shigeru is awesome,but i think the monkeys controlling Nintendo sux...
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 09:52
No I think nintendo fanboys look more like this.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 09:55
:P Wtf!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 10:16
For the last time, here are what the fanboys look like.. Nintendo fanboys: Xbox & Sony fanboys: 
Mass X
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 10:39
hey hey hey now, us Xbox fanboys clearly dont look like that! Then again we cant see since we' ve all pretty much gouged our eyes out. Wait google has all the answer! Nintendo Fanboy: Sony Fanboy Microsoft Fanboy awww...notice how alone us Xbox Fanboys are... EDIT: Wait just realized I search that up using Yahoo! meh owell
< Message edited by Mass X -- 17 Mar 06 2:49:05 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 10:46
Thread should be locked for having such an insulting title.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 19:46
....nahh... ....we should concentrate on burning alive those who dare to draw cartoons of Allah.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...come on Nintendo dweebs!.. ...explain yourselves!!.. ...why should anyone give a f*ck about nintendo after their 14th birthday?....
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 22:42
Y' know, no matter what Nintendo does, it always gets painted as a company that geared towards a younger audience. It' s not like they haven' t tried to address the issue. They secured Resident Evil 0 and the remake of the original as exclusive titles, then got Resident Evil 4, Killer 7, Eternal Darkness among others. Gamecube had a fair range of 3rd party multi-platform titles like the Mortal Kombat, Need for Speed, Medal of Honour and Prince of Persia series' . It' s not even like all of Nintendo' s 1st party titles are aimed at a younger audience either, just look at F-Zero GX, the Metroid Prime games and the still to be released Twilight Princess. Ok so the console itself and the colour they initially used (that' d be purple) weren' t the best choices, but i think saying Nintendo is for dweebs is too harsh. Look at DS Lite and the way Revolution looks.... ...and compare them to... ...and that in itself is a BIG change from the designs of N64, GBA and GCN. Roll on E3!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 17, 2006 23:24
Another thing that you should be educated about is that N is the only company that seems attractive to old people and girls without sacrificing it' s hardcore audience. N games are not for kids - Mario is mario and he won' t shoot people with sniper rifle , Zelda can' t get any better and it' s clearly a hardcore game that many gamers can' t finish(Ocarina of Time at least). Metroid is not for kids but yeah, kids can play it too so it' s even better. Some boring loosers think that FUN makes games like that for kids. Kameo is a great example - you didn' t hear anyone talking about how childish it is yet everyone realizes that it' s so Nintendo-like. I don' t think anyone on this planet can make some people realize that " realistic" and " adult" themed games are not necessarilly as deep,responsive,polished,demanding and sophisticated as many Nintendo offerings.Quite the opposite in most cases. Having that said - things I value the most about N are : Best portable systems and games Innovation (both software and hardware) Highest Quality Games (not all of them but definitely most of them) Unrivalled Gameplay Being honest when they announce stuff (MS and it' s backward compatibility is a lie IMHO and I don' t think I need to remind Killzone CGI for PS3 to anyone.PS2 is a different story.) They always exceed enormous hype that gamers (not them) create. They keep their focus even when people aren' t optimistic , only to shock them in the end.(DS , Wind Waker) I' m not exactly a Nintendo Fanboy (I don' t even have GCN now - only PS2) , but I really appreciate what they did and do for the industry. The latest PS3 announcements made me a short term Sony Fanboy but I' m over it now :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Mar 06 15:28:56 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 00:04
Some boring loosers think that FUN makes games like that for kids. That' s the key. People are hung up on perceptions that they can' t see the forest through the trees. I' m 28. You know who I think need to explain themselves? The idiots who keep funneling their dollars into buying the latest grand theft auto game, or whatever game 50 cent puts his face on. I love it when a games key feature is " over 25 ways to kill your oponents!!!!" . wow. I' ll take Mario, metroid, Zelda, hell, I' ll take pretty much anything over the tripe that such " valuable" 3rd parties put out on other systems sometimes.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 00:41
I' m not a fan of nintendo, never have been. I don' t like some of the people that have worked for them, who slag off other industry members. But am looking forward to seeing what they do with rev, as i hear nothing but good stuff about DS games. Nintendo have made really poor hardware choices in the past, i think they are moving forward from that quite well though. As for their games... Well this is very varying from person to person. I never really found many of their games that interesting, they just don' t really appeal to me. I' ve tried to play some of their games but i just don' t enjoy the majority of them - Another thing that annnoys me about nintendo is the number of rehases and not enough new IPs. And mario.... jeez.... He really has been over used, i' m sick of seeing him. They make a possibly decent game, like the newish mario football thing. Y' know looked fun. But why not release it as a new IP and not cash in on Mario to sell it yet again. Never got into zelda games unfortunately, don' t know what it is about it, but i can' t can' t get into it. I' m not arguing Nintendo games aren' t good, just they don' t do it for me. I think nintendo do rock the handheld world though, and the PSP isn' t enough to take that away. I agree though with regards to this... You know who I think need to explain themselves? The idiots who keep funneling their dollars into buying the latest grand theft auto game, or whatever game 50 cent puts his face on. Let' s finally get rid of the GTA series, and this " urban cool" phase well and truely out of the industry.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 00:51
...if the majority of people telling me how great nintendo is, were girls, grandparents and kids, i would not have a problem (i' d never diss barbie for not being GI-JOE)... ...However, the majority of salivating, sweating lard@$$ Nintendo FB' s, tend to be male and fall in to one of two demographics (see this thread' s title).... ...now don' t get me wrong, i' m sure that N do make good quality products.... ...hell, i' d probably try out the top selling Pokemon blue (or what ever) if some spoiled brat pestered me into it... ...i' d even try on a bra* - just to get some sort of understanding as to what having hooters might feel like.... ...but there is no f*cking way that i' d walk down the street in one, telling any poor startled soul just how great it would feel to get f*cked wearing one!!... ...honestly... what self respecting dude prefers collecting rings??... Zelda can' t get any better and it' s clearly a hardcore game ..if that is true, then it can only be one of a very, very few because children, girls and old people generally have a HUGE complexity problem... ...otherwise they would prefer Halo 2 over the Sims... ...if you don' t have a punnaini, are not 10 or geriatric... and spend all your time spewing obscure nintendo dork names, then you ARE a dickless 40 year old dweeb... *=i have actually
< Message edited by bishonen -- 17 Mar 06 16:54:00 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 00:51
You know who I think need to explain themselves? The idiots who keep funneling their dollars into buying the latest grand theft auto game, or whatever game 50 cent puts his face on Hell yeah ... UUmai - you should try Zelda or new Metroid :) As for Mario - it' s not like FF games , Quake games or Metal Gear Solid games - every original MArio title is completely new (except SMS) - it can' t be called a sequel.I love his appearance in some titles (SSX and others) so it depends. Same goes for Zelda and many others.Starfox Adventures and so on.I think you' ve tried the wrong games.It' s really hard to believe that someone outthere who loves games ( Iassume you do) doesn' t enjoy N games :) - I mean it' s hard for me to believe - I honestly think that everyone should learn from Nintendo when it comes to gameplay and design ideas (and they actually do learn from them :) )
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Mar 06 16:56:02 >
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 01:21
UUmai - you should try Zelda or new Metroid :) I' ve tried old zelda on the snes (don' t ask which i emulated it a long time back) and the first n64 zelda game, briefly, but i wasn' t interested enough to put the time into it (that i' d assume you have to to get hooked) Lately especially I want a game that delivers something without me having to get into it first. Insta-fun. Impressions of some of the games I played: Star Fox Adventures - I liked the graphics and the fur was great rare did a good job. But i didn' t get into it... I tried. [b[lylat wars - This is one game i enjoyed, very nice, but i didn' t like MP at all F-Zero GX - Decent game, it' s fast and i prefer it a million time over to the N64 one, but then (and now the sega fan boy in me comes out) it was done mainly by sega. Mario kart - The original was good in MP, otherwise i found it boring and everyone since the original i found dull. Honestly I canot be bothered to play Metroid, seems too long for me. What I meant about mario is like, he is a $2 prostitute, way over used... Mario party (Too many too quick), but i mean there is, Dr mario, Mario kart, Mario Party, Mario tennis, Mario Golf, Mario soccer... Why not release the games as completely new IP' s so as to seel a game on it' s merrits not on the fact mario is in it. Sega (When they were a great company) released so many new IPs to the industry. NiGHTS, Burning Rangers, Goldan Axe, Spikeout, Shenmue, Sonic, Monkey ball, Sega rally, Daytona, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Tennis, Outrun, Space harrier, After burner... so on and so forth... A full return to grace from them would be wonderful.... As a 3rd Party, the really aren' t as good in the least bit.
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 01:27
I love Nintendo, i always have and i suspect i always will. Nintendo have made really poor hardware choices in the past Very true and it started with the decision to use cartridges for N64 and continued with the original GBA and GCN. Infact, the biggest problem that arised was the mediums they chose to use. While i think the DS carts are superior to UMD' s (mainly because i detest PSP' s stupid loading times, but also because no moving parts reduces the risk of damage), i think they were the wrong choive of medium for N64. If N64 had used CD' s like the Saturn and Playstation, the games would have been cheaper and more accessible (some costing £80 in the UK) and thus the console would have been much more popular. The Gamecube uses 8cm optical discs, which although a nice idea only hold 1.5 GB. The other issue was lack of DVD palyback in the machine, which is something Revolution looks to address on several levels. The pads themselves have never been perfect, the N64 pad specifically had huge flaws, but with each pad Nintendo create they bring something new to the industry that the other companies copy. Nintendo is looking to address these issues with Revolution and hopefully people will be very impressed! Another thing that annnoys me about nintendo is the number of rehases and not enough new IPs Agreed 100%!!! Mario has become annoying. I was one of the people who actually enjoyed Super Mario Sunshine, buying it because Super Mario 64 blew my mind on N64. While it didn' t live up to it' s older brother, if it hadn' t been a Mario game and had been judged accordingly i think it would have been much more successful. It' s like people thinking that Reloaded and Relolutions weren' t as good as the original, but judge them as separate movies and they' re better than pretty mcuh anything but the original, making them badass in their own right. But they need to stop including Mario & Co in every other game that' s released. The only cameo i truly appreciated was the addition of Link in the GCN version of Soul Calibur 2 (the definative version of the game). Wind Waker was a risk and i loved it but i can see how it would say " kiddie" to some audiences. Twilight Princess has gone back to the series' former glory established with Ocarina of Time and Majora' s Mask and looks to take the titles of ' GCN' s ultimate game' away from RE4. The thing is though, if you know ANYTHING about Nintendo' s strategy for Revolution, you' ll already be aware that Nintendo have realised they need new IP' s and that those IP' s will have to be geared to a more mature audience. While i full expect 1 or 2 more Mario/Pokemon-esque characters to join Nintendo' s portfolio, i know they' re looking more along the lines of characters akin to Samus from the more recent Metroid games. I think nintendo do rock the handheld world though, and the PSP isn' t enough to take that away. Also agreed, as far as the games are concerned. PSP offers multi-media functionality, a trend that began with cameraphones a few years ago. Apple and Sony were quick to get in on the idea and i think Nintendo have realised that DS doesn' t fulfil everything the end-user wants. The DS Lite looks gorgeous but i wouldn' t be suprised if Nintendo added more functions to the next model of their handheld. Perhaps even putting more fuctionality ito the true successor to the GBA. I also wouldn' t be suprised if Apple entered the handheld gaming market, maybe even partnering with Nintendo. Highest Quality Games (not all of them but definitely most of them) True. While people may look at 1st party games on GCN and not take much notice, they' ve definately set themsevles up with some killer apps on Revolution... ...However, the majority of salivating, sweating lard@$$ Nintendo FB' s, tend to be male and fall in to one of two demographics (see this thread' s title).... Ha, well Gangsta and myself are the kind guys you could go out drinking with until the early hours and feel safe walking through crime ridden neighbourhoods in the company of, ...and we both love Nintendo! ...honestly... what self respecting dude prefers collecting rings??... Firstly that' s Sonic and Sega, but change it to stars and it becomes Nintendo so your point still stands. But remember, ...it' s a game! It doesn' t have to be complex and it doesn' t have to have depth. It just has to be fun!!!
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 01:43
quote: ...honestly... what self respecting dude prefers collecting rings??... ...But remember, ...it' s a game! It doesn' t have to be complex and it doesn' t have to have depth. It just has to be fun!!! Well I for one would take collecting rings in sonic or stars in mario, to selling drugs, getting prostitutes into my car, and shooting people whilst listening to swearing. GTA, for one, cannot hold a candle to Sonic or Mario in terms of fun and gameplay. The world is corrupt enough and people think that it is cool, which i find very, very sad. This " urban cool" plague in the industry is affecting everyone, except nintendo it seems (good on them) even sonic games... or shadow as it is - lame. Let' s bring back fun, more simplicity, happy games where the hero/heroine is saving the day not blowing people up
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 02:01
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RE: Nintendo is for dickless dweebs and 40yrd Virgins
Mar 18, 2006 02:10
...why the f*ck are people going on about GTA like it' s the pinnacle of non-nintendo achievement?... ..who gives a f*ck about GTA anyway??.... ...if you wanna talk fun non-kiddie games, talk Splinter Cell or Virtual Fighter or Silent Hill or Ninja Gaiden or Resident Evil or Metal Gear.... ..the list is huge!!! ....why single out some random flavour of the month cheap@$$ sh*te??... Ha, well Gangsta and myself are the kind guys you could go out drinking with until the early hours and feel safe walking through crime ridden neighbourhoods in the company of, ...and we both love Nintendo! ...i' m not sure if you two qualify as Nintendo dweebs.... ...tell me.. ..do you prefer Animal Crossing to Ghost Recon: AWF?..... EDIT ..that new zelda does look like pure quality...
< Message edited by bishonen -- 17 Mar 06 18:39:03 >
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