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If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 26, 2005 21:31
Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 00:58
Guys, if you' re gonna argue, please add more drama to the whole thing so we spectators will be entertained. Thanks.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 04:27
Nah, I don' t need to fight with fathoms. Not worth the time anymore. I' m just enjoying this childlike behavior that' s being displayed with his little threats and accusations. Anyone is welcome to step in for me and take a jab at it though.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 04:29
I think I’ll wait till all 3 consoles are in the shops, you cant get a real feel of what they' re like till you' ve seen them, touched them, caressed their shiny plastic.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 04:33
Keep it at least PG man. you' re getting a little carried aways with the console sensuality.There should be laws against that.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 14:59
Revolution because they always keep it at a reasonable price for all their other systems. Possibly 360 if rev doesn' t improve their game library.
< Message edited by Ganafan -- 27 May 05 22:59:51 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 18:11
Is it just me or does it look like everyone have just made up their minds on what Next-Gen System to support before they even get to have something solid to support their assumptions? We only get to buy the final product, and that is not only the console but what you will play on it. Yes, as they say, the software is what matters! We' ve seen many great consoles go the way of the toilet. Lots of power and poor execution just don' t make it. After seeing this year' s E3 I honestly can say I haven' t heard this much nonsense in my life... Some of you say the Xbox360 is very big, that looks like anything but a gaming console? And what does the PS3 look like? Any smaller? Heck no! That you wonder if you' ll be able to stack anything on top of the 360 with that shape? ...... you' ll certainly won' t be able to stack anything over the PS3. That the PS3 looks better than the 360? in what way? besides a few different colors to choose from thats it for choices. the 360? you can personalize to will. imagine you get a generic faceplate and wanna try to do your own art on it, you can let the artist in you run free because even in the event something went wrong while creating it, the only loss would be your faceplate. Now try that on the PS3. get your screwgun ready. That the 360 is less powerful than the PS3? We' ve seen definite specs for the 360, and a carefully set plan of operation for it, including new tools designed to increase productivity on the game creator end. From the PS3 execs we' ve seen especulation. That' s all. Hopefully they overcome their issues on the construction of the PS3 and deliver a decent piece of hardware. I' ll wait and see. PlayStation has a very good record of making a lot of hype and delivering half of it... or less. The PS3 controler reminded me of some of those StarTrek / Babilon 5 ships... anyone else thought the same? Have you read the " Kutaragi: PS3 Not a Game Console" article? Insulting!!! I' ve been a very proud owner of Playstation because it was a GAMING machine! I' ve bought it to play games, like I did with the Master system, genesis, nintendos, atari, commodore, saturn, xbox, etc. they all were/are gaming machines! I welcome the xtra features but the console better have great games or else will go the day of the toilet too. To say that " We haven' t been creating our [past] PlayStations for the sake of games" ............. kiss my *$$!! Have you been deceiving us all this years? Thank god your machines play games or else nobody would know what a PS is. Wake up prez! Sorry, but smiles(from the executives at PlayStation in this case) just won' t do for me. The GamerTag? try that PS. Xbox Live? You wish. Free Live features? Wish again. And did I hear you plan to " Upload you DVD' s onto our server..." blah blah blah... get your lawyers ready to fight copyright infrigment first. And why in the world would I spend half an hour to upload my DVD movie onto your server when I can just take the damm movie with me? Have you even thought of people renting the movies, uploading them to your server and view the movies again and again without paying? get your lawyers ready. For closing, I just hope the people at PS start getting real for once and stop the BS they got into. It stinks at the moment. Good luck to you all.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 19:09
BTW, I haven' t mentioned anything about the Revolution because we basically know nothing about it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 19:15
Other than that it' s going to usher in a new gaming revolution
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 20:14
Project Gothem Racing 3, Dead or Alive 4, Perfect Dark Zero, Halo 3, Xbox Live, I' ll have to say I' ll prolly go with xbox 360. Also PS3 has a lot of computational power, but its memory bandwidth is so small, and its nVidia Graphics card will probably be beat by the 360' s ATI. So if you look past all the hype the 360 will be able to have a lot better graphics, where the PS3 will be able to have a lot better physics. They both will still have awesome graphics and physics, but if you look at from soley a hardware percpective I think graphics win over physics. Unless you really want to play some wierd game that predicts global warming graphics are usually more important than physics. Also, what is up with the boomarang controllers for the PS3. HAHAHAHA I find it really hard to believe those will be the final controllers. And the PS3 could fit an xbox 1 and PS2 inside of it. I can' t wait to hear stories about someone who got pissed off, throws their PS3 controller at the TV, it boomarangs back at them nocking them out, they fall into their PS3, and are found 2 weeks later by a rescue crew. I' m also kind of excited for the revolution. I like my old games, but I usually don' t play them much so it probably wouldn' t be worth it for me. I guess I' m also more a fan of the sega classics than the nintendo classics. I really like how small that thing is. I think the revolution will be more of the console I look forward to one of my friends getting though. And as for PS3 games, Unreal Tournament is really the only one I look forward to, but it will be on PC too, and most likely xbox 360, and I will need the PC version since I' m gonna make mods. Yeah, I' m kind of hating sony for lying about how powerful the PS2 was supposed to be. There are dreamcast games that put it to shame. I can tell already that the PS3 will be a graphical letdown.
Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 20:46
Is there anyone here who firmly believes that the PS3 will be capable of graphics as good as those shown in the Motor Storm demo?
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 22:51
Quick question: Doesn' t the title of this thread insinuate that we should be biased in our opinions?
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 23:00
Actually I believe in about for years it is quite feasible that games like Motor Sport will indeed become a reality. for the first two years we won' t see anything genuinely amazing that completely eclipses what we' ve seen on the past consoles. These new consoles are considered super computers. Develpers for the first time a rebeing exposed to processors that offer over a teraflop of processing power. For the first time they are seeing a multicore processor consisting of more than 2 cores. In the 360' s case, it' s the first time they' ve ever gotten to deal with a graphics card that has its own integrated ram. ATI has basically said we won' t see the stuff in the 360 going into PCs for like another generation. This is state of the art stuff that the developers have to wrap their heads around. My guess is that there is a good shot we could even see games looking like Killzone in about 5 years. One of my professors that works at THQ said most likely a lot of companies are going to start buying game consoles over PCs just because of the massive amount of power for the extremely inexspensive price. They' ll just modify the hardware for what they need it to do. This is the first time that game consoles are eclipsing computers in performance. It' s not by a small amount either. These consoles are something totally new and innovative and will most likely be able to deliver those incredible graphics down the line. It' s just gonna take a hell of a lot of artists and time to make them look that good.
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 23:01
ORIGINAL: yoshimitsu15 Quick question: Doesn' t the title of this thread insinuate that we should be biased in our opinions? Good call Yosh, good call.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 23:06
Is it just me or does it look like everyone have just made up their minds on what Next-Gen System to support before they even get to have something solid to support their assumptions? We only get to buy the final product, and that is not only the console but what you will play on it. Yes, as they say, the software is what matters! We' ve seen many great consoles go the way of the toilet. Lots of power and poor execution just don' t make it. That was a great first post JM San, but it kind of looks like you' ve gone and done what you set out to say was a bad thing. I' m not saying don' t buy 360, but you went on about how we only get to buy the final product, and then went on and on about PS3 being tripe, and X-box 360 being the bomb all from the first appearances of the systems. And yeah Yoshimitsu I guess the topic title leads to us all being a little biased, but I am trying to take a step back and take an honest look. That honest look tells me that the PS3' s controller is more suited for kangaroo hunting!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 27, 2005 23:19
ORIGINAL: mxpx182 That honest look tells me that the PS3' s controller is more suited for kangaroo hunting! Apparently this has already been found true in the tribal areas of the Outback.Beware little Kangaroos, paint boy is watching you!
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- Joined: May 28, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 28, 2005 00:38
xbox 360 - I guess mostly because I have a Media Center PC and it will be a superior extender. Plus my game investment is heavily XBox. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/617/617951p1.aspx?fromint=1 I thought it was interesting that this article just printed the microsoft-made comparative analysis of ps3 vs xbox360. Though heavily biased, I think that it makes a strong point about how seriously you can take the ps3 claims on its specs.
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 28, 2005 05:29
Other than that it' s going to usher in a new gaming revolution  Well DUH! That' s why it' s called Revolution. ROFL I had to do it Terry, no hard feelings!
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RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 28, 2005 08:54
Most Probably Xbox 360. Would like to see what Rare offers for it Hope that Perfect Dark zero is every bit as good as the original.
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2005
RE: If you could buy ONE next-gen system...
May 28, 2005 08:56
If I get 360 or PS3, it will be a long time. PS3 is estimated at $500 and 360 is estimated at $300. Nintendo promised that their system would be affordable for everyone and I believe them. If Revolution doesn' t have a good line up of games I' m going with 360 since there are a lot of games I want on it.
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