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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
May 19, 2006 21:23
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on I' m far from the worst offender! Correct but you are the only respected offender. With great power comes great responsibility  .
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 21:24
With great power comes great responsibility Why can' t i remember where that' s from?!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
May 19, 2006 22:58
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on With great power comes great responsibility Why can' t i remember where that' s from?! Some movie named spider.....something. Anyway I kinda agree with the newbie thing it' s always daunting being the new guy especially if you' re jumped on soon without having a feel for the place.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
May 19, 2006 23:43
GTA sells consoles here in the UK, with PS3 losing exclusive rights to it, its a major blow. We have in the UK what you call " chavs" and " cockneys" who don' t have half a brain to pick up a console for some of their more compelling titles, and unfortunately, they dominate half of the population. Yes there are people that buy consoles just for the Pro Evo games and the GTA' s, which were 2 main perks to buy a PS console in the past, but with Microsoft getting both first; that' s gonna sting. Im glad that R* are branching out to violent sports like table tennis, and are showing that they can develop other games apart from GTA. In my opinion, GTA is as boring as Final Fantasy (whilst FF has a richer storyline) at the core they both play the exact same as their predecessors which leads to boring unexplored gameplay territories. But for other people that dont know what happens when Squaresoft try and branch out and do different IP' s, it' s not a pretty site.. The Bouncer?[:' (] Driving Emotion Type-S?[:' (][:' (][:' (] (Square trying a racing game? WTF?)
< Message edited by Tiz -- 19 May 06 15:44:38 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 19, 2006 23:45
We have in the UK what you call " chavs" and " cockneys" who don' t have half a brain to pick up a console for some of their more compelling titles, and unfortunately, they dominate half of the population. Cockney is a term used to describe people from London. It just so happens that Adam is from London....
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
May 19, 2006 23:46
Vagrant story,parasite eve,chrono trigger/cross,and kingdomhearts. btw for 360 they gonna do a action shooter in space...i hope it will be good O_o...
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
May 20, 2006 00:31
Cockney is a term used to describe people from London. There are people with cockney accnts in London, but it' s not used to describe people from London.... Or... ....if that is so, I have pretty much shot myself in the foot. (Being from London and all ^O_o^ btw for 360 they gonna do a action shooter in space...i hope it will be good O_o... Anything that is not within a hair strand of RPG essence for Square turns out rubbish.... Square doing a shooter?? At most I reckon it will look pretty and play like crap, have too much boring story, and somehow they will incorporate magic into it... They will always go back to FF roots, remember The Bouncer? I could swear the way it began was in a train station.. FFVII anyone? There is no way Kingdom Hearts would have seen the light of day and the mass success it has achieved if it didn' t have the Final Fantasy characters in it to relate to..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
May 20, 2006 00:35
Parasite eve... was not a normal rpg. But yes,they are RPG dev at the core. But who knows... i never thought bungie could do fps after myst :P
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
May 20, 2006 01:39
I' m from london and I ain' t cockney govner....but yea it is a bit of a chavvy game...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 20, 2006 01:47
I would call you a cockney. I' m from Manchester.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
May 20, 2006 02:18
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on I would call you a cockney. I' m from Manchester. The weird thing is, is that most of the hardcore cockney speaking people I know are builders, mechanics or police oh even a dental practicionner, but it' s not really that cockney where I live, which means my cockney accent never realy sees the light of day too much.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
May 20, 2006 06:41
The GTA games are just a bunch of complete shitacular games thrown into one big game to make it seem really big. All it is is a big pile of Ultrasaurus poo. controls for shooting are complete shit, controls for driving are complete shit, controls for movement are complete shit, graphics are complete shit, the whole game is complete shit
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
May 20, 2006 07:07
ORIGINAL: locopuyo The GTA games are just a bunch of complete shitacular games thrown into one big game to make it seem really big. All it is is a big pile of Ultrasaurus poo. controls for shooting are complete shit, controls for driving are complete shit, controls for movement are complete shit, graphics are complete shit, the whole game is complete shit Why don' t you tell us how you REALLY feel?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 20, 2006 07:59
I' ve been loving loco' s posts lately!
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 20, 2006 12:18
The GTA games are simply pathetic. They appeal only to complete retards, just like the Need For Speed games. Hey, just because I' m not jaded, does not mean you can insult my intelligence. GTA is for people with sh!t for brains.. .... And if you' ve played one of them you' ll never need to play another one. In my opinion they' re just mediocre crime/action games. Some fun elements but in the end they have too many faults to be really good games. That, is more like it. Jeez, the previous two comments really puts my blood into a boil. Try to keep your opinions of others and your opinions about games separate. Yes, the mission objectives in Grand Theft Auto is downright stupid. It is mindless. Such things are fun for a while, but they do get boring quick. GTA is not Rockstar' s worst offender though. State of Emergency was a very pathetic game. Could not play longer than 5 whole minutes. The Warriors was not that great, despite the decent reviews for it. Similar things can be said for flight games like Ace Combat or Afterburner to that effect, in that the mission variety really does not vary at all. Heck, Outrun 2 (and SP) qualifies as a similar game. I can put many more games on the same tier as the GTA series. I' ll keep them to myself, though. Anything that is not within a hair strand of RPG essence for Square turns out rubbish.... Square doing a shooter?? At most I reckon it will look pretty and play like crap, have too much boring story, and somehow they will incorporate magic into it... They will always go back to FF roots, remember The Bouncer? I could swear the way it began was in a train station.. Einhander, anyone? That game kicked MAJOR ass. The $600 dollar question is, if GTA 4 was an exclusive title for the PS3, would I go out of my way to buy the PS3 for that? NO F$%^@#% WAY! Now, if you' ll excuse me, I' ll paint Majikdra6on and locopuyo' s avatars, tape it onto a punching bag, and beat the hell out of it... nah, I' m too lazy.
stephen ashaley
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- Joined: May 16, 2006
- Location: west africa and my in Ghana
May 20, 2006 12:27
i don' t want to hear of that game anymore it isn' t good for inocent guys like us
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 20, 2006 12:42
Innocent? Really?
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
May 20, 2006 17:58
i don' t want to hear of that game anymore it isn' t good for inocent guys like us I don' t believe we forced you into this thread. I mean, we wouldn' t want to corrupt you, or anything...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
May 20, 2006 21:35
That, is more like it. Jeez, the previous two comments really puts my blood into a boil. Try to keep your opinions of others and your opinions about games separate. Ooooohhhhh, sorry Mr i' ve only been here 3 weeks!!!! As i' ve said before, we' ll do as we please and if we do something wrong the staff will notify us. Now, if you' ll excuse me, I' ll paint Majikdra6on and locopuyo' s avatars, tape it onto a punching bag, and beat the hell out of it... nah, I' m too lazy. Do you even have a punch bag?! Do you even have the right colours of paint?! Do you have tape?! loco' s comment was pure genius! It can' t just be me that sees it... controls for shooting are complete shit, controls for driving are complete shit, controls for movement are complete shit, graphics are complete shit, the whole game is complete shit There are no lies there, not even an overstatement. The game it rubbish in every sense, and that' s just the visuals and ingame mechanics, -- when you take into account the idiotic stuff the game has you do, the awful dialogue, useless animation, the amount of glitches and bugs present and the super-uber immature content, -- it' s retarded.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
May 20, 2006 22:24
quote: controls for shooting are complete shit, controls for driving are complete shit, controls for movement are complete shit, graphics are complete shit, the whole game is complete shit There are no lies there, not even an overstatement. The game it rubbish in every sense, and that' s just the visuals and ingame mechanics, -- when you take into account the idiotic stuff the game has you do, the awful dialogue, useless animation, the amount of glitches and bugs present and the super-uber immature content, -- it' s retarded. ahmen
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