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Mass X
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 04:58
I got the hang of C class quickly, A class took some time but I placing 3rd with minimal penalty seconds (mostly for bumping other racers), the top class I can' t get a hold of just yet. But the thing that I wish theyd include in the demo is car tuning. Tweaking the car to match up the way you play adds a shit load more. The thing is you dont wanna keep switching cars. Maybe if you fell like collecting but for racing in Forza 1 I stuck with a select group of cars and learned them in and out. You can pretty much turn any car into a winner.
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 05:57
The graphics are a little underwhelming but it' s all because of the lighting. technically the poly counts and textures are incredible but the lighting is what kills it. Aside from the graphics this game is pretty damn good. I enjoyed playing it and getting to cruise around in the Viper for a bit. I' ll probably play a little more tonight.
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 06:35
I think this demo is excellent but I am a fan of racing sims. Played for about an hour and managed to get 1st in A Class with all the assists turned off. R2 class is insane! It' s true that the lighting is very flat, which is a shame, but watching the live telemetry really shows how complex the physics are. Very impressive. This game is a definite purchase for me. Just one question though - where the hell is my rear view mirror?
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 07:48
There is a typo in the main article on the Kikizo homepage, though this probably isnt the right place for it.. And it' s not a mean slice of the game either. The 691 MB demo includes 24 of the more than 300 games faithfully recreated for the game, letting you race on one of the game' s tracks, Mugello. At first I wasnt that impressed, but it has certainly begun to grow on me. The off glitch, but I' m pretty sure that this demo is only a snipped of what is to come!
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 08:39
Awesome, I love it. This is just what I wanted out of it. A little too easy to lose traction, feels like there should be a little more of an edge to the speed at which you lose grip if you know what I mean. Graphics are more than good enough, the car models are fantastic. Most of the car sounds are the best of any console racer so far. The crashes are meaty. The AI isnt utterly retarded like in GT. The handling is nice when you run at sensible speeds. Not too much of a sim, but not too simple either. Add in the online and customisation and I' m sold. Probably on a wireless wheel too!
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 16:18
I' ve just been trying it out for a while on the Class C cars, with the Wireless Racing Wheel. I' ve always been partial to arcade racers, but I' m approaching this as an introduction to sim racing. Thus, I kept the driving line guide on. The force feedback wheel provides incredibly sensitive and subtle, uh, feedback. The times when I lose control of the car, I can recognize exactly what I did wrong and that there were cues in the force feedback in the moments leading up to it that I should have recognized and responded to more astutely. Overall, the wheel behaves more subtly and not as rough as it does with PGR3. The AI seems pretty good, and will basically behave accurately and respectfully if you' re not driving very erratically. The degree of control is very sharp and I was able at times to maneuver very close in with a whole pack of cars... of course, the times when I lost control in those situations, it was calamitous and there was almost no hope of a decent showing in the race unless the spin-out occurred in the first lap. It' s quite a different experience learning to drive with restraint rather than arcadey recklessness, but it is fun. Graphics are good, noticeably better in replays but not shabby in realtime. My main gripe with the demo is that there' s no tuning or tweaking at all. That' s such a huge part of the final game I' m surprised that it wasn' t implemented at all. I' ll have to see how things go racing on Live with my friends before I decide if it' s going to be fun enough to buy, but I got a good first impression.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 11 May 07 8:23:23 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 16:29
Had my first " first" with the R1 class with no assists and I must say it gave me quite a high. Anyone know whether there will be a launch bundle with this and the wheel or shuold I re-buy the force feedback version of PGR3 Bundled with the wheel to keep me occupied?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 11, 2007 20:43
I found it quite easy to finish first in all three classes as long as I used these cars in the respective classes C: BMW M3 A: Dodge Viper R2: Chevrolet Corvette Driving the Corvette was awesome, the engine sounds and the sense of speed was incredible. I' ve come to the conclusion that I' ll love the game. The force feedback wheel provides incredibly sensitive and subtle, uh, feedback. The times when I lose control of the car, I can recognize exactly what I did wrong and that there were cues in the force feedback in the moments leading up to it that I should have recognized and responded to more astutely. Overall, the wheel behaves more subtly and not as rough as it does with PGR3. I agree completely. I still think the graphics are kinda... unimpressive but since it runs in 60FPS and the physics are quite advanced I guess it' s more than you can ask for. In Sweden there will be bundles with the wireless wheel. BTW, I love the music!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 11 May 07 13:14:55 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 01:23
Ive been reading peoples views on other sites. and..FFS.. The Fortza team are trying to do something right here. (the Japanese way) Cutting off the pointless extra details in exchange for true ‘full feeling/control’ 60fps racing.. All I’m hearing from dumb 360 fanboys who seem to only care about graphics and screenshots is moaning. They expect way too much from the medium-spec 360 hardware or even worst, most rather see the extra detail in exchange for half the framerate which ultimately means half the control, sensation and fluidness. Ive played this at friends and was pleasantly surprised. It’s really good looking with really impressive draw distance all locked at mostly 60fps. It feels too smooth to play and I’m now actually thinking of grabbing a Elite for this game. A ' Well Done' Fortza Team, from me.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 11 May 07 17:30:26 >
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 01:31
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 They expect way too much from the medium-spec 360 hardware And i suppose u r sayin it is medium spec compared to the ps3 
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 01:53
And i suppose u r sayin it is medium spec compared to the ps3 No, he' s masturbating to the fact that is medium spec to a PC that cost $2000 or more.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 02:38
And i suppose u r sayin it is medium spec compared to the ps3 U r sayin that  .Im saying They expect way too much from the medium-spec 360 hardware Immortaldanmx: troll number 7
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 03:06
By numbers the 360 is medium-spec or something but since the games are optimised and the developers put more time in stuff like that, shouldn' t games on the 360 be able to compete with higher-than-medium-spec PC' s? I mean, RE4 and Metroid Prime on the low-end Gamecube looked amazing even compared to many of the PC games that was released at the time... and even now. Metroid prime was even in 60 FPS. ???
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 11 May 07 19:07:21 >
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 03:15
Putting a game at 60fps really makes a difference, I barely notice the average graphics in Forza because it moves so damn smoothly, I was a bit worried when seeing stills, but after playing the demo on an SDTV (not even HD), I think the game looks amazing. 60fps is what makes Mario galaxy look a helluva lot better than " graphical marvels" like Kameo, which is jerky at times. I' m sure that with most games that if there was a sacrifice in graphical detail to put it at 60fps, unless you' re taking stills all the time you really won' t notice.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 11 May 07 19:15:26 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 03:33
Yeah, well what' s bugging me is: -The spectators that are all around the track, they don' t look real. -The distant mountains doesn' t look very sharp, making the environment feel less realistic. -The dust effects doesn' t look perfect IMO ,but that' s not a big issue to me. I could be wrong about that one too. -Cars look a little too shiny, but far better than in PGR3. The rest looks really nice. I would' ve liked a cockpit mode like the one in PGR3.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 03:44
I was thinking about the cockpit view but how well would that look if you have the steering wheel? Then again having it as yet another optional view for those avoiding the wheel would be a bit nicer. The only main problem I' m having with the game is that I been watching to many DiRT videos...so the crashes not so cool. But beats the hell out of a certain other sim racer. But seriously man the damage in DiRT is awesome! Not just to the exterior of the cars but the interiors and freaking enviroment as well. I want a next gen ToCA dammit! But aside from that the game works just fine too me. I can' t wait to start customizing!
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 06:41
I reckon they put their effort into all the right places. 60fps graphics, 360fps physics, sound, damage, customisation, online etc. Their main focus seemed to be making a fun sim, which is very difficult to pull off and actually a bit of an oxymoron...unless you' re a dull moron like me who finds fiddling with the MoTec analyser in GTR fun. Edit - Also just tried the R2 class without assists. I' m definitely getting a wheel! Easy to come first though, but not easy to win by a country mile which is cool. I just hope the SP campaign isn' t solely based on getting all ' Golds' like GT. Realistically you cant come first all the time! Although I can.. Edit 2 - Also love the music!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 11 May 07 23:19:15 >
Evil Man
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 08:06
Can you guys STFU about silver and gold member differences and actually talk about the god damn game? I come in here looking for impressions on Forza 2 and all I see is a bunch of faggots bickering about how they can' t download it because they are at work, and arguing about what a silver member can and cannot do.
< Message edited by Evil man -- 12 May 07 0:07:27 >
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RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 08:16
Ergh... I had enough after about a minute. If I want realism I' ll drive my car around the grocery store parking lot & see how little I can skid. There was next to zero sense of speed, the lighting was uh-guh-leh, the lack of real damage is disappointing for a game coming out a year-&-a-half after the console' s launch. Sure the game ran rock solid at 60fps, however what good is added controls if your car spins out at the lightest of touch? Seriously, while I' ve never raced a bunch of other cars at 80mph before I think I can safely say that your movement can' t be so bad that one decent bump sends your car flying. I' ll give the demo another shot tonight, but it just felt more like a " driving experience" than a racing game.
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2007
- Location: Deal, England
RE: Forza 2 demo up!
May 12, 2007 08:26
The AI cars a bit of a pain, they nudge you from the back and you' re the one who gets penalised. The graphics do look pretty good, but it doesn' t seem that immersive gameplay-wise.
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