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Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 05:35
what happened to welcoming new members not calling them morons or digging at them from day 1 i will show respect when respect is shown to me sony and MS have other ways of bringing in cash other than the games market if sony or MS lose the console war they will live on if nintendo lose a console war they will end up like sega You dont get respect by pissing off members who have been here longer than you. And yes, kikizo is usually pretty nice to newcomers just not when they say the rubbish you do You realize that nintendo has many things going other than games right? Nintendo has been making Trading cards for years, so theyve kinda had money. If what you were saying was true, then the Cube would have put Nintendo in the grave
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 9 Mar 07 21:37:10 >
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:01
Its all good to support Mature Games, or In Nintendos case allow them [aka Manhunt 2]. But it aint going to make games appear out of Nowhere. Wii is hitting the summer drought hard.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:16
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Its all good to support Mature Games, or In Nintendos case allow them [aka Manhunt 2]. But it aint going to make games appear out of Nowhere. Wii is hitting the summer drought hard. Thankyou.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:20
Silent has Silenced the crowd..............shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Off topic a bit. This is for T1KARMANN or whatever the hell your name is. I joined this forum a while back, and I was welcomed warmly because I didn' t start to talk out of my ass right from the beginning. YOU WILL GAIN RESPECT HERE ONCE YOU HAVE EARNED IT. By the sounds of it you' re a spoiled brat who is used to getting everything there way right away and all of the time.
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:25
I must admit that the lack of titles for the Wii is currently quite a disappoinment as is the nearest future releases. It doesn' t matter how cool the Wii-mote is if there are no games to play with it. It just occured to me that the reason I haven' t bought the Wii myself yet is in fact due to the lack of titles. Twilight Princess would' ve been a killer-app if it hadn' t been a GCN game as well. I think that the Wii will lose sales during this year but that Nintendo' s idea is to make it all up this christmas and the start of next year. But I wonder if they can keep the Wii' s momentum until then or if people will lose interest when they' re not seeing anything worth buying. It feels like someone didn' t plan this very good. Now is when they need titles the most, the first year after the consoles release should be filled with new titles. Instead it looks, just like Majik said, like the Gamecube story. I' m worried. I' m sure I' ll have fun with the Wii when the titles I' m waiting for finally arrives, but will the rest of the world wait for them too?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Mar 07 22:26:53 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:43
I love Nintendo. Everybody here knows that, but even Dreamcast initially got a ton of 3rd party support and then games ended up being canceled left right and center. I want to see Nintendo succeed as i feel they' ve earned it. Games are about fun, and that' s what Nintendo do best but a console needs as many games in it' s early life as possible and what they have before September isn' t exactly exciting. I expect Galaxy to hit in September and Prime in October/November, but it' s big 3rd party support they need more than anything. Stuff from Capcom, and Ubisoft, not Disney and lame games from the Bandai end of Namco. PS2 ports won' t help either. Wii needs to be set apart from the previous generation of consoles and Nintendo need a technical showcase for the machine. Twilight Princess is great but it' s still a Gamecube game at heart. I think porting it was a bad idea. They should have developed for the Wii and taken advantage of the extra power. Like others i wold buy a Wii tomorrow if it had games i wanted other than Twilight Princess (and probably Excite Truck)
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:46
One thing that was a big blow was the delays of both Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3. Without the delays things would' ve looked much better. But then again that' s Nintendo' s own games, the 3rd party support would still have been missing. I wonder why all the 3rd party games so far are crap. Are the developers lazy because it' s Wii, or are they having problems coming up with good ideas?
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 06:59
Sigh, on the software front the Wii is lacking, and current reports of future games releases haven' t been too overwhelming either. I realize this and it does worry me. However you have to understand that after the GC lackluster performance last generation meant that few developers would actually wish to sign on to anything Nintendo was doing. Why would they bother? That is probably why third party support is currently limited to mainly ps2 ports. I' m pretty sure no one really expected that the Wii would achieve the levels of success it is achieving right now so that explains the lack of quality Wii specific software. Now that the Wii has achieved many of the goals that were expected of it and is a run away success these developers would be silly to ignore Nintendo. If Nintendo can bring out 3 big heavy hitters - Prime, SSBB and SM:G they can keep the momentum going hopefully long enough for the third parties to come up with there own Wii specific games, thats what i' m hoping, i know it may not happen but its definately possible. If by Christmas 2007 if there is no significant Wii thirdparty exclusives available or on the horizon i will admit (that and drastically falling Wii sales) that the Wii is a failure, but not before then. I think the lack of software is a bigger problem for Nintendo because - 1) the Wii has been selling better then expected 2) the 360 already has killer app/s plus large variety of titles. Had the Wii launched without competiton (like 360) this would not have been as big a problem as it is.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 9 Mar 07 23:01:14 >
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 07:54
SO I came online to see this thread. Nintendo is an innovative company and has good ideas. The Wii so far is a good console easy to pick up and get into.e.g. Wii sports. While I agree that Nintendo did have competition against MS they are doing a good job. Later in the year the Wii would shine. SO don' t hate the Wii just yet.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 08:21
Holy crap... I leave for an hour, come back, and the whole forum is up in arms! I' d love to post a page long response to every opinion that would never get read, but I' ll save you all the trouble & condense. T1KARMANN Welcome to the forums dude. There' s a reason the moderators are so loose here. It' s because we' ve got our own form of filtering. Just stick it out, and post fact along with your opinions, & people will lighten up. (when I say fact, please refrain from using the word innovative. Not a rule or anything, but it' s the fallback phrase for the majority of Nintendo fans, & it' s one hell of a pet peeve of mine  ) Everybody Else Ease up on the new guy. Remember the last time we had a fresh poster? Yeah, neither do I.  We can learn the kid, but don' t flame. Now... onto my opinions. Nintendo knows all the poor moves they made last time, and they' re not keen to repeat them. Despite the many attempts they have made to diversify the market in terms of 3rd party support (somewhere on the horizon), they still seem to be stuck in the same " simplistic" sort of rut with their mentality. And in the gaming industry, the only difference between a rut and a grave are it' s dimensions. I say simplistic because kiddy, childish and family oriented dont seem to be the favorite words of the day. I' d prefer more features on my Wii, and Nintendo' s reasoning is that they didn' t implement more high end features because the average user doesn' t know what to do with them. But come on! There' s an SD memory card slot but no ethernet port? What is that?! They' re cutting out enough features to be user friendly, it' s just that they' re the wrong ones!!! Which takes me back to my rut rant, (maybe a little pun intended  ) Nintendo promised online, and it' s been 3 1/2 months, and still nothing. Not even a glimpse at their online strategy. (I mean one that doesn' t play buzzword bingo with the crowd) And with another projected 9 months to go before they get a real program in place, this could make or break them. Even Sony has a passable online program, and that was one of its biggest flaws in the PS2. Did I mention they' re improving it? Sony is revising before Nintendo hit the draft table!!! I' m only critical of Nintendo because I' m a hopeless market romantic. If all these multimillion dollar corporations listened to me for once, they' d be rich!!! what were they thinking hiring people with degrees!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 08:23
...Mature Games?... Nintendo?... ...Why dont they make a new Wii sports where you have to protect your hood and randomly kill people with the wiimote acting as the murder weapon! all set to colourfull graphics and such. you could have Killing, Snipeing, Kiking, Licking, Rapeing... the list is endless of the new Wii sports title! Oh,oh! if they put some Ea trax in it and got some supermodel to say that " drugs are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad..." at the start that would like, totally get my respect. dog.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 08:35
I still like the idea of GTA Mario and Pimping Princess Peach.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 08:42
...Why dont they make a new Wii sports where you have to protect your hood and randomly kill people with the wiimote acting as the murder weapon! all set to colourfull graphics and such. you could have Killing, Snipeing, Kiking, Licking, Rapeing... the list is endless of the new Wii sports title! Because, then you would have to change it to Wii felony charges
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 09:05
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 09:08
I could never get into Killer 7. I own it, and I just cant bare it play it. I feel like I missed something. Something awful by the looks of it [:' (] Hopefully No more Heroes will fare Differently. First Wii game that dosent make me shudder either, aka it has Nice graphics. [par Mario Galaxy]
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 10 Mar 07 1:10:37 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 09:14
It' s still highly stylized like Killer 7 though and that' s partly why i like it. I liked Killer 7 but didn' t understand it and i was gutted it was on rails but i enjoyed the game for what it was. No More Heroes looks cool. I just hope it makes sense I wanted Suda to make a Kill Bill game. I wouldn' t want anybody else to do it.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 09:23
I hated the onrails stuff. killer7 was awful annoying too.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 09:48
Eddie from what i hear the Wii will go online in June, with the launch of the Wii Pokemon game. Its not exactly the online news i had in mind but its a start.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 14:15
So PC already surpass both ps3 and 360 in graphical capabilities, are the 360 or ps3 f**king jokes now? Your problem Agent is your expecting the Wii to do things like a 360/ps3. But thats were you went wrong. People buy the Wii for WII GAMES, not for ps3/360 games. If they want ps3/360 games they would get a 360/ps3. Obviously the PC surpased PS3 and the 360 but PC isn' t a console. I' m not against the idea of Wii and the Wiimote. It' s a neat idea even if the controller isn' t responsive enough. My point is that Nintendo is still doing gamers a terrible disservice by having such meager specs. I don' t expect Nintendo to clone MS and Sonys strategy or even have a console as capable but at least price the console relative to what you get. But fuck man, Wii isn' t even in the same ballpark as the other two, not even close. Like I said, it' s a joke, and an insult to Nintendo fans. Using the argumnt that Wii is selling out and attracting new gamers is not in itself a good argument. First of all Wii only sold out due to its price advantage. Obviously people are attracted to it because the Wiimote is new but it wouldn' t have sold out if it was 400$. Also, I don' t give a fuck what new gamers like. They' re exactely the group of people that don' t know jack about videogames or the technology. Ooo look my Mom likes the Wii, proof that it must be a such a great console. It couldn' t be because the Wii is cheap and the wiimote is less intimidating then a traditional controller. Nope, the Wiimote is revolutionary and in the future every console will use it. How silly of me to think people spend hundreds of dollars for upgrades to the actual hardware. The gaming industry can' t be about graphics, physics, AI,animations, story, gameplay and all these other things we' ve been talking aobut for the past 20 years. It must be about the controller, look at all these stupid people spending a fortune on upgrades when all they needed was a 300$ controller. Clearly the future of gaming technology is all in the controller. I like the idea of Wii, but Wii are not getting our moneys worth with it. Technically it is a peice of shit. And when I said it was a sign I wasn' t speaking about future sales, I was saying that it was a hint that maybe Nintendo is ripping us off. I' m not saying that Wii won' t have a few great games. I' m saying that technically Wii is a piece of shit. Very much like something you would get in a cereal box. It' s something that might entertain you for a few hours then you would want to play with your real toys. Every gamer I know in person who bought a Wii is already sick of it. The only peope that I know who are still having fun with it are people who never played videogames before Wii. I' m sure someone is going to refute this post as well with more of Nintendo' s rhetoric, but while you' re at it why don' t you tell me about these so called innovative games you guys keep talking about? Aside from Multiplatform and Nintendo games, what games are you looking foward to? Because I don' t see any that look interesting on Wii coming out this year or even the one after that.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 10 Mar 07 6:25:18 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 10, 2007 14:44
Wii technical specs CPU: PowerPC based " Broadway" processor, made with a 90 nm SOI CMOS process, reportedly clocked at 729 MHz GPU: ATI " Hollywood" GPU made with a 90 nm CMOS process, reportedly clocked at 243 MHz Memory : 88 MB main memory (24 MB " internal" 1T-SRAM integrated into graphics package, 64 MB " external" GDDR3 SDRAM) with 3 MB GPU texture memory Storage: 512 MB built-in NAND flash memory and " wii" optical disc or 8cm GC disc. Display : 480p with component Controls: Up to 4 controllers can be connected wirelessly Xbox 360 technical specs CPU : Three Power PC based CPU' s each capable of multithreading and clocked at 3.2ghz GPU: ATI " xenos" design clocked at 500mhz with shared access to 512mb of GDDR3 RAM on a 128-bit bus clocked at 700mhz. Memory: As stated above, 512mb of GDDR3 RAM on a 128-bit bus clocked at 700mhz that is shared by the GPU and CPU. Storage: 20gb HD on premium models, or with a purchase of the external HDD. Standard DVD Rom, capable of using dual layered DVD' s to give 7gb of storage space. Display: up to 1080p through component. Controls: Up to 4 controls wirelessly, or 3 wired controls. Also uses an Xbox DVD remote. Playstation 3 technical specs CPU: 3.2GHz Cell processor with six accessible SPE' s running at 3.2ghz and an additonal SPE running in special mode, dedicated to aspects of the OS and security, while an eighth is disabled to improve production yields. GPU: Based on the NVIDIA G70, uses 256MB of GDDR3 VRAM clocked at 700mhz, and has access to an additional 256 MB of XDR memory via the CPU Memory: As stated, the GPU has 256mb of built in RAM at 700mhz, and has shared access to 256mb of XDR memory via the CPU. Storage: 20gb or 60gb HD as standard, upgradeable with laptop HD' s, which can go up to 200gb. Also uses Blu Ray disc with a dual layered 50gb capacity. Premium models come with built in Pro/Pro Duo card readers, SD/Micro SD card Readers, and CF readers. It can also access external storage devices through USB such as external HD' s, PSP' s, Digital Camera' s etc. Output : up to 1080p through HDMI or component Controls: Up to 7 wireless controllers or 4 wired controllers. Also uses a Sony Blu Ray DVD remote.
< Message edited by Dagashi -- 10 Mar 07 7:17:06 >
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