Oh, and GTA fucking sucks. I don' t think there' s a single self-respecting member of these forums who actually like the games, ...and even if they do, they' d never admit it!
I like GTA. Why are you bashing me?

No, just because I' m relatively new does not mean I don' t count either.
I say to each one' s own. That said, you will NEVER catch me playing a GTA clone. Those games always suck, because GTA is the only one that can make a solid and thorough experience. Hey, I see that! You are muttering that it is a thorough turd! Don' t think you can hide that from me!
That being said, GTA is quite low on the priority of games to play. If any more interesting title comes out, I usually pick the other game first.
Compared to many other titles I rent to get a sense of value over, GTA is not bad. I mean, the new Pacman World games are far superior in being turds than GTA manages. Pokemon now drives me up the wall, and heck, even Radiata Stories really bombed. I could not believe I cleared Radiata over a rental period... and to top it off, the plot derails as soon as you are expelled. (I won' t elaborate that here - some people might not have played it yet)
You are right in one thing though - there are epic, must own games out there, and GTA 3/VC/SA are not among them, but they do come close to being bottom of the best. The cream is reserved for titles like Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Ninja Gaiden: Black, Final Fantasy 8, Disgaea and Disgaea 2....
I' ll still check out, play, and quite probably own GTA4 when it comes out. However, I' m looking forward to other titles like Crysis more.
< Message edited by vdig -- 18 May 06 22:09:53 >