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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 20, 2006 05:30
then how the hell they didn' t figure those things out, i mean surely some lazy ass developers try to push the gameplay time to the limit by making it unbelieably hard but that' s just lame. dude you didn' t reach the part i' m in, and i didn' t " really" complain about the saving point until now, it' s getting rediculous, i died once again , this time i did much much beter than the last time still i lost and there you go again , wasted 1h again of playtime. so you' re, like me , after getting the oteher characters to level 16 or 15, i chose to concentrate on 3 other charcaters (you don' t have a choice... almost , unless you don' t have a life and try to level each character which is extremly boring...) final fantasy X combat system kick ass, the best ever. how about that uumai? every ten steps you make , you should obviously use charge , cure so you can confront your enemy safely " enemies in some areas are goddam hard and you should prepare like you gonna face a mini boss" do you use gambits ? i don' t (almost) usualy on otehr ifnal fantasies , you often got the money for a good armor and a good weapon plus some items for at least 40% of your party. this time around you hope you have the money for one character ( ooh should i choose the sword or the armor or buy a magic) and why the hell should we buy magic anyway, ok why can' t they give the choice , either you buy them or find them in some secret/difficult areas ... i swear those developers are dumb they don' t play their fucking games and BY NO FUCKING MEAN THAT THIS GAME WOULD HAVE 40/40 fuck famitsu. games that worth 40/40 should make me want to throw my console out of the window even if it' s from times to times like in this case . and please don' t get me wrong , i' m not saying it' s a bad game , not at all , it' s a wonderful game but why do they screw up their games so stupidly... they made prefectly the hard parts of the game, but you don' t have to be a genius to notice those flaws in gameplay.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 03:45
i think i' m going to give up on this stupid game.. see the boss i told you about , those five pumpkin shit, i beat them all right so where is the save point , none in sight, i kept going on killing monsters and leveling up in my way and 20 minutes later another BOSS (and this one is the real deal) GODDAM IT for a whole houre and half i' vee been fighting it and i SWEAR TO GOD i left just A Tiny fragment in his health bar but he killed me how how how NOOOOOOOOOOO            fuck you stupid shit , he attacked with his super blow ray shit (80% of my health bar each time he strikes) but because he was dying he JUST DID IT 3 TIMES IN A ROW , FUCKING THREE TIMES , i vanshied from the surface and the stupid game over show up ... the deal now i should repeat again before the other boss (5 pumpkins) and spend 3 hours to get where i was ... good luck guys on that stupid game... when i was under 18 , i had the whole time in my life , now i' ll just tell them FUCK YOU SQUARE ENIX and guess what I DIN4T EVEN BUY YOUR STUPID GAME FUCKING SHIT, if you WANT TO MAKE YOUR GAME LAST LONG , <DON4T MAKE IT SO BY LETTING PEOPLE DIE AND REPEAT A WHOOOLE SEGMENT OF THE GAME YOU STUPID SHIT.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 04:42
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 06:19
i think i' m going to give up on this stupid game.. How about giving up on the whole series...
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 06:24
well i actually prefer FFX so far, im about 30 hours in to FFXII. First, the story doesn' t appeal all that much, it' s not horrible, and i do wanna see whats gonna happen next but still. Secondly, the game so far, seems as linear as FFX if not more so. Also, many times the game asks go all the way to this location, for a cut scene, then all the way over there. It' s so much damn walking around, especially when it can be just for a cut scene and a tiny fight. Also same goes with the bounty hunting, annoying - Run here to accept, run there to battle, run all the way back to get bounty. So thirdly, the FFX combat system kicks this games ass. Much easier for levelling, and to me a much better feel of being in a team or " party" . I don' t really like setting up all those gambits, just use about 2, one for healing and one for attacking. I find this real time method boring, and whenever you target or are targetted you character stops for a sec to get their weapon out. When trying to run around for point a-b-c these small pauses are more annoying to me that random battles, at least with those you get cool music. Fourthly, in FFX and other games in series, your character starts with one type of weapon and your basically stuck to that, (or at least i did). I find though that in this one, everyone can equip the same weapons (based on the licences) and regardless of user it' s always the same set up that is most powerful, not -oh you are more leaned towards magic, magic outfits/staffs etc are better suited for you - nope... its best for one, best for all. Why have variety? It' s like onimusha 4 over the previous (in terms of weapons) Also there are times where you might face some very easy enemies, and suddenly there may be one who can kill your character without effort (read 1 or 2 hits) early on, and really do some damage later on. Can be annoying to encounter these whilst running around low level areas. There is more i think, but i' ve rambled enough
Evil Man
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- Joined: Aug 07, 2004
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RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 07:38
Yeah I gave up on it too, this is probably the first FF I never beat... 1) The story is just not as good as other FFs. 2) The battle system gets old quick. 3) Too much walking around like uumai said. 4) It' s a 480i game and it looks like garbage on my HDTVs. It' s not a bad gamne, but yeah I prefer FFX over this.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 08:32
Uumai i TOTALy agree with you my man, this game pissed me off, it could be much much better than that but they ruined it with those stupid mistakes... like you said , the hun is annoying, ok go to the board, then you should go to the petioner and theeeen go look for the monster (which doesn' t show on the map) , this is boring. secondly againd as you said, in other final fantasys, you specialsed one character in magic (one in white and one in black), one in attacks, and so on... it' s really really hard to balnce your character , you don' t even know what are the next magics that would be available in stores and so you always hesitate which magic you should unlock on your license board... the three other characters are for me like a " sacrifice" as soon as i make them into the part during a fight, as soon as they die , they are so weak and this is not my fault , i' m in 36 hours so far " Vaan is in level 33 " while pamelo is level 14 !!! worthless bag of shit (almost) . so far final fantasy 10 is better. the combat system was awesome and you really feel that ALL your CHARACTERs are useful and important and this is the first final fantasy i played that doesn' t have any catching music .. evil man it' s really sad for me to not finish this game, i' m huge fan of the serie, i beat 6 7 8 9 10 and 10-2 , but this one got reallly really annoying... i admit that ther other final fanatsies were also " really" annoying from time to time (highly frequent random combat in some areas) but still this one is       i won' t touch it today nor tomorrow, so may be another day when i feel calmer.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 09:06
I don' t think i' ve given up on it, but it has gotten boring... until today i was hooked, today i kept just wanting to turn it off when i finally finish the hunt im on...or similar. I hope that XIII versus is good, but im (currently) happy i didn' t buy this game, i remember buying FFX-2, playing for about 2 hours and hating about everything about it... and wasn' t too interested in 12. Only checked it out for the comments in this thread. Maybe it' ll pick up, but certainly the story doesn' t seem very fantastic. FFX had the interesting thing in the end, but the story had me interested throughout, levels were nice, music was great (imo). This FF has some... odd voices, like fran for instance, it' s odd, sometimes i kinda like it but it doesn' t really go well with the game. The old english style voice over is weak to me, it' s not all bad, certainly not the worst voice acting i' ve heard, but kingdom hearts is fantastic... why can' t SE do a good job always...?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 09:33
cus they suck and they are ruining their franchise , final fan tasy is not that big like it used to be, when a respected developers make mistakes and don' t listen to the gamers, it' s alarming... today my best developer is ubisoft, those guy are awesome and they liste to the gamer as much as they can...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 21:22
Well at least try to finish the game, and give a complete opinion of it. You guys seem to hate it/love it
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 21, 2006 21:32
i will finish it , it' s question of " honor gamer" , i' ll beat its ass, but i don' t feel like playing it now, i' m still a bit overwhelmed , and you' re right silent it' s love it/hate it kinda thing. there some stuff that you really enjoy about this game, but god so many flaws and imperfections...
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 22, 2006 07:23
for all final fantasy 12 players, you shoudl absolutly buy those accessories that help you to be immune to some status effects, most important ones are Confuse Silence, and SAP... beware ... beware... i' m in archadia... yeah yeah i played it again, couldn' t wait to get my revenge , i fucked him up that boss.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Oct 22, 2006 08:16
I have a bad habbit of getting to the end, or near to it, and just not being bothered to finish it... Maybe it' ll happen again with this. In anycase I will continue to play it and see how it goes..
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Nov 01, 2006 07:22
just beat the game guys, took me 70 hours with some sidequests, my final verdict 9/10. my rankings 1) 7 , 8, 10 , 6 (can' t decide which on top and i don' t really wanna think about it) 2) final fantasy 9 3) final fantasy 12 4) final fantasy X- 2 bottom line worst true final fantasy game i ever played.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Final Fantasy 12 thread
Nov 01, 2006 07:28
Good aba. :)
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