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Insanity Prawn Boy
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- Joined: May 19, 2006
May 19, 2006 04:24
Rockstar says that Gta4 is coming out at the same time on PS3 and 360. Since PS3 has Bluray and 360 uses DVD that means either the ps3 one will be underpowered or the 360 one will have to go over several discs. I know microsoft are making an HDDVD drive but whens that coming out?
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2004
- Location: DC
May 19, 2006 04:40
that drive for the 360 isnt supposed to play games. Here' s what I think. The Xbox was significantly more powerful than the PS2, but how often did games really look waaay better on Xbox. Usually it was just smoother textures but the same graphic engine. My guess is that we' re going to see the same similarity but only flip flopped now. With developers having more time with the 360, the PS3 models will probably be only slightly improved from 360 games.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 05:31
the PS3 models will probably be only slightly improved from 360 games. What is it with people that think PS3 is superior to 360?! It isn' t. Even developers have said it isn' t. Hell, Sony ALWAYS overstate and underperform, that' s just what they do. Technically 360 beats PS3 hands down in almost every single area, and with it' s 1 years advantage and 7 month XNA advantage, there won' t be a single PS3 game in the first 6 months of it' s shelf life that looks better than 360 games that come out at the same time. PS3 isn' t what Sony have cracked it up to be. I had thought everybody had started to realise that by now, but obviously some naive folks are still under the impression that Sony were telling the truth when they said that 360 was just Xbox 1.5. Oh, and GTA fucking sucks. I don' t think there' s a single self-respecting member of these forums who actually like the games, ...and even if they do, they' d never admit it!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 18 May 06 21:32:35 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
May 19, 2006 05:39
360 has a better 3d card. Ps3 has a better Cpu. And what does dev say? No diffrence for them. When you melt that you got basically the same stuff in terms of gflops,however you have to take advantage of cell and 360' s graphic card in diffrent ways. Im no dev but thats what they say. About blu-ray,feel free to tell me which game will req 9gb of space. If not using HD CGI,and we all know how much GTA serie use them. hahaha . There you have it,bye!
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 18 May 06 21:42:27 >
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
May 19, 2006 10:14
ORIGINAL: Insanity Prawn Boy Since PS3 has Bluray and 360 uses DVD that means either the ps3 one will be underpowered or the 360 one will have to go over several discs. Don' t confuse storage space with power. I don' t think Rockstar will have even had the time to make a gta game that actually REQUIRES the amount of space available on Bluray. ...can i call u crazy shrimp boy?
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 19, 2006 11:07
Oh, and GTA fucking sucks. I don' t think there' s a single self-respecting member of these forums who actually like the games, ...and even if they do, they' d never admit it! I like GTA. Why are you bashing me?  No, just because I' m relatively new does not mean I don' t count either. I say to each one' s own. That said, you will NEVER catch me playing a GTA clone. Those games always suck, because GTA is the only one that can make a solid and thorough experience. Hey, I see that! You are muttering that it is a thorough turd! Don' t think you can hide that from me! That being said, GTA is quite low on the priority of games to play. If any more interesting title comes out, I usually pick the other game first. Compared to many other titles I rent to get a sense of value over, GTA is not bad. I mean, the new Pacman World games are far superior in being turds than GTA manages. Pokemon now drives me up the wall, and heck, even Radiata Stories really bombed. I could not believe I cleared Radiata over a rental period... and to top it off, the plot derails as soon as you are expelled. (I won' t elaborate that here - some people might not have played it yet) You are right in one thing though - there are epic, must own games out there, and GTA 3/VC/SA are not among them, but they do come close to being bottom of the best. The cream is reserved for titles like Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Ninja Gaiden: Black, Final Fantasy 8, Disgaea and Disgaea 2.... I' ll still check out, play, and quite probably own GTA4 when it comes out. However, I' m looking forward to other titles like Crysis more.
< Message edited by vdig -- 18 May 06 22:09:53 >
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
May 19, 2006 16:17
GTA has always been a chav' s game to me.... I prefer the 2-d one' s because they were amusing and entertaining and then they tried to put a story on mindless violence and we were left with a couple of bad Soprano touches and a very poor incarnation of Scarface. GTA is good if you want to do mindless things, I have honestly only played Vice City for about an hour, and I played until my bounty couldn' t go any higher; and I had everyone chasing me. The novelty wears thin so quickly... Rockstar says that Gta4 is coming out at the same time on PS3 and 360. *cough* link?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 19 May 06 8:21:21 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
May 19, 2006 16:32
I played Vice City for the music, but i like story lines in games, and GTA is sooo boring!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
May 19, 2006 17:02
Oh, and GTA fucking sucks. I don' t think there' s a single self-respecting member of these forums who actually like the games, ...and even if they do, they' d never admit it! damn right About space - I don' t think it' s that easy to make a GTA game on several discs since the whole game world is accesible non stop. For some RPG or action game it could be possible , but it' s like making a VF game on 2 disks. Anyway - it' s impossible for a crap like gta to go over 9 GB - unless ofcourse they force it to take more space.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 17:11
The GTA games are simply pathetic. They appeal only to complete retards, just like the Need For Speed games. I' d like to meet and slap the guys who actually make the games!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
May 19, 2006 17:17
Need for Speed is also for people from Blackpool, who plays that when they have Burnout.... Wait... Burnout' s a chicks game as well... GTA is for people with sh!t for brains.. Well I just hate it to be honest..
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
May 19, 2006 18:29
I know a lot of people that play the gta series simply because you can beat up hookers (and other people) run from the law and.......well really be a commoner I don' t mind the series but what I hate about it is how it looks inferior to other games in terms of graphics even movie games.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
May 19, 2006 18:48
I think the GTA games are extremely overrated but I think they' re kind of fun, but not for long though. I get bored of them very fast. And if you' ve played one of them you' ll never need to play another one. In my opinion they' re just mediocre crime/action games. Some fun elements but in the end they have too many faults to be really good games. Calling the games pathetic and saying only retards play them is a little too hard but I guess that' s the way you' d expect Majikdra6on to comment on something he doesn' t like  .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 19:00
I say what i' m thinking and don' t mind offending people. I enjoyed the topdown original way back when because whilst completely inferior to other games of the time it had a novel approach to it and i was young enough to think that it was funny. GTA3 was a huge technical achievement for a console game, and the same could be said for Liberty City Stories on PSP, but the content of the games is just stupid. The missions aren' t even interesting and the premise is obviously questionable. I can' t quite understand why somebody would want to actually play a GTA game when there are far more rewarding titles out there. Funnily enough, it' s because of GTA (and other BETTER games) that Sony have done so well and have such a vast install base. I' m not looking forward to GTA4 though, even if it is being released on 360 before PS3. I actually don' t like any GTA clone. I thought The Getaway was retarded too!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
May 19, 2006 19:02
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Calling the games pathetic and saying only retards play them is a little too hard but I guess that' s the way you' d expect Majikdra6on to comment on something he doesn' t like . Yup....somehow I don' t see majic saying ' ' I distinctly express a distaste for this game due to the fact that it lacks the type of story, game play or even look that I expect from a next generation...I think it' s absolutely atrosious' ' . As impetuous as they are sometimes I like Majic' s comments they make me laugh and it' s raw honesty (which I respect). By the way if gta was a huge part in sony' s success what does that say?.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 19 May 06 11:04:41 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
May 19, 2006 19:17
I just think it' s too bad if Majik' s honest comments scare other people so much that they don' t dare to say what they really think. Some new potential new members might even give up the idea of joining when they see his hard attitude. Not getting along with Majik isn' t fun. I mean, he' s like a big brother in this forums so...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 19:24
I' m far from the worst offender!
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
May 19, 2006 19:51
I quite like GTAs awkward sense of humour and style. Rockstar have always been one of my favourite dev houses, especially with titles such as Manhunt. GTA has never been about graphics, and the story is meant to be just a series of satirical jokes. Of course it wasn' t popular for these reasons, it was popular cos kids like to blow stuff up. But that was all part of the joke. It had to be. GTA' s gameplay was fresh for the first few, but still I have to say I have no interest whatsoever atm in GTA4, even if they do think of something else fun to take the piss out of. So.. think of something else Rockstar (like table tennis or something!)
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
May 19, 2006 19:53
Well who cares about majik' s comments and if they scare off newbies. It is just his opinion (if not a little harsh now and again) and often he has very good posts, and sometimes he actually surprises me.... but Back on topic. GTA, to me it is a game to play for 5 minutes and enjoy only for music. Get a tank destroy things, get 5 star wanted. Turn the game off. This was back then vice city came out. The games do suck. GTA is something that even if someone offered me the game for free, I' d have a tough time to accept (and then only to ebay  ), most certainly wouldn' t be found playing it. It' s high time Rockstar either do something good with the series to make it at least respectable, mildly decent game. And sort out, what I think is a really crap control system, with very unengaging story, and characters. Let' s bring about the death of GTA, once and for all.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
May 19, 2006 20:39
My brother and me share the exact game taste,however he loves GTA i hate it. Dont get me wrong, i think it was cool driving in vice city with 80' s music,that was a 9/10 moment for me,but it got quickly boring,and i never really digged the missions,however i do get that many does that. However i always said i think GTA has sold on how media and parents has reacted to it. Yes im probably wrong but thats how i think...its a nice game serie i would give it 7-8/10. Before someone ask why i would give GTA a 8 if i hate it,is because the control,graphic and sound is worth it. Even if i hate it i have to acknowledge it works great. And basically deliver what its selling on. I dont bash pokemon for thinking its to childish,when i know what audience it seek,even if i at 15and 16 played pokemon gameboy,and know it sells millions of copies to adults aslo.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 19 May 06 12:42:19 >
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