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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 14, 2007 08:00
R2s without assists is so much fun! Manual transmission is faster mostly as you can be more aggressive with the downshifts and engine braking, and you can short upshift to avoid wheelspin. Sense of speed is difficult to achieve in sims. Without exaggerated motion blur and *fwipp* noises (?) like in Burnout, things are bound to feel slow. In real life you have g-forces and much more detail in your peripheral vision instead. The speed is right in sim racing games, but its more like watching a video taped from inside a car going fast. What we need is that 3 screen + buttkicker setup they have at Turn10, heh.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 14, 2007 18:18
Woohoo I defied the games physics and just sent a car flying well over 50 ft into the air. Was going backward with an R2 class car and peaked my speed on the straight awya and wham sent the fuck flying. The best part however is he won the fuckn race still since he was in the lead and he just flew clear over the finish line. Ahg I wish they had a halo 3 style record feature.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 14, 2007 18:46
If you live in the U.S. you can win stuff by participating in their contest. All you need to do is take a picture of your screen with the score and post it in the Forza 2 forum. If you have the best lap time and live in the U.S. you' ll get a licenseplate frame and a 360 faceplate or something. Good luck!
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 14, 2007 19:12
I think I' m gonna go look for Forza one since its only like $6 now. Is it BC with the 360? Yes its BC. Tho I was really hoping ToCA 3 was as well opnce I saw it sitting there. Couldnt find Forza tho, so I picke dup Burnout Revenge and Flatout. Flatouts to hard to enjoy nowadays (the first one, the 2nd in BC so i dunno bout it.) And Burnout really plays with your eyes if you try playing Forza afterwords. Stil tho Im gonna keep looking for Forza.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 19, 2007 22:32
For Anyone Interested Japanese Mag famitsu Scored Forza 2 9 / 9 / 9 / 9
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 19, 2007 22:33
Was just about to post that. Read lots of super-cool info in their latest pitpass report http://forzamotorsport.net/news/pitpassreports/pitpass47.htm Former GT racer about Forza 2 Takeshi Tsuchiya: I was quite impressed at how realistic the earlier versions felt, but this new version is a considerable step up, both the graphics and the handling. They’ve nailed the feeling of actually driving a GT 500 car. There’s practically no difference between the way it feels to hit or release the gas, the braking, or shifting. Although you don’t get much feedback on physical forces like G, there’s enough to let you know when you might be headed for trouble. Apart from all that, I just loved racing around in a game in a car that I’d actually driven. Not only is the Eclipse Advan Supra a really cool-looking car, its handling is real sharp – I love it. I think it really goes beyond what you expect from a game. I think it’s probably the first racing game that a real life race driver like myself can actually win at ;) Only race drivers ever get the chance to drive a race car. This game is the only one that can give you a glimpse of the real world of the circuit as seen from the cockpit of a race car. I really want you to play this, so you can realize that it’s pretty freaking tough being a race driver! ;) One of Famitsu' s reviewers about Forza 2 " Kamikaze" Nagata: As it stands now, the ultimate racing game. No complaints about the variety of car types offered. Can micromanage the different assists, and it' s good how that impacts your race bonus. Even beginners can get into the races. A lot of features aside from Xbox Live. 9/10 And remember to watch the new cool video http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/3/d/03ddeaf5-e8be-4734-b160-6bd2cd0a4902/mercedes_vs_bmw_hd.wmv
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 May 07 14:38:54 >
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 19, 2007 22:35
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 For Anyone Interested Japanese Mag famitsu Scored Forza 2 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 I bet it was the buttery smooth 60fps that pulled on their heart strings. Goes to show that they aren' t too fussy about graphics, but things that move smoothly.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 19, 2007 22:44
I bet it was the buttery smooth 60fps that pulled on their heart strings. Goes to show that they aren' t too fussy about graphics, but things that move smoothly. Actually, this is very true.. MS / Bungie aiming H3 @60fps, maybe to attract the attention of Alot of Japanese Gamers suffer from Motion Sickness, a good reason why they don' t warm to console FPS' s apart from Metroid which runs at 60fps  .. IF Forza was only 30fps, i wouldnt be interested in playing it either Being brought up with 60fps SEGA arcade racers and all that..
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 19, 2007 22:48
BTW, abviously the game has to be special too.. Just that 60fps breaks a barrier for gamers like myself to actually give the game a chance by putting some time into it. Yeah, i really want this game.. Hopefully i can get to use one of my PC wheels via some kind of hack or adaptor.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 19 May 07 14:49:30 >
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 20, 2007 06:49
Hopefully i can get to use one of my PC wheels via some kind of hack or adaptor. That would be very useful. Keep us updated if you make any progress on that!
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