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360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 02:38
Im pretty sure this time next year PS3 will be wiping the floor with 360 in visual terms.. I' ll bet money on that. ...i have to own up and say that I' ve had that feeling for a LONG time now... ....i just try to avoid such suggestions as... ..well... ....you know... ...people here can be " passionate" about their particular brand loyalty, excetra exctra, as such and so forth, yada yada yada, budder bing budder bang budder boom ect..    ...
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 02:54
I' d be cool if the PS3 really is better than the 360. I' ll probably buy it when they lower the price and all the cool games are out (Twisted Metal PS3  ). I' m really looking forward to seeing some Killzone screens. Once we get them we can compare them with gears screenshots.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 04:05
I think why people make these comparisons (360 vs. PS3) is not because they are ignorant in any way shape or form...no. It' s more than likely because they think Sony bragged and bragged, lied and lied about their hardware being the pioneer of HD as soon as it' s released, and now people are calling them on that statement in terms of comparison shots, I don' t think we would have seen that if there wasn' t a smog of High Definition hype revolving around it. Now we have what we call ' damage control' and it' s now a case of " waiting" until next year to see what the PS3 is truly capable of, where if they had just originally stated that " developers will have difficulty on day 1 with the hardware" , then expectation wouldn' t be through the roof, but because of their willingness to distant it from the 360 as much as possible, they didn' t want to cave in and show weakness in the form of " development learning curve" . Of course it' s unfair to judge the screenshots of a newly released console, but had Sony brought their console off cloud 9 and back in the ' 7th generation' race people wouldn' t be caling them on the bullsh*t they rattle on about before. So in those terms, I think it' s fair to make the comparison of screenshots based on broken promises and disappointing hardware, but unfair to judge it on overall performance output which in turn PS3 will end up pulling ahead of 360.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 04:36
The biggest reason I see for screenshot comparison is that as a consumer you want to make the best investment possible. A powerful console is to many people a good investment. And by comparing screenshots people hope to find out which one is the most powerful since you can' t really trust what the companies say about their products. I think that' s why Nintendo has put lots of pictures with people using the Wii-mote along with their in-game screenshots because looking at only the Wii screenshots is quite a turn off.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 05:25
ORIGINAL: choupolo HDR also adds a lot of contrast, lighting makes a huge difference in the way games look. Ah yea I guess you' re right there. 360 VGA cable does not produce washed out colors... If anything it is just darker than you are used to. Nah its pretty bright, but the colours are definitely not as vibrant as they are through component on my setup at least, and it kinda reminded me of that when I looked at the comparisons above. Well the monitor/TV you used for it just had crappy VGA support. I' ve used my 360 on 3 differerent monitors and a 1080P DLP TV.
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 05:52
Yea probably. I' m looking for a good 720p TV at the moment actually, they' re getting cheaper all the time these days. Or I might wait for SED etc heh.
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 06:11
true ginj, people want the best game for there money so screen comparisons are worthwhile to a point. But everyone seems to forget this is not ps2/xbox, the differences are much, and again a new hard to program system vs an old easy to program one, lets give it a year or so... but ultimately there wont be much difference. These thread of oh the 360 version looks better, or the ps3 runs in 60fps are a lot of crap. nonsense threads. I guarentee i didn' t enjoy superman returns/tomb raider legend etc less on ps2 than on 360 because of prettier visuals... or sit around complaining about how much worse the ps2 version looks. A year or so everything here will be nice, people talking about games and not the my specs are better than yours, my textures are sharper than yours.. i hope.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 08:38
Those games almost look Identical, If I cared about bush' s not being blurred right or some textures lacking,l I wouldn' t be playing console games
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 10:49
Well I care. It adds to the experience, at least for me. I don' t think PS3 games will ever look as good as Xbox 360 games in a screen shot comparison. 4x AA, HDR and more texture memory are going to lead to much nicer screen shots. The only places I really see PS3 games possibly being better is physics and animations. The CPU may be better than 360' s but it has yet to prove itself to me. We can have a comparison like this again in 1, 2, or even 3 years and 360 games will still look better in screen shots.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 20:41
Textures dont mean shit if a game runs like any other xbox / PS2 game.. I mean, PS3 still can blast out great textures.. people are talking as if they will look rubbish next to 360 ones. The first thing i notice when i switch on the game is: How it runs. The CPU may be better than 360' s but it has yet to prove itself to me. We can have a comparison like this again in 1, 2, or even 3 years and 360 games will still look better in screen shots This is probably true, but dont you feel in the slightest cheated? I brought a 360 more or less after seeing screeenshots of games in forums ETC and i genuinely thought that this machine will own my PC. NOPE!!! I still to this day have not wittnessed a game that runs as good as i expected.. (dead rising is an exception).. I know about 4 people who sold their 360s due to being let down by game that runs not much better than your average ps2/xbox game. (Also in gameplay terms .. When i brought a 360 i was promised to experience " the next level of Immersive Gaming" Miss-leading.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 20:45
If the games run like shit it' s due to the developers not the machine, ps3 has the same problem.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 20:55
IF i see a game that runs as super smooth as most of my PC games or has the motions and particle FX as Motorstorm.. I would be very, very suprized. Im actually in doubt of its real capabilities, So far all i see it good for is a screenshot maker. After over a year of 360 games who can blame me. Dead Rising is a way forward tho, im really impresed by that engine (apart from is basic physics ETC)..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 25 Dec 06 12:56:50 >
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- Joined: Jan 02, 2006
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 22:07
Just wait for 2007... then we' ll see.
< Message edited by papado -- 25 Dec 06 14:07:45 >
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 25, 2006 23:14
everyone looks for something different, and im sure threads like these wont change peoples minds
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 26, 2006 00:50
Hmmm, Havok and PhysX have been shown to run perfectly on 360 hardware so if a game has lame physics (like most 360 games) then it' s due to the developer. Expect games like The Darkness and Cellfactor to really push things, not games like Gears of War where the most impressive the physics get is when you blow enemies up and their body parts go flying... The CPU means shit in terms of graphics. CELL won' t make an ounce of difference, ...Sony tried it and failed miserably and ended up running to NVIDIA. RSX is ok but the 7900 in m laptop is technically more " powerful" but obviously RSX has been created purely for gaming so it' s not a fair comparison. Can PS3 produce nice textures? Yeah. Can it produce textures as nice as 360? Hell no. It' s simply because PS3 has retarded RAM allocation and doesn' t have the 10MB eDRAM that 360 does. 360 also has a separate scaler chip which handles the resolution output so there' s no extra strain on the rest of the hardware. It' s just a shame 360' s 1080p is faked... PS3 games look nice but those hoping for vast improvements are going to be seriously disappointed. RSX is OLD as it is, it' s only getting older and it' s only capable of so much. Killzone will obviously look better than Halo 3 though because Halo 3 looks like shit. It' ll be interesting to see how VF5 fares on the 2 consoles, especially seeing as it' ll be a port from PS3 to 360... But meh, this discussion is lame. Wake me up when PS3 gets a game that looks better than Mass Effect, Lost Planet or Gears of War. Until then PS3 will be lagging behind in terms of visuals. Like loco already said and like i' ve said myself a thousand times over: 360 hardware > PS3 hardware, and a fruitcake who' s obsessed with physics and 60fps and a homosexual teenager can' t change that fact
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RE: 360 vs. PS3 (screenshot comparison)
Dec 26, 2006 07:46
I' m still going back to my theory that 360 vs PS3 is going to go on a curve. Comparitavely developing for the 360 is supposed to be much easier, duh. So therefore developers have time to add visual polish to their titles. Once developers have a solid grasp on the PS3 hardware, It' s gonna do amazing things. Untill that time however, we' re stuck with Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire.
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