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Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 02:31
F3 put forward the GTA Mario idea where he pimps out princess peach that has to be a winner. So are you a game designer then F3?
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 03:34
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 04:21
Too bad people who buy Wiis arent concerned with 3rd party. If they were, they would buy a 360 or PS3. People buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. Period. As for all this talk about " casual gamers" , who cares? Theyre the problem with the industry and the reason shit like Madden and NBA Street push millions of units everytime it is sold.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 06:05
Immortal even Ubi made a decent profit of the crap they released for Wii. Red steel and Rayman did very well, considering one is a mediocre title the other available on the ps2.
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 06:42
Thats at launch, with only a handful of games available, and before any major nintendo games were available(except Zelda). My point is when someone wants a nintendo console they dont say " hey, I can get the best multiplatform and 3rd party games" , they say " I can get nintendo' s new games" .
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 06:47
I' m hoping that can change for the Wii. Third parties are very important to any consoles success. The fact that Ubi that releases mostly mediocre titles and still made a decent profit may be a good sign for other developers who though there was no profit to be made on any Nintendo console.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2007
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 09:25
We' re not even talking about the maturity ratings of the games. You' re completely missing the point. It' s about the quality of the consoles and the value they have. I said this before, new gamers are attracted to Wii because it' s CHEAP and they don' t know what' s in it. Even if they are attracted to the controller, a controller has never carried a console and it never will. At best it' s a novelty, at worst it' s a gimick. It' s not even about the games because Gimp has nothing. Saying Wii has no mature rated games is like saying that there is no violence in a desert. The only decent game it has now is Zelda TP, a game developed for and also released on GameCube. A perfect flagship title for Wii, the same shit you can play on the a 6 year old console. Get used to it, we' re going to see a lot of old junk on Wii. You were comparing the mature ratings to that of disney.... so yes we are, anyway, you are just stupid, because its not really about what technology is int he console, as long as its above the last model, (which wii surpasses GCN so STFU), its about the ideas behind the console, how they can make gaming better and funner. xbox 360 isnt any funner than xbox, its just better graphics and thats about it really. Wii has a completely diffierent style all its own. Ur missing the point actually, the low price and motion controller are not attempts to carry the system, attracting new gamers carried the system, and thats what it did, so it was a success, and your saying those are irrelevant to the system? what IS relevant? the hard drive? thegraphics cpabilities? These " new gamers" dont really care whats in the system, and they know its value cuz THERES A PRICE TAG DUMASS, so your saying things that dont matter to the customer are what makes a system good? i still play ps1 and it is old and out dated, so your gonna say its a piece of crap? i have fun, so how is it a piece of crap? You keep talking about the other consoles' " value" and " capabilities" , and completely ignroe me when i say nintendo has better ideas, and more innovative gameplay. you realize that 100% of your arguements are opposite of the truth dont you? Why dont you just shut up and admit the nintendo is more creative and smarter than the other systems? If wiis keep flying off the shelves 2 hours after they re-stock, your obviously alone in your passion for beefy systems with same old same old gameplay, but with better graphics, and higher " system value" (just because you pay more, dosent mean its a funner system). maybe i should find out what technology is in my wii, that will make me have more fun  DRRRRR. (thats how retarded you sound) that aside,the Wii would be amazing with as much 3rd party support as xbox or ps3. they get more support becaus its easier to make games for them, but wii games are more of a challenge because of the controller, and 3rd parties assume that nintendo fans arent interested in realistic shooter, fighter, etc. games. Any game from ps3 or 360 would be better for wii conclusing, 3rd party game makers are just lazy and ignorant about the wii hype. (assuming they dont suck at utilizing the controller). and thats why its the greates of the 3. (ps3 has 6 axis, but its only used in gay stuff like shaking off fire, so they dont have to use it as much, plus ps3 is just gay....resistance sucked ass, its just a mix of all the popular shooters (halo2 battlefield2, call of duty...)
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 10:23
You' re actually worst than a fanboy, you know that? You' re like a religious zealot, and Nintendo is your faith. You talk about the Wii like it has " fun" as a feature. As if everyone has the same inclinations, the same tastes. That' s the extent of your argument. Wii is " funner" than PS3 or 360 and that it' s better then GameCube. Which means that every premise you use to defend your point of view is either irrelevant or insufficient to the argument. Look at the PS3 game " Little Big Planet" , that' s the type of game you would expect on a Nintendo console yet the Little Big Planet is ten times better than what it would be on Wii due to the extra proccessing power of the PS3. Go watch the video at gametrailer that shows the map editor. Another thing you like to do is blame the developers for not producing any games on Wii, and for making bad ones. LOL, you fuck nut. I suppose it' s not because Nintendo hasn' t adaquately released dev kits or that Wii isn' t an attractive market at the moment. It' s funny that these same developers don' t seem to have trouble releasing decent games on the other consoles and PC. My stance is that the Wiimote while interesting simply does not make up for the Gimps shortcomings. So if you' re so hyped about Wii' s potential. Why don' t you enlighten me on a game that would only be possible with the Wiimote that would totally make me forget that the supposed new console is already outdated and crippled with 88mb of RAM and has recycled CPU/GPU architecture. What games that are coming out before 2009 that looks amazing?
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 13 Mar 07 12:57:01 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 10:48
You' re actually worst than a fanboy Ultra mega fanboy?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 16:02
ORIGINAL: A_Wiiner You were comparing the mature ratings to that of disney.... so yes we are, anyway, you are just stupid, because its not really about what technology is int he console, as long as its above the last model, (which wii surpasses GCN so STFU), its about the ideas behind the console, how they can make gaming better and funner. xbox 360 isnt any funner than xbox, its just better graphics and thats about it really. Wii has a completely diffierent style all its own. Ur missing the point actually, the low price and motion controller are not attempts to carry the system, attracting new gamers carried the system, and thats what it did, so it was a success, and your saying those are irrelevant to the system? what IS relevant? the hard drive? thegraphics cpabilities? These " new gamers" dont really care whats in the system, and they know its value cuz THERES A PRICE TAG DUMASS, so your saying things that dont matter to the customer are what makes a system good? i still play ps1 and it is old and out dated, so your gonna say its a piece of crap? i have fun, so how is it a piece of crap? You keep talking about the other consoles' " value" and " capabilities" , and completely ignroe me when i say nintendo has better ideas, and more innovative gameplay. you realize that 100% of your arguements are opposite of the truth dont you? Why dont you just shut up and admit the nintendo is more creative and smarter than the other systems? If wiis keep flying off the shelves 2 hours after they re-stock, your obviously alone in your passion for beefy systems with same old same old gameplay, but with better graphics, and higher " system value" (just because you pay more, dosent mean its a funner system). maybe i should find out what technology is in my wii, that will make me have more fun DRRRRR. (thats how retarded you sound) What the fuck is ^^^ that ^^^ ??? If you want to argue with bigger boys then at least use paragraphs. Anyway, you ain' t A_Wiiner... ...you' re a dick
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 18:37
*yawn* this is getting nowhere.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 13, 2007 21:31
ORIGINAL: ginjirou *yawn* this is getting nowhere. Haha, did you ever think it would? Pretty much all coherent discussion faded away around page 2. It was destined for a slow roast in the flame grill.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 01:17
It was destined for a slow roast in the flame grill. Regardless, I do think Agent Ghost has a point.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 01:54
I' m very dissapointed by the Wii so far but I don' t think its a useless piece of shit like Agent does! This thread has gone on for too long anyway.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 01:55
A_Wiiner You' ve made some really good valid points there.. Do you really expect Ignorant people who dis-liked Wii in the first place to agree? If anything, this thread was a great reason for haters to jump out and have a shot. Just read my post on page 9, this is the only area where Wii needs more support with. We’ve all known for ages that Wii was never going to be about processing power, so that isn’t a issue. Nintendo never promised advanced Physics and development Techniques, so I don’t know why LittlebigPlannet has been used to put down Wii. If anything it was MS / Xbox 360 with it’s XDNA which promised this sort of thing two years ago, I supposed ' the wolfs' would not want to put down the 360 as it would spoil allied relationships. Anyway, Nintendo have only just released extended Wii kits out to 3rd developers so it seems things are rolling and are Nintendo understand and in progress of resolving its issues. Saying that, the Wii Selling like hot cakes and people out there who haven’t time to waists time trolling on forums are enjoying them. Wii is also my most played console at the moment, no Ignorance issues are going to stop me really enjoying playing it, especially with friends. (That well sounded dodgy). Hehe. So are you a game designer then F3? Practicing designer, yes.. Though It really helps when you already know people in the industry. My ideas / Plans are Really good, one of them i even thought of Before the Wii was announced. Fingers crossed. F3 put forward the GTA Mario idea where he pimps out princess peach that has to be a winner. Hahah, What would be better, if Princess Ran away to another big time pimp and the Mario Bros had to GTA-style Trek around Chicago for 40 hours +, get her back, beat her up and put her back on the game. What a great ending. Edit: This thread has gone on for too long anyway.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yes, im outa here too, got too much to do of late.. Ive just got my DS Band Brothers Game through the post, YAY! this should keep me entertained while im away. Adios! (untill about a weeks time)
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 13 Mar 07 18:04:50 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 02:48
ORIGINAL: f3hunter So are you a game designer then F3? Practicing designer, yes.. Though It really helps when you already know people in the industry. My ideas / Plans are Really good, one of them i even thought of Before the Wii was announced. Fingers crossed. Yeah, and i' m a fucking monkey.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2007
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 03:44
ORIGINAL: f3hunter So are you a game designer then F3? Practicing designer, yes.. Though It really helps when you already know people in the industry. My ideas / Plans are Really good, one of them i even thought of Before the Wii was announced. Fingers crossed. 15 y.o. game designer o rly?
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RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 16:35
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 22:11
Nitro...  Wiiner, there' s all kinds of things wrong with what you just said. xbox 360 isnt any funner than xbox, its just better graphics and thats about it really.
And downloading minigames, movies, demos & videos isn' t more fun than Xbox live prior to 360. AKA, " lol Haloez anbyody?" what IS relevant? the hard drive? thegraphics cpabilities? These " new gamers" dont really care whats in the system, and they know its value cuz THERES A PRICE TAG DUMASS, so your saying things that dont matter to the customer are what makes a system good?
First off, you seem to be confusing RAM with the HDD again & again, it doesn' t make you sound intelligent. Hard drives are ridiculously cheap, & even more so when a company buys them by the 10' s of thousands. It' d cost the consumer maybe an extra $20 for a decent size 2.5 HDD. If you' d like, I can slow down with all this fancy jargon, something a little more... fun? It' s like, a bizzilion Gamecube memory cards in like, a little cool looking metal spinny-thingy. Why dont you just shut up and admit the nintendo is more creative and smarter than the other systems?
Because it' s not " smarter" . If by primitively using the word smart, you mean, more advanced, then Nintendo is screwed. And yeah, Nintendo is really creative. Their staple franchises are older than you are. Now Mario' s on an island! Now Mario' s in space! Now Mario is missing! Half the people on this forum could one-up Nintendo' s " superiorly inginuitive" design team. Name me ONE game on the Wii that doesn' t use the Wiimote in conventional ways? Let' s see here. You can shoot stuff by aiming, that' s a stretch. You can use the mote as a hacking weapon, no way anybody would have thought of that before the devs got their kits. Wii' s " funner" control scheme isn' t going to carry shoddy PS2 ports, it' s just not going to happen. Developers need to get their asses into gear & turn out something before winter 07.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Nintendo Wii a Piece of S***
Mar 14, 2007 22:23
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