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If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 30, 2005 14:54
This just in... Fathom caught in bed with the head of Sony!
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 30, 2005 15:36
Mxpx that is an awesome idea! I like your style
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 31, 2005 16:18
Pick me! Pick me!! i will be ever so good. I will ban Joe, and all other people who get in my way of total kikizo domination! [laughs a mainicl laugh,petting a white cat with a world globe under my arms, with a Big kikizo K on it]... er i mean, World domination See i dont post as much as mpx, or not enough like lobo, just enough. IF joe where mod the place would be in ruins! now if you pick me [if who picks me?] i' ll be fair,honest, and try to keep the monkeys chained to their typewriters.. i will also irgonre all those animal rights people. Like any right mod would do. I would donate to charity [out of kikizos wallet] and help blind people cross the road. I would pick a flower everyday just to see a smile and of course bring love into these forums, dont you want Love? Vote Silentbomber.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 31, 2005 17:01
Not sure what you have against me Silentbomber (I don' t even remember any of your specific posts, just that you' ve been a member for awhile), but I am glad I am stopping you from total Kikizo domination.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 31, 2005 20:24
I' m voting for mpx. I heard that guy always gets his way with the ladies. Wait, hold on how the hell did we end up voting here anyways??? If we get to vote on stuff I' m also going to vote that from now on The folks at Kikizo add some cool midi music that will annoy everybody in the forums to stop lurkers from hanging around for too long. I vote for the Tetris theme in midi music.
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- Joined: Aug 28, 2003
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 31, 2005 20:31
I blatantly should be the mod, due to my brilliance and ace Sega ' booth bitch' avatar. However, having a far too busy celebrity lifestyle means I simply can' t take on the role.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 15:03
Hmm... maybe Adam should be left with the duty to pick his own mods. I' m scared of you people after reading the reasons you should be mods.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 18:00
Not sure what you have against me Silentbomber Oh i got nothing against you Joe! here have a biscuit  . Did i mention everybody who respects me gets biscuits? no? well its true. and if i become a mod everybody is happy. You dont really remember my posts joe? hum, maybe i should post more!. I desirve the position of mod even if i only visit these forums in the wee hours in the morning. If i become mod i would ban adam, as he easily does the most swearing in the forum, , that would be funny.  . But if we where to seriously have a mod, i might vote sharon cos she seems to be fair.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 18:45
Yeah, you haven' t posted for awhile I don' t think. And I get your avatar confused with Rampage199' s (both have a hawt masculine hero).
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 19:43
But if we where to seriously have a mod, i might vote sharon cos she seems to be fair. Vote me for mod? Weren' t you the one who thought i " spam" ?
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- Joined: Jun 01, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 20:18
Why has no one looked at the issue of time? All things being equal the consols are rather comparible. Each has it' s exclusive games (halo, zelda...ect), each has a DVD player, they are all HD, they all have online services and they all have comprable graphics and power. I mean, a lot of people will buy the xbox360 simply because it is comming out first. Gamers are known for being impulsive so why are they going to wait 6 months to play next gen systems if they don' t have to? Is the PS3 behind? Yes. However, I' m not referring to whether or not they' ll make their launch date. I have no doubts that Sony and Microsoft will make their launch dates. My comment that the PS3 is behind is addressing the issue of which consol will dominate the market and more importantly how Sony has fallen behind since their victory with the PS2. Now, if you recall the PS2 launched over a year and a half before the Xbox, so why is it that their next consol is launching after the xbox360? In my opinion they have fallen behind and it will significantly hurt their sales in the gaming market. Anyone who actually followed the sales of last generation platforms knows that Sony mostly dominated the Xbox. Much of this has been attributed to Sony’s 19 month jump on getting to market. " ...not only did we enter the market, what, 19 months behind Sony -- so we got a very, very late start -- but we were a brand-new team." " This time with Xbox 360, we' ve got the experienced team, we' ve shipped a lot of console games and built some incredible franchises. And we' ve got the relationships that we need and built out partnerships. The other material thing, obviously, is we' re not going to give the 20-month head-start to our competitors." --Vice President J Allard http://www.thestreet.com/_tscs/tech/software/10225293.aspx The simple fact of the matter is that the PS3 is behind. Even with a 19 month head start they haven' t been able to get to market first, or even at the same time as Microsoft. I don' t mean to say that Sony won' t build a kick ass machine, or some beautiful games. I' m merely saying that they are going to lose a significant amount of their market share to Microsoft this time around. In the end this is all speculation and we' ll not really know until we have them both in front of us. The proof is in the pudding, but the bottom line is that Microsoft is getting to market first and that will give them a significant advantage. Unfortunately I' m a PC gamer at heart and no consol has ever given me a controller that could even remotely compete with a keyboard and mouse (for FPSs).
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 01, 2005 22:33
they are all HD Not necessarily. Iwata is strongly hinting that the Revolution will not be HD compatible. Read about it HERE. If the Revolution won' t even be capable of HDTV, then that coincides with the " 2 times more powerful than the Gamecube" comments we' ve been hearing around the ' net as well. If it was more powerful than that, it would surely be able to handle HD with ease. Computer games run at ridiculously high resolutions and they cost less than console games. Iwata knows nothing about making games, it seems. You don' t have to " redo" things for HD. Unless he is talking about just using the same Mario model from the N64 for his Revolution Mario games. Wouldn' t surprise me. Looks like the Revolution will be weak, and Nintendo will be 3rd place again (for many reasons). Let' s just hope that I am proven wrong.
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 01:20
Off topic: It' s Whataboutpaul but with a new name! weird. In the words of Terry.... Useless post quota for June 2005 filled. (curses I used it up on the first day of the month)
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 01:51
I didn' t even catch that! I just assumed it was Paul. Is it? I don' t think the same avatar should be allowed to be used by multiple people... it confuses my tiny brain!
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 02:03
I agree, especially since Paul had Adam upload that one just for him (since it is a cartoon of himself). Yoshimitsu.... I have dibs on Brad Pitt!
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 07:18
I read that bit by Iwata Joe, and all I can say is I don' t believe him anymore. The 2-3 times ting was pretty widespread, but has since been denied by the big N, an official statement posted at IGN after all that said they planned to have the revolution on par with, or close to x-box 360. As for the Iwata comment and me not believing him, after watching the E3 conference, I really felt like he didn' t have real strong English language skills. He seemed to contradict himself in E3 interviews, and give answers to questions that weren' t even asked. If Nintendo doesn' t make the machine at least HD compatible they are making a huge mistake. Right now HD is the " it" thing in consumer electronics, and it' s being gobbled up ad nauseum by the public.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 08:17
I want a moderator who will abuse her/his powers and occasionally go on serial banning sprees! I' d like to be the first victim!!!! Banned for a week with no just cause! :D
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 08:53
Ok, I have something that' s actually relevant to this hijacked topic. Time magazine has a huge article on the X-box 360. I' d like to think it' s a little unbiased, but who knows, enough money changes hands and anything can be influenced. I also hope that the writer was somebody who could think for themselves, and not just somebody who was awed as soon as flashy lights appeared on the screen. Anyways, I' m not quite finished the article, but so far it' s pretty interesting. They talk about M$ losing 1 billion bucks a year on the x-box hardware, that' s 4 billion this november if the math is right. They talk a lot about what direction M$ is taking, and interestingly point out that they are taking a revolution like approach as far as broadeining the gaming horizon to non-gamers (Nintendo should have never let that slip, man, the competition copies everything Nintendo does!!!!  ). They show a bunch of prototypes, they show totally x-box J allard giggiling like a little girl. It talks release dates for all three systems, and interestingly it claims PS3 is launching december 05 in japan. I think they are just confused, but we' ll see. There' s more to read, so far it seems a little microsoft biased, but I guess this is an article about the x-box 360, not the PS3 or Revolution(which I hope both get the same kind of coverage from this magazine in there due time). I am hoping to be a two console man for this upcoming generation just like I was for the last one. I currently have a cube and PS2, and always imagined that it would be the Revolution and PS3 for me. I still know it' ll be the Revolution, I just enjoy the first party Nintendo stuff too much, but I' m not so sure on my other choice anymore. If the price can be at 349 canadian(279 American) within a year of launch, I could very easily see myself walking home with a 360. One thing I still do hate though is the x-box live pay to play. Come on man, I bought the game why should I pay to play it muliplayer. I certianly don' t pay extra if I want to play Monoploy with extra friends. I understand if it' s on online exclusive game where that is the game, but having to pay to play Halo 2 online is just bullshit. One things for sure, I won' t be buying either the 360 or PS3 till both systems are released and I have a chance to look at them to see which I like better.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 09:48
Finished reading the article. It' s definetly a little anti-sony and anti-nintendo(you' re not trying to portraty a console nicely when you call it the " Nintendo-whatever-they-call-it" ) but it' s still a good read.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
Jun 02, 2005 10:33
Fortunately for Microsoft, losing $4 - 5 BILLION dollars on the Xbox was part of the plan from Day 1, lol.. When they were launching the original Xbox console, Next-Generation magazine did an interview with the Xbox team and they said that the Xbox project wouldn' t be a profitable one and would end up being a 4 - 5 billion dollar bleeder BUT the enormous investment would be necessary in order to establish the Xbox brand, which they succeeded in doing in the U.S. and Europe.. Once established, they expected the Xbox' s successor to be their profitable venture. So basically the Xbox was set up to pave the way for the Xbox 360.
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