Uumai i TOTALy agree with you my man, this game pissed me off, it could be much much better than that but they ruined it with those stupid mistakes... like you said , the hun is annoying, ok go to the board, then you should go to the petioner and theeeen go look for the monster (which doesn' t show on the map) , this is boring.
secondly againd as you said, in other final fantasys, you specialsed one character in magic (one in white and one in black), one in attacks, and so on... it' s really really hard to balnce your character , you don' t even know what are the next magics that would be available in stores and so you always hesitate which magic you should unlock on your license board...
the three other characters are for me like a " sacrifice" as soon as i make them into the part during a fight, as soon as they die , they are so weak and this is not my fault , i' m in 36 hours so far " Vaan is in level 33 " while pamelo is level 14 !!! worthless bag of shit (almost) .
so far final fantasy 10 is better. the combat system was awesome and you really feel that ALL your CHARACTERs are useful and important
and this is the first final fantasy i played that doesn' t have any catching music ..
evil man it' s really sad for me to not finish this game, i' m huge fan of the serie, i beat 6 7 8 9 10 and 10-2 , but this one got reallly really annoying... i admit that ther other final fanatsies were also " really" annoying from time to time (highly frequent random combat in some areas) but still this one is

i won' t touch it today nor tomorrow, so may be another day when i feel calmer.