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Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 11:19
Damn it! Agent Ghost beat me to it Speaking of the Devil... AWESOME GDC Super Mario Galaxy footage! Wow, surprisingly im actually more interested than i was when i first saw it Wii is a a piece of shit. Just like everything else that comes out of your mouth... arent you a contributer I love hearing comments from ppl like these. They are actually serious, but there making themselves sound dumb. Obviously to someone who plays games like Gears Of War will view WII to be childish and " cutesy" . Also the quotes about the cereal box and the 2 GCNs taped together, those quotes come from truly ignorant ppl, The WII has improved plenty. And nintendos uniqueness and creativity more than makes up for it technological deficiencies. Love wii for what it has that others dont, dont hate itfor what others have but it dosent. With out all the gadgets and graphics what would 360 be? just an xbox... Nintendo didnt ad a whole lot to the WII, yet its a whole new experience! Sony and Microsoft are not as creative and innovative as nintendo, their only idea of a new console is to up the graphics and add 2 extra shoulder buttons. Wii took gaming in a whole new direction, making gaming DIFFERENT the word here is DIFFERENT not better. Anybody can make a stupid console with 200 Shooters and 100 crappy sports titles.... I dont see much difference between PS3 and Xbox, but WII has so many differences, its hard to view it in the same category as the other two, wich is why, if you want to diss it, you cant draw comparisons to the other console. Nintendo kix the others asses in innovation and creativity. If you ask me, 360 is the least surprising of this generation of consoles, they still charge for live, (PS and WIIconnect are free, get with the program) and has no motion sensor controls. Its just good graphics and higher tech hardware, which dosent impress me one bit. However, I plan on buying it solely because Xbox Is hands down, the best system of all time for shooters, and i love the francaises it ofers. (Halo, Battlefield 2, Sounter-Strike, Etc.) You all can keep dissing the WII, but i have yet to hear a compeling arguement.... If nintendo was trying to attract gears of war fans to its system, THEN you could laugh at it, but what all you nay sayers dont get, is that your not the ones its trying to impress. (omg, idiots) ummm, what exactly are " alot" of improvements? ... new controller... umm virtua console.... uhh... new controller  . And yes Nintendos " uniquness is kinda cool, but that does not make up for the lack of good games... and the lack of good games that are to come and PS network or whatever wont be free for long, and what exactly can you do on WIIconnect? pay to download old games? And who needs motion sensing? That would be just as homo as the ps3 controller to give a 360 controller(not remote) motion sensing. And the 360 did change alot from the original actually. It now has wireless controllers, removable HD, XBL Marketplace, and like you said, Higher tech. and graphics. What is not a compelling argument? We have made it clear. The Wii doesnt have enough and will not have enough great games, its nothing but a more powerful GC with a Wiimote. What gender are the other half of the girls. lol its actually a good thing girls are so enthusiastic to play games, Online gaming is a sausage fest! its pathetic! Hopefully the other half of the girls are girls as well Even Zelda, Mario and Metroid games are going to pale in comparison to how cool they used to be. HAHAHAHA, srsly do you make this up or do you actually think you know? lol I didnt enjoy the N64 zelda games that much, didnt even buy windwaker, buttwilight princess is AMAZING im not even a zelda fan and i LOVED IT Metroid? i didnt even play it untill metroid prime came out, metroid prime 2 was even better to the already UNBELIEVABLE original, and i look forward to that samme amazing game utilizing the wiimotes limitless capabilities. Smash bros? Mario party? same story, the WII versions will blow all others out of the water. (this guy is just stupid as hell) Umm, yeah you cant really say that the wii versions will be better when they havnt came out. Isnt that what they said about GC? and look what happened there. No one really enjoyed windwaker, they just wanted to make themselves feel better about buying it  . I really didnt like zelda till SNES. And IMO the new Metroids suck. I prefer the old ones. Smash bros and Mario party the same story? i can understand mario party, but Smash bros? theres only been 2 games, compared to 46 Mario party games. (apparently youre the one whos stupid as hell)
< Message edited by mastachefbkw -- 9 Mar 07 3:21:01 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 15:41
What is not a compelling argument? We have made it clear. The Wii doesnt have enough and will not have enough great games, its nothing but a more powerful GC with a Wiimote. Ummm WTF?? OMG here we go again with the GC with a Wiimote rubbish. I guess people will not get over this. As for enough great games we will see, but Nintendo has been responsible for so many great games over the years so i' m not worried. quote from Agent Ghost Anytime you have someone in the industry say a console is shit, that' s a sign. Instead of spitting out Nintendo' s marketing hype you should ask yourself why someone risked his job to say that, or listen to the people who understand his reasons. A sign? Really, one or two developers have bad things to say about the Wii and know its doomed. Thanks for that i guess Nintendo should stop the factories from producing Wii' s now, doesn' t matter that they have all but met there 6 million Wiis WW by the end of March, but no one developer doesn' t like it so time to pack the operation up. Give me a break. So one developer hates Wii, Whoop de do. Lets forget all the other developers that say good things about the Wii. and you can' t rely on the controller to carry a console Umm, well its actually whats selling the console (why new audiences like girls, the elderly, nongamers are picking it up). But no, Nintendo should focus on its limited graphics and not the innovative and controller. Thats smart. obviously the Wii is better then the GameCube, no one is saying that it isn' t but compared to the 360 or PS3 it' s a fucking joke So PC already surpass both ps3 and 360 in graphical capabilities, are the 360 or ps3 f**king jokes now? Your problem Agent is your expecting the Wii to do things like a 360/ps3. But thats were you went wrong. People buy the Wii for WII GAMES, not for ps3/360 games. If they want ps3/360 games they would get a 360/ps3.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 16:00
I have to ask, and i apologize for leaving the subject under [heated] discussion but, ...what the fuck is a " sausage-fest" ???  ???  ???
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 16:28
I have to ask, and i apologize for leaving the subject under [heated] discussion but, ...what the fuck is a " sausage-fest" ??? ??? ??? It' s a party or large gathering of people where there is either no women, or very very few. You generally use it at a lame party or bar etc. I' m sure you can link the word to the phrase and get what it means
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Nintendo Wii was crafted by aliens!
Mar 09, 2007 16:41
ORIGINAL: Dagashi I have to ask, and i apologize for leaving the subject under [heated] discussion but, ...what the fuck is a " sausage-fest" ??? ??? ??? It' s a party or large gathering of people where there is either no women, or very very few. You generally use it at a lame party or bar etc. I' m sure you can link the word to the phrase and get what it means Eeeek! Somebody get Byakko in here pronto! But meh, i think this topic has wandered off the beaten track into the realms of foolishness. That and we obviously have a couple of pre-schoolers posting now.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: The Nintendo Wii was crafted by aliens!
Mar 09, 2007 16:46
ORIGINAL: Nitro we obviously have a couple of pre-schoolers posting now. Well it is a Nintendo thread.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 16:57
Nitro, I would send her round but to be honest you don' t want the whining and the expensive tastes....The Wii not being one of them. There seems to be a lot of people on the defensive here regarding the Wii, lets put it in context, the Wii isn' t a true next gen console, the Wii has graphics that aren' t exactly ground breaking, the games out at the moment aren' t exactly pant wetting and it looks like third parties are only doing bog standard ports to cater for a fanbase that even though the console is aimed at the family, really only interests the pre pubescents that are getting upset by hearing the words " Shit" and " Wii" in the same post. Until there are some killer apps out for it it will be classed as nothing more than a GC rebadge.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 18:37
Some people prefer cars, some people prefer motorbikes, nothing wrong with that  .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 18:42
I prefer redheads
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 18:46
I know, but unlike you I prefer redheaded girls
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Mar 07 10:46:26 >
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 19:04
I prefer strawberry blondes
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- Joined: Mar 09, 2007
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 19:08
nintendo have priced their console as the 2nd console in everyones house most people will be hardcore ps3 or xbox fans the WII is priced as the 2nd bit of kit were the kid can get involved kids get bored of watching daddy racing around tracks or looking for keys the new mario looks good but not 10yrs better than mario 64 does the ps3 look 10yrs better than ps you tell me
< Message edited by T1KARMANN -- 9 Mar 07 11:13:58 >
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 20:33
Does it matter if Mario galaxy looks 1 year or 10 years better than Mario 64 as long as the game is fun and feels fresh? Not to me. Call me a kid, call me a casual gamer, whatever. I won' t mind. Graphics doesn' t even matter to me even if there is generations between. I played FFVII last year for the first time. Even though it' s really, really old I got more immersed in it than in most games I' ve played the past years. The graphics didn' t bother me at all. It was the same thing with Ocarina of Time and Yoshi' s Island so graphics doesn' t mean shit to me.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Mar 07 12:39:16 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 20:59
Stop calling it WII you moron.
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- Joined: Mar 09, 2007
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 21:05
i understand what you are saying this is why im saying nintendo have stuck to what they do best great fun games to play not some big powerhouse like 360 or ps3 this is why people are saying the wii is shit because its not a big powerhouse this is why the wii remote works on nintendo as it brings more fun to the already fun to play games
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- Joined: Mar 09, 2007
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 21:06
Stop calling it WII you moron call it what i want you fool
< Message edited by T1KARMANN -- 9 Mar 07 13:10:11 >
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 21:36
Show a bit of respect to the established members on this forum, you are coming across as an ignorant child, please show some maturity read what people are saying and stop with the assinine arguements that do not prove or disprove the thread title. The Wii is a console but it lacks in many ways when you compare it to the PS3 or the 360, this is mainly due to the lack of killer apps, that are either being held back for summer or are not yet there.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 22:09
Wii will not be as successful as DS. Japan is nowhere near as important in the home console market as it once was and the console isn' t geared towards western gamers. The mainstream [casual] audience, where the money is - are technology driven. High definition, downloadable content and online gaming will be the biggest driving forces this generation, ...not motion control. The Wiimote is awesome, but Nintendo' s decision to go against the grain will ultimately lead to failure as the console will ages very quickly. Nintendo' s decision to try to appeal to non-gamers is extremely flawed, and they' ll have a much harder time selling a games console to people who have not traditionally bought them than selling to gamers. Like with any games console, sales will be driven by software, and they currently don' t have it, ...and the software they [do have doesn' t do a good job of setting the console apart from the Gamecube, PS2 or Xbox when the machine is actually capable of much more. Like i said, it' s ironic that Nintendo are pushing new IP' s and gametypes and yet we' re all waiting for the next Mario and Metroid games and the sequel to arguably Gamecubes best game (RE4). I mean, should i be looking forward to cooking games or something? But i also don' t think they' re aiming the console at children, and Red Steel which they positioned as the flagship 3rd party launch title shows that Nintendo are trying to capture a more mature audience. The problem is developers who see Nintendo consoles are the perfect platform for child-like games, ...and i' m talking about companies like Disney here. Nobody wants to play their garbage and their lackluster sales figures show that, but they still keep churning them out. Nintendo' s biggest problem is that yes they are developing new non-games like Brain Training, but they' re still making cutesy Mario Golf, football, basketball and party games. Mario Party 8 is out this year and it' s the same game they' ve been making for a decade! What i wouldn' t give for a more mature Mario game, or a Mario/GTA rip-off When gamers talk about Gamecube they talk about Eternal Darkness, Killer 7, RE4 and Twin Snakes and not Tamagotchi or Shrek games. Nintendo need major 3rd party support and more mature western games, but only developers that can guarantee themselves success (like Capcom) will release those kind of games. Everybody else will release the colorful, " kiddy" games because they think it' s a safer bet.
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- Joined: Nov 28, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 22:17
ORIGINAL: Nitro What i wouldn' t give for a more mature Mario game, or a Mario/GTA rip-off Oh yes I can see it now, Mario pimping out Princess Peach to pay off her Mushroom habit, whilst slapping Luigi about for getting freebies off her. going abit off topic, gamesradar are doing an interesting piece on gaming pron,that is quite funny.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 09, 2007 22:25
Very well put Nitro. You see T1KARMANN, that is an intelligent post. I give Nintendo all the credit in the world for trying to do something different. But there comes a time when they need to face the fact that they are in a console competition against 2 heavy hitters, and need to realize that they DO need to make a console that can compete with Sony and M$. I think most of us hear are in agreement that gameplay is very important to a game, but like I posted before, wouldn' t you want something like a Mario Galaxy or Smash Bros. with the same graphics you would get on a PS3 or 360? Of course you would, or at least I would. You can stick to your guns, and to your ideals for so long until you finally have to take a look at the competition around you and start admitting to yourself that hey " we are behind, we need to make a console that will get more 3rd party devs on board, and get over this stereotype that has been laid on Nintendo as being aimed more at kids" , (I don' t think it is a kids machine). Nintendo, you have fought hard as a Jedi, it is time to move over to the Dark Side.
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