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 Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy?
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 28, 2006 20:11
Also,look at the spec of doom3 and half life2 for pc.
It should be impossible to play it on an XBOX.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 28, 2006 20:38
If you get a software to write in on ps3, you basically have a computer. browser, all media files can be played, a hard disc to download to, games to play...

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 28, 2006 20:39

As for Sony...they just never appealed to me. Ive played them whenever I was at a friends but never bothered to buy one myself.

So I am fully hooked up with MS. Having an occasional affair with Nintendo. Nothing more then bunk buddies with Sony, where we occasionally get together, talk, and then leave it at that.

Funnily enough it' s similar with me I have never owned a playstation of any sort but have played it over at my friend' s house and it' s never really warmed to me for whatever reason. As for nintendo I think i' ll always find myself getting their stuff because it' s nothing amazingly expensive and out of reach plus the games are top noch as with microsoft when they get it right.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 02:13


If you get a software to write in on ps3, you basically have a computer. browser, all media files can be played, a hard disc to download to, games to play...

If I want a computer I' ll buy a PC with familiar OS and programs.
I won' t buy the PS3 because it can function as a PC or similar. I' ll buy it because it' s a console that I want to play games on.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 03:10
I have a 360, play the shit out of it. I love Oblivion. I have a PS2, tonnes of games for it, and I have a gamecube with plenty of games. But without a doubt, I' m a Nintendo fanboy if I have to be a fanboy. I like what they do with games, and I really like the cahones they' ve shown with this generation!

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 03:25

Original by: ginjirou
The 360 is based on what we want and it' s very cheap concidering all that technology we get.

“We” as in all gamers? Because then I don' t think that' s all true. The 360 has things that I don’t like, nor I feel is needed. But it was my choice to buy one, and I know there are lots of other people who will take use in all of the 360’s features, just like there will be with the Ps3.

Original by: ginjirou
The PS3 is based on what Sony wants to force us to buy and the price tag reflects their neglect of what we gamers think.

As long as Sony doesn’t gain the influence to change the law in all nations around the globe, making it illegal not to own a Ps3, punishable with everything from primal torture to beheading, I won’t consider myself obligated to by a Ps3 (unless perhaps if they license Shenmue). And since I’m not forced, it doesn’t matter if it’s what Sony wants me to buy. As long as I can choose for myself, if I buy it, then it means I want it as well, and then I have no right to complain.

Oh boy… I know I’m gonna get scolded for defending the Ps3.
Insanity Prawn Boy

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 03:38
I got a PS1 cos I was seven and it was the one all my friends had. I got a PS2 cos I was tight and wanted to play my PS1 games. I probably would' ve got an Xbox if it had been out at the time, cos its great. But im getting a PS3 because it is the most exciting thing since the night before I went to India. And let me tell you, thats hellishly exciting. So I' m probably a Sony nutter. I don' t like nintendos because they seem a bit daft and I don' t like Microsoft because the one franchise that they have that interests me is Halo, and haven' t got many of the franchises that I love on PS2.

Sorry about that, I' ve just checked, and yes they do.
< Message edited by Insanity Prawn Boy -- 29 May 06 19:54:48 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 03:40
I think I' m getting misunderstood here.

Original by: ginjirou
The 360 is based on what we want and it' s very cheap concidering all that technology we get.

With this I don' t mean that the 360 is supposed to satisfy everyone. What I mean is that Microsoft took a look at what it seems the average gamers want and then they tried to give us that with the 360.

Original by: ginjirou
The PS3 is based on what Sony wants to force us to buy and the price tag reflects their neglect of what we gamers think.

Of course you' re not forced to buy a PS3. What I meant is that if you want a PS3 and play all your loved franchises then you are forced to pay those extra $200 for the Blu-ray disc. Sony didn' t even want a unified online service and they' ve had several plans on making it it difficult to play games on any other system than the first one it was played on. They scapped those ideas but the fact that they had them means that they care more about the movie companies, and the money Blu-ray will bring, that about what we gamers think.
The fact that they' ve said themselves that it doesn' t matter what they make as long as it says PlayStation/Sony also shows their neglect of us.

Companies want money but usually they know they have to listen to the consumers and not blindly rely on their own strong brands. Microsoft are smart and listens to us but Sony are ignorant as hell.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 29 May 06 19:43:10 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 04:23

ORIGINAL: Dionysius

“We” as in all gamers? Because then I don' t think that' s all true. The 360 has things that I don’t like, nor I feel is needed. But it was my choice to buy one, and I know there are lots of other people who will take use in all of the 360’s features, just like there will be with the Ps3.

Honestly i' m not being rude with this question just interested. Just out of interest what are the features and things you don' t like or feel that are unecessairy?.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 04:53
When i want a next gen gaming system, i' ll pay for the gaming system, and seeing as how i need a DVD player in my room, I' ll shell out a couple more dollars for one that plays DVD' s and CD' s . But if i want a browser, i' ll take the 10 meter jaunt to the kitchen, where I will take the 3 minutes to boot my computer and get online. If i want to watch high-def movies, i' ll save up thousands, buy a HD-TV rig, and then the Blu Ray player will seem really cheap. But as much as i like the games for both of the playstations, i don' t think it' s right for sony to push their new format on us, just because it' ll make them a pretty penny. I couldn' t care less about Blu-Ray movies right now, the ones i' ve got look fine enough on my SD-TV with my regular ol' DVD' s.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 29 May 06 20:54:38 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 06:28

Original by: ginjirou
I think I' m getting misunderstood here.

My bad. And for future notice, I’m pretty stupid.

Original by: dasher232
Honestly i' m not being rude with this question just interested. Just out of interest what are the features and things you don' t like or feel that are unecessairy?.

Looking back at my previous post, I must say that my choice in words where very wrong and that I mainly meant things " I" found unnecessary, as those are things that " I" will never use, which was one of the themes of my previous post. But as ginjirou pointed out I had completely miss interpreted his entire post so…

Still, just for the heck of it I shall name one of the things I dislike about the 360, which of course is the famous FAN. This must have been discussed many times before, but I’ll mention some funny/tragic stories ‘bout it.
Once my friend called me while I was playing 360, and he asked what that “fucking annoying buzzing sound” was in the background, and then he asked if I was “on a boat or something!” Then another friend came over to play DOA4 with me, only to stop after a short while, saying he couldn’t stand being in the room because of the sound. I to was shocked when I first heard it, and as I had heard of many having default 360’s I thought mine was one of them. Turned out it wasn’t.

And as for unnecessary… First off it’s the Live feature, which I will never use (don’t think it’s bad, I’m just not an online player. Then the ability to play CD’s as well as DVD’s which make no use for me, because I think the fan drenches the sound to much. I find it’s backwards compatibility unnecessary, as it plays almost none of my Xbox games. And lastly I even find the Hardrive to actually be unnecessarily big, as I won’t download anything on it, thus never filling it.

Original by: Eddie_the_Hated
But as much as i like the games for both of the playstations, i don' t think it' s right for sony to push their new format on us

They aren’t pushing it on you, it’s your choice. Sure they want to win, just like the supporters of HD-DVD want to win. Which side do is up to the consumers, we cannot blame the company for which will stand on top. But that’s in the movie industry, and I’m well aware that Sony is the only one trying to integrate the next-gen disc in its machines. But it’s their company and their right to choose to do so.

Such a log post, about mostly nothing…

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 06:51
What kind of xbox games doesnt work for you?

I just tried 3 games so far,Halo2,Kotor and Ninja gaiden,and those worked perfectly,in fact Kotor has slightly less loading times,and halo2 has sharper textures.

Btw about pushing...i think he refered to that MS gives you and choice,to buy a cheaper external HD-DVD drive.

We should be lucky of that,i would not have liked to being forced to pay 200 euro extra for that :S
Yes i do get that its mot convience to have the blu-ray in the console,but we all seen the HD-DVD player for 360,its not that big,and its next to your 360,and for us lazy scumbags we can have HD-DVD movies in that,at the same time as we play 360 games :)
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 29 May 06 22:54:30 >
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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 06:52

Then the ability to play CD’s as well as DVD’s which make no use for me, because I think the fan drenches the sound to much.

For my 360 it seems the fans are very quiet while running a DVD or CD heck even when using an old xbox game. The only time I notice the fans is when Im about 4 feet from the TV and playing a 360 game. My laptop has louder fans abliet its pretty old but none the less much much louder.

People must be playing with some very low volume and with a 360 one their laps or somthing. Either that or I got one those rare systems that managed thru production with an A+.

I do have one problem with it tho. Somtimes when I try playing Call of Duty 2 it thinks I put in a DVD movie that it cant recognize. A quick restart fixes it but its still a bit annoying.


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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 06:55
I get annoyed about the sound when i start my 360 and just hear the sound,but when i play i get lost in the sound coming from the game i play.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 07:08
lol I honestly don' t even notice my fan but have heard a few complaints and apparently they' re sorting that problem out.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 07:12
Okay,annoyed is wrong word,but sometimes when im at my Dashboard doing nothing,it sound as my 360 is like working on something big,make no sense... :)

But no,i dont get angry by it,i just think its strange that these noise can come up.

And before someone write,perhaps your 360 is fucked up, xbox made even worser noise,had it since 2002 works perfeclty even today,and heck i even had the feared " thompson" dvd drive.

people all over the web said it fucked up games and glot dirty disc frequently with new games,well perhaps that was true,but never happend to my thompson dvd drive.

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 07:15


people all over the web said it fucked up games and glot dirty disc frequently with new games,well perhaps that was true,but never happend to my thompson dvd drive.

Lol same here ...and goodness knows how bad iv' e been to the xbox.
Game Junkie

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 08:28
" Also,look at the spec of doom3 and half life2 for pc.
It should be impossible to play it on an XBOX."

Yeah but lets not forget that these games are running at 480i=153 600 pixels while a modern pc can run the game at 1600x1200= 1 920 000 pixels with AA, AF, and quality cranked up.

Don' t get me wrong I' ve always argured that consoles are better for pure gaming. However I think I' m at a stage where I want to build my own unique gaming rig, there' s a certain amount of pride in that.

The thing with consoles that piss me off is that after the life of the console is over all your old games don' t seem worth keeping. I have limited space and I don' t feel like having old consoles laying around. Even now I feel like my xbox is obsolete and all the games that aren' t backwards compatable as well. Its just such a waste.

With a PC, if you upgrade not only will your old games work but you' ll be able to make the games more look and run better, nothing is lost. Going from console generations to the next feels like I' m continuously climing over walls, why bother when you can just take the door?

The fact is PC is, always was, and always will be the most powerful platform. Sure the 360 is looking pretty fucking sweet with its tri core cpu and its 48 unified shader gpu, but next year Ati will release the R600 (same architecture as Xenos only with 64 unified shader pipes) and I' m sure Intel and AMD will have quad core Cpu' s that will blow away even the FX-60. Next year even a mid-range DX10 pc will bitch slap ps3 and 360.

My new gaming philosophy is if I' m going to need a pc anyways I might as well put my entire gaming budget in one platform instead of buying three consoles and a shitty pc. And if I' m spending all my money in one place I' m glad I won' t want to get rid of my collection 5 years down the road as with console games.

Quality instead of quantity. Who knows maybe I' ll always get at least one console.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 30 May 06 0:31:49 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 08:37
I actually have Half life2 and play it at maxium 1280' 1024.

And max 640' 480 looks nowehere near as good as the doom3/hl2 version on the xbox as compared to pc,perhaps cause TV make low res look better...

Btw im getting a new pc this year.
But only for RTS,and crysis.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 30 May 06 0:39:53 >

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RE: Are You a Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft Fanboy? - May 30, 2006 12:23
People Seem to forget with Blu-Ray being standard It can be used for games.
I don' t feel like trying to get Hd movies now and...
Well if the Devs use(space fill) BluRay then that would be great. But that is alot of space.
And I expect SquareEnix to use it on FF
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